Manifestation (David Bayer, David Ghiyam, Lewis Howes etc.)

Manifestation (David Bayer, David Ghiyam, Lewis Howes etc.)

Yo ... i know i probably open up a can of worms with this one, but in light of staying positive, give back to the world, implementing those teachings etc. ... lets ****ing go :-)

Anybody into that stuff, have an opinion, experience? Pls share.

I'll start: watched a lot of videos, podcasts etc., and have to say, that i'm totally on the brink of on one side being amazed (positively) about the things i'm learning, and on the other side can't really believe it, see it as crazy stuff/almost voodoo (to put it very negative). Following those teachings that would actually mean that my vessel and level of energy is not yet high enough to understand and/or embrace it all, which logically makes sense, but still, it is so far away from conventional wisdom and every day life experiences, that it's also hard to follow or implement.
In the moment i'm hooked to the David Bayer things (limiting beliefs etc.), desire+non-resistance=desired result. i went so far as to describe every day situations to chat-gpt, and ask it to analyze what i do there with those teachings in mind, and the results are absolutely fascinating i have to admit.
simple example: you drive on the road, and someone cuts you off, normal reaction is probably swearing and some bad words (what an idiot etc.), but you can totally transform it into a positive experience actually ... and when that is possible even with small things like that, imagine how much you can change your life in more important areas ...

So, thoughts, input, similar experiences, or whatever?
thx for sharing.

25 November 2024 at 10:21 AM

13 Replies

jaguars fan WTF.gif

so, it looks like this is a really hot topic for you guys :-)
never mind (but you are missing out, just saying)

It sounds like you're just changing how you react to things rather than manifesting anything?

by Cable Card k

It sounds like you're just changing how you react to things rather than manifesting anything?

no, this is just a very small part of it, although this alone is way more powerful than you probably think

classic manifestation (look at pictures, say phrases, repeat them, etc.), doesn't really work, bc the most important part is missing - removing the limiting beliefs first (which is what for example David Bayer is teaching very eloquently)

by Pokerbros_Player k

no, this is just a very small part of it, although this alone is way more powerful than you probably think

classic manifestation (look at pictures, say phrases, repeat them, etc.), doesn't really work, bc the most important part is missing - removing the limiting beliefs first (which is what for example David Bayer is teaching very eloquently)

That's fair. I haven't read these authors so I don't know what they suggest but generally I think the best way to get rid of limiting beliefs is practical action where the doubts fall away (e.g. riding a bike when you thought you couldn't, or climbing a mountain when it looked too high).

by Cable Card k

That's fair. I haven't read these authors so I don't know what they suggest but generally I think the best way to get rid of limiting beliefs is practical action where the doubts fall away (e.g. riding a bike when you thought you couldn't, or climbing a mountain when it looked too high).

the problem with this approach is, that the most powerful limiting beliefs are often sub-conscious, so you are not aware of them, ergo your practical approach is not possible.

the trick is to make them come out in the open, then you can get rid of them ... this is what these teachings are about

if you are interested in this stuff, check out david bayer on youtube, he has some great videos out there explaining the process step by step.

one thing manifesting lately is MASTER BATES drilling fg after fg

by Tuma k

one thing manifesting lately is MASTER BATES drilling fg after fg

He's got a helluva leg.

by Tuma k

one thing manifesting lately is MASTER BATES drilling fg after fg

i get the feeling i'm probably in a better place to not know what this means, right? :-))

Detroit Lions kicker.

by All-inMcLovin k

Detroit Lions kicker.

oh ;-))) ... actually something innocent

by Pokerbros_Player k

the problem with this approach is, that the most powerful limiting beliefs are often sub-conscious, so you are not aware of them, ergo your practical approach is not possible.

the trick is to make them come out in the open, then you can get rid of them ... this is what these teachings are about

if you are interested in this stuff, check out david bayer on youtube, he has some great videos out there explaining the process step by step.

Any particular video? I watched a 9 minute video and he's wittering on about making more money (not against that, but it's not the greatest explanation of manifestation).

by Cable Card k

Any particular video? I watched a 9 minute video and he's wittering on about making more money (not against that, but it's not the greatest explanation of manifestation).

watch this one for example, best 34 minute you ever invested in your life, promise.
once you understand powerful and primal state of being, and how to shift out of primal and into powerful, and what it means for your life, you'll never look back
