Live $2/3 No limit - Value vs Protection again Solid Reg
I have AA UTG 9 handed. $350 effective.
Table is super loose. One solid reg on the BTN. If I raise small likely to face 4 or more callers.
I raise $25.00 (standard is $15 or $20 against $6 limps)
folds to BTN who thinks a while and then calls.
9c Qh 9d
I bet $25.00
BTN calls
Turn 3c
I check
BTN bets $30 , I call.
I check.
BTN asks who many chips Ive got and then bets $70.00
I call.
Do I win? Did I miss value here?
9 Replies
turn bet or check is fine, depends on the player. vs a passive guy you should just bet because he wont bluff JT for you.
as played raise the turn small and bet 1/3-1/2 pot on the river, because he only minbet the turn. dont treat turn minbets the same way you treat turn big bets.
I limp in.
SPR is ~6 and we're OOP to a solid reg on a fairly non-drawy board. So I definitely don't want to play for stacks (which he can actually easily make us do). With that in mind I probably lean to a flop check or a very small bet.
Fine with our turn play for the same reasons.
River is a fairly poor card as the OESD (the only flop draw) got there. But the backdoor flush busted and a solid reg will be going for value with Qx (although is very unlikely to call a check/raise). So I'm cool with check/calling. We perhaps feel a little stoopid when we're shown AQ (which we probably could have eeked some more value out of, dependent on what our image is), but all told against every part of his range we did ok, imo.
I would bet 50 ott, so to answer your question yes we lost value (assuming we won). Otherwise we let the villain determine how much he wants bet and control the pot.
As played call the river, it's less than half pot
I think it's basically OK, although a flop check could also work. At the end of the day if he has Qx you got three streets. If he ran a bluff you won as much as you could have. If he had a strong hand you never faced a raise or a big bet and lost as little as you could have. OOP on a dangerous board it looks alright overall. I'm a little confused by whether it was straddled or not, but it doesn't make a huge amount of difference.
NOM suggestion of raising the turn is somewhat interesting... probably wouldn't have done it myself but not without merit
I think NOM might be saying to raise the turn because he bet only 30 into 100, but it does fold out a lot of hands we're dominating that might of called future streets and he mostly continues (or raises) with hands that beat us like 9x (I don't think Qx calls a raise ott).
It's not the end of the world to raise small and get 4 callers when we have AA UTG. Yes, we'll be playing multi-way and OOP, but the pot will be bigger, and we'll have the only uncapped range.
If the solid reg on the BTN decides to 3B-squeeze pre, all the better.
I pretty much range-check flop OOP as the PFR. Don't see much reason to c-bet this particular flop, when we won't have much 9x in our range opening UTG. I'd check to let V stab, and then call or check-raise depending on what size he takes.
If we're going to c-bet the flop, I'd bet way more than half pot. I might actually over-bet the pot.
As played on flop, turn is an obvious bet, probably an over-bet, not a check. When we check, and V bets $30, I'm calling BS, and check-raising huge, like $200.
As played to the river, we're now losing to 9x and JT, so I guess check to bluff-catch. Not much else we can do, the way we played flop and turn.
I think NOM might be saying to raise the turn because he bet only 30 into 100, but it does fold out a lot of hands we're dominating that might of called future streets and he mostly continues (or raises) with hands that beat us like 9x (I don't think Qx calls a raise ott).
if you minraise the turn almost no one is folding Qx and its an easy fold to a reraise of any size.
i think a good maxim in LLSNL is that everyone is greedy, i.e. bets big with good hands and small with not-so-good hands, with few exceptions.
He ended up showing AcKc for a flush draw he picked up on the turn. I am glad my play is not egregiously bad given comments above.
I have seen this player bet players off weak ranges on turn and river regularly. In retrospect a raise on the turn would have worked well with his specific holding, however, I still think the board is a way ahead/way behind type for my hand and I do not want to be getting it all in.
I thought he must have a decent hand given he thought long about calling my huge UTG raise pre flop.
My huge raise tipped off the good player to the strength of my hand, otherwise we may well have got it all in pre flop. My adjustment is not to make such huge raises in early position. I will rather make 5x ranges with my whole raising range so as to not tip off the good players.
I think you left money on the table.