Road to Coachella - Online PLO bankroll challenge
Ahh. I just pressed the backspace button on my keyboard and it deleted my whole post. Anyhow:
Dear forum members,
Coachella released their lineup today, and my goal is to spin up my bankroll from $50 high enough to cover related expenses. Will need to multiply it by quite a lot, let's see how it goes:
General admission ticket: $550
Flights: $700
Rental car: $300 (optimistic)
Car camping ticket: $150
Food & recreation: $400
Total: ~$2000
I'm a student so I don't have the means to significantly expand my roll. Recently depo'd $10 onto GGpoker and ran it up to $250 but now back down to $50 (see image), playing PLO10 rush and cash. Thinking of switching to regular tables.
Stats: VPIP 25 | PFR: 19 | PFR/VPIP: 0.75 | 3bet: 9.3% (a bit high?) | Cbet flop 46 | Flop aggfactor 2.4 | Flop aggfreq 50 | Fold to cbet flop 44 | Fold to flop bet % 53 | Cbet turn 54 | Fold to turn cbet 65 | River aggfactor 5.2 | fold to river bet 68 | WSD 51.3 | WTSD 29.8 | WWSF 45 | WSD after river call 53
Bolded stats are what I'm thinking are possibly problematic, according to pokertracker, let me know, sample size quite small around 10k hands
Thinking of playing somewhere else than GG too due to the tough rake, taking suggestions. Happy playing!
8 Replies
Good luck, seems like a hella fun goal for a student xD
Small tip, get what you have out of GG and deposit on some other euro site/s where you actually don't get raked to death. You're not going to have volume or traffic issues on micros-low stakes, you have a much better chance of realising this goal.
Also, if you're serious about trying to realise this goal, avoid putting yourself in situations where you can lose 80% of your roll like you did. Your BR is limited as it is, if you have edge, just slow grind it up.
im a fond raver and tbh i recommend you to get whatever side job you can and have time with so you actually have a roll to grind with.
doing that you can for sure grind out 2 grand to next year.
keep grinding and keep your head high whether you busto or robusta!
Good luck, seems like a hella fun goal for a student xD
Small tip, get what you have out of GG and deposit on some other euro site/s where you actually don't get raked to death. You're not going to have volume or traffic issues on micros-low stakes, you have a much better chance of realising this goal.
Also, if you're serious about trying to realise this goal, avoid putting yourself in situations where you can lose 80% of your roll like you did. Your BR is limited as it is, if you have edge, jus
You're not wrong, and I ended up busting my roll on unibet. Unfortunately was almost forced to play PLO10 due to the low amount of PLO4 tables active. A good learning lesson for sure! But check out the update for my GG results.
Update 29 November
I busted my roll on Unibet unfortunately. I ran into some coolers in PLO10 and then punted the rest away at tournaments due to no action on PLO4. RIP to the €30 deposit. Lesson learned!
I ran it up on GG playing PLO5:

Running really nicely, 31bb/100 over 6600 hands if the math checks out. And this is below all-in EV, although I'm not too fond of that statistic. Will graduate to PLO10 soon and then hopefully keep it going. Rake is eating away at the profits but so far so good, no luck on the flipout tournament yet.
Messing about in PLO2 after successful shots at PLO10. I think this is the funniest hand I've ever played and will ever play.

Also, graph update

Challenge is going well.
I'm up to $1000 on GG. I almost can't believe it, having deposited $15 exactly a month ago in November. I'm still mad about torching the roll on Unibet. I started taking shots at 0.10/0.25 and that has been going well. Also 5 card PLO is nice, and has contributed around $400 to the winnings. Messed around in the lowest stakes, won a stupid amount of buy-ins and started taking shots at 0.10/0.25 and this has been good so far.

I also logged in to stars for the first time in forever, laughed at my miserable $1.57 laying around and messed around a bit and managed to gamble it to $50.
Ran hot in Omaholic bounty $5.40, almost took the W which would have been ~$250 more. Actually the final hand is quite interesting and I'm wondering if my play was a total punt:
Final hand

Hero is on the button with ~32bb
SB has ~13bb
BB has
As you can see in the image, I open with AhAc6c2s. Both villains call, flop comes Qc5h6h. SB checks, BB bets half pot, I call, SB rips the last of his small stack for 10bb. At this point, I'm thinking that SB has a very strong hand given their passive style so far.
Interestingly, BB only calls and doesn't jam, despite the bounty in play. So BB either wants to have me in the pot or has a marginal hand. I gamble and think it's the latter option, which I'm still not sure is correct. My thinking here is that I know that I'm 100% not winning the bounty. However, BB already committed so much into the pot, and my hand is likely better, so that he will call with a mediocre hand. He has a flush draw and a low pair, which is certainly quite decent and looking at the odds it seems that it's around 57% equity in his favor. Thus, my call was slightly off, as I would not have ripped if I thought I'd have less than 50% equity.
Still, probably the most interesting hand I've ever played as it felt like it was the culmination of a long tournament and getting reads on my opponents.
Had another pretty good run today but GG's tournaments froze and I assume will be refunded.
Also, I will be in Berlin next week and am thinking if there are any nice live PLO games around. I might move there for a real job in January.