[Chico Network] BetOnline, Tiger, etc.: Unofficial Discussion Thread
This is the new (as of August 2016) discussion thread for the Chico Network. Decided to put this together since we had a lot of duplicate discussion with different threads.
I've "cheated" this a bit by copying one of my old posts and modifying it as the OP, and I'm going to move all the posts from this year in the BOL & Chico threads over to here.
Edit/MH: As there are no Sponsored Forums now, the BOL forum has been closed and locked, basically to be fair to the other sites. However, you can still read some old posts there, at https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/284/b...
Please use this thread for future discussions.
Thank you.
All of the double or nothing SNGs seem to have vanished- anybody know if that is for good? Is there another site for US players that offer them?
Since they changed the structure of Double or nothing tournaments last year, the traffic has gone down significantly. Idont know, but I think they will be cancelled permanently.
They got rid of their $5.50R $2K and $5.50R $3K.. site has already gone way downhill and it feels like im playing against a bunch of cheating/colluding bot accounts in their $5.50 $1Ks.
Didnt I win the badbeadjackpot?
Support says the hand doesnt exist(I think it might not be in their system yet somehow, im obviously not making this up, bbj is very low anyway)
Every time I've been part of the BBJ it announces and pays out immediately. I looked at the BBJ rules and it says that the qualifying hand must be a pocket pair if it's quads, but doesn't say anything about the winning hand being a pocket pair. But if they haven't paid out, I'm guessing that this is a requirement as well.
I guess yeah thanks that makes sense, I dont think it triggered but cant be to sure because I mostly play 8 tables and maybe didnt notice. It might be that with a pair but I mean you dont need it for straight flushes but maybe indeed for quads.
Support kinda clueless(but they found the hand now) stated first I need to have exactly four of a kind sixes now retracted this and are quadruplechecking.
edit: now back to it being four of a kind sixes exactly, they are not telling the truth here are they?

Rule 7, both hole cards must play

Then click on terms and conditions
yeah the thing is in omaha you have to use exactly(!) 2 cards to make the winning hand anyway so his final hand is aaaaj, I think you are saying he needs to have aa to make aaaaj I assume? But technically he used 2 cards to make the winning hand as the game rules of omaha state you have to use exactly 2 cards at showdown.
Can anyone who was retagged share their experiences with the people who will dm you here? You can dm me if you don't feel comfy posting.
Lol, it's Omaha. Both hole cards always play.
I was referring to section 7 of the terms in the above post. The hand the AA was holding would have been AAAAQ not J therefore cannot use both cards. Maybe I am wrong and if so please explain why as I am happy to be educated on this format more.
The reason why I commented on this was when I played omaha for the first time I fell into the trap of thinking I won the hand when I actually didn't. Even made an idiot of myself contacting support to ask wtf happened lol.
You have to play exactly 2 hole cards and 3 board cards in Omaha. So the player with AJ96 on a AAAQQ board has (AJ)(AAA) as his best five card hand, not AAAAQ like you would in holdem.
I'm guessing the issue is that the rules state only that the losing player must have a pocket pair when losing with 4 of a kind, but the software is programmed so that both players must have a pocket pair when making 4 of a kind. This is especially likely when you see how terrible the grammar of the rules is elsewhere. Rule 6, as literally read, says that only 4 sixes qualify in Omaha, not 4 sixes or better, which is the obvious intent. It also refers to the "players" losing, when it should say "player."
The wording of rule 7 creates ambiguity.
7. Both hole cards must be included in the bad beat hand, as well as in the winning hand. Losing player must have a pocket pair when showing four of a kind to qualify.
The first sentence unfortunately chooses “hole cards” instead of “pocket pairs” and AJ(AAA) uses two hole cards.
That second sentence makes it sound like only the losing quads need to be from a pocket pair, not the winning quads, also.
You can tell what they’re trying to say but it’s poorly written and in a court of law you might have a case based on a literal reading. Lol
Holdem and Omaha leaderboards gone for December?
yeah the thing is in omaha you have to use exactly(!) 2 cards to make the winning hand anyway so his final hand is aaaaj, I think you are saying he needs to have aa to make aaaaj I assume? But technically he used 2 cards to make the winning hand as the game rules of omaha state you have to use exactly 2 cards at showdown.
I read that to mean villain needs to also have a pocket pair for the hand to qualify, but it's pretty poorly written tbf.
Yeah, looks like it. If so, that sucks. They just changed the leaderboards to make it $4000 over the top 75 players--not sure why they'd make a change and then get rid of them entirely. The leaderboards were good for 30-40% rakeback if you grinded enough, which combined with the weekly rakeback made for a really good deal, especially considering that BetOnline has higher rake to begin with. Hopefully it's just for the Christmas promotion and they'll be back in January.
So far it looks like the leaderboards are gone, I hope they make a return soon, it was one feature that made this poker room competitive, but this network has featured leaderboards for years in some form or another so I believe they'll be back soon
did they just reduce it again to 1500 but all stakes up 200 or is this a displayer error lol
also no response regarding my bbj yet
And the leaderboards are jacked up paying spots 70-95 and nothing to 1-69. Who knows what is going on with the leaderboards. The $4,000 daily is a great promo and I'm sure it pays for itself many times over. Hopefully they just stick with that.
Can anyone who was retagged share their experiences with the people who will dm you here? You can dm me if you don't feel comfy posting.
I've been an affiliate for years. I'm also in communication with the biggest affiliate on Chico.
We have never heard of chico granting retags in years.
Your only option is to sign up under affiliate on a different skin if eligible.
I'd be very hesitant to believe anyone claiming they can retag existing accounts.