Standard or something to think about: Live 1/2
Hero: 400, MAWG, at table for 1 hr winning, active, slightly up
V1: 250, mid 50s WG, away from table when I sat has been back 30 min, folding most hands, maybe a limp fold or two.
V2: 600, 30s Hispanic guy, on my immediate right, chatting with him since I sat. Seems solid, active. Has won some small pots, I've seen him bet fold flops.
The Hand: Hero has KQ off, no spades. I'm in late position. V1 limps, one other limper, V2 makes it $15, I call, V1 calls. 3 of us to the flop
Flop: Ks10s7h ($43)
V1 checks, V2 makes it $15. Hero?
Will post more after flop comments. Thx
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18 Replies
What position is V2 in? I would 3bet pre unless you think his betsize is indicative of a strong range and I would fold. I don't like flatting pre but that's just me.
As played just call.
Agree with Playbig2000, but I don't mind the call so much and would probably call before I folded.
I would fold pre, but I like 3 betting more than calling. KQo is pretty trash as a cold call facing limpers who are likely coming along and a large iso. I would lean towards 3betting most of our continue range facing the large open, especially if there is rake. ATs+, KTs+, AQo+ , TT + are prime candidates for 3betting. I don't hate flatting like 77-99 even if our range is very narrow and exploitable.
As played on the flop I would call. Maybe there is a small argument for raising for value / protection because the board is very wet and you know v2 has bet folds on the flop. But in general I'm not looking to raise multiway when the preflop raiser is going to have all of the AK, AA.
I think regardless of V2 position I like 3bet and either see him fold or try to get heads up to the flop. If he calls the 3bet you are likely ahead of his range on this flop and if he 4bets he has you crushed so it's a snap fold.
Agree with pf 3 bet. As played call. If it were HU id consider raising.
I 3bet pre or fold.
AP I call and see what happens. If we go HU this is a great hand to be calling down IP. If V1 raises I'm folding, if V1 calls I'm proceeding with caution.
I don't hate the call next to act with KQo, but I'd prefer to 3B. The limpers didn't limp in to fold to a single raise, and I'd rather get this HU and IP than flat call and play post flop with bad relative position.
Flop is just a square call. We're playing against two uncapped ranges.
Is this 1/3 or 2/5? How often have you seen V2 raise in the last hour? Can't give you any decent advice without that information.
i am now even more strongly in the 3 bet preflop camp, and in the as played call flop camp.
3bet or folding prelop is best, as most say. Hard to find an argument for just calling (maybe if you're on the BN). As played, I find V2's small bet size interesting. Given your description, V2 appears to be a studied type, so betting small on a wet-dynamic board is a little unusual. It's unlikely he has AA or AK for instance. That you don't have the Q of spades is definitely relevant, as you unblock AsQs and QsJs, which are the major combo draws as well as 8s9s. Obviously not folding flop, but if it weren't for V1 I might even contemplate a small raise, although then probably decide against it, as we'd hate for him 3bet us.
I'm also fold > 3bet > call but I don't think it's a huge deal and I certainly wouldn't be folding 100% of the time particularly if V2 is so active.
Just call flop. You have a modest hand multiway and not much equity if behind. Raising drives out V1 most of the time (not necessarily a bad thing) but just means that V2 continues with better made hands and high equity draws.
The hand continues...
I elected to raise thinking that I wanted to get V1 to fold out and that V2's bet was small making me think he likely had a draw or nothing. I felt like AK would bet bigger. I make it 45 to go and to my surprise V1 calls and then V2 calls.
Turn is a red Q giving us Top, Top. V1 donks all in for $188. V2 folds. It's about a pot size bet. Hero goes into the tank...
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Top top is top pair, top kicker. If you have KQ and the board is KT7Q, you have top 2 pair, not top top.
The Q on the turn brings in AJ, and J9, which was a double-gutter on the flop.
Hard to fold top 2, but also hard to figure out what V's worse hands for value or bluffs would be. Maybe just J8 or 98, or if it was the Qh, maybe a flush draw. I could see making this play with Jh8h or 9h8h.
Potentially, you're chopping with KQ, because V might think you raised flop with a worse 2P, like KT or T7.
No offense, but I hate the way you've played this hand. It feels like we have to call when we improve to top 2P. But I'm not loving it.
The hand continues...
I elected to raise thinking that I wanted to get V1 to fold out and that V2's bet was small making me think he likely had a draw or nothing. I felt like AK would bet bigger. I make it 45 to go and to my surprise V1 calls and then V2 calls.
Turn is a red Q giving us Top, Top. V1 donks all in for $188. V2 folds. It's about a pot size bet. Hero goes into the tank...
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This is a pretty easy call with all the possible semibluffs and worse 2 pairs out there, but if you hadnt hit 2pair youdve put yourself in a terrible spot with the raise and the player behind calling the bet and raise, which is exactly why you shouldnt have raised.
Weird flop action. I do like the raise, but knowing V2 was opening so much definitely makes a 3bet pre the best play.
I feel as if we are going to chop or lose, but I don't think I'd be able to fold with top two here. However, it's probably the best play vs. this guy who seems to be pretty tight if he's just been folding for 30 minutes. At best for us he has KT or QT, but very doubtful.
After a min of chatter I called. River was another non spade Q giving me a boat. V showed A2 spades for a missed FD.
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