*** December 2024 High Stakes Thread ***

*** December 2024 High Stakes Thread ***

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome on board flight 12-2024. Thank you for choosing highstakes airlines. We are ready for take-off. Please, fasten your seatbelts and enjoy your flight!

Previous High Stakes thread: *** November 2024 High Stakes Thread ***

: : :

We generally post ~200bb+ pots, but if there's an interesting hand/showdown, or if there's not much action feel free to post smaller ones.

Posting hands

How to post CoinPoker hands:

Click on hand #number in replayer.

Copy text and remove ante part of first row in hh:

[code]Poker Hand #72306164: Omaha Pot Limit (200/400 ante 80) 2023/04/12 15:51:58 GMT[/code]

Add - after parenthesis. Line should read:

[code]Poker Hand #72306164: Omaha Pot Limit (200/400) - 2023/04/12 15:51:58 GMT[/code]

This works until someone has a 7 figure stack, then you need to edit any number over one mega.

paste hh https://pokeit.co/convert/

The converted hand will say it's from GG, you may edit this too.

For the OCD inclined, search and replace § with $.

Post your nice hand here!


Please use the following options for converting hands:

Converter from Pokeit https://pokeit.co/convert/ with wide variety of supported games, multiple hand conversion, etc.

Another converter: http://www.railhand.com

Just paste your hand history, convert, copy generated code and paste in this thread.

If you want to post 2-7 TD hands: http://www.feralcowpoker.com.

Set it to "Two Plus Two - textonly" output, and show results and player names.

Known High Stakes players

No Limit Hold'em

  • Alan Zheng = az96 (WPN), Alan Zheng (GG)

  • Alex Trevallion = HornyOldMan (WPN), Alex Trevallion (GG)

  • Alexey Borovkov = Alexey Borovkov (GG), Zas911 (WPN), avr0ra (PS), Youtube Channel Guest Host

  • Andrey Zgirouski = Andrey Zgirouski (GG), diogen13 (PS)

  • Anvar Muratov = ch0p-ch0p (WPN), Anvar Muratov (GG)

  • Armin = AbsoluteTopUp (Global), RealMenRathole (WPN), @Twitter

  • Artem Shaganov = oSpiel888 (PS), jrSuited18 (WPN)

  • Barak Wisbrod = Barak Wisbrod (GG), iWasOnly17 (WPN), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Ben Raven = BenaBadBeat (PS), Benjamin Raven (GG), BenaBadBeat (WPN) Mechnaics of Poker Podcast

  • Boris Martin = Boris Martin (GG), MrBaguette (WPN)

  • Cole Swannack = alanwatts15 (WPN), Cole Swannack (GG), Topkat5757 (PS)

  • Daniel Soltys = Meek Bill (WPN), Daniel Soltys (GG)

  • Darrell Goh = Darrell Goh (GG), JohnMcShen (WPN), FourSixFour (PS)

  • David Hanlon = David Hanlon (GG), uhhhyesandno (WPN)

  • David Yan = David Yan (GG), MissOracle (PS) @Twitter

  • Dmitry Grinenko = FlyingStyle (WPN), Dmitry Grinenko (GG)

  • EnfantProdige (PS) = BeppeBergomi (WPN)

  • George Froggatt = George Froggatt (GG), Real Enough (WPN), You-Mad-Br0 (PS), Mechanics of Poker Podcast @Twitter

  • Hector Rodriguez = TUTI88 (PS)

  • Henri Puustinen = Henri Puustinen (GG), buttonclickr (PS)

  • Ignacio Moron = TIKITAKA11 (WPN), Nacho124441 (PS), Ignacio Moron (GG)

  • Ivan Galinec = vesnapisarovic (WPN), ja.sam.gale (PS), Ivan Galinec (GG)

  • Jared Alderman = Jaldermann (WPN), @Twitter

  • Jeremiah Williams = JeremiahW (Global), freestyler (WSOP.com), @Twitch.tv

  • Jose Jiminez = Jose Jiminez (GG), JMBigJoe (PS), Poker Life Podcast

  • Josef Schusteritsch = Sunni_92 (PS), J Schusteritsch (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Juan Pardo = Juan Pardo (GG) = Malakastyle (PS)

  • Julian Schultheis = JVL_Starrr69 (PS), J Schultheis (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Kayhan Mokri = Kayhan Mokri (GG), kayhanmok (PS)

  • Linus Loeliger = borntotilt (WPN), LLinusLLove (PS), Linus Loeliger (GG) Trion Poker Interview

  • Luuk Gieles = 6-7BTC (WPN), Luuk Gieles (GG), pokerkluka (PS)

  • Manuel Saavedra = Manuel Saavedra (GG), J0hnMcclean (WPN)

  • Marius Gierse = Orgi69 (WPN), Marius Gierse (GG), DEX888

  • Markus Leikkonen = M Leikkonen (GG), Makeboifin (PS), Mexican222 (WPN) Joey Podcast @Twitter

  • Matt Marinelli = ILuvAvrilLavigne91 (WPN), Matt Marinelli (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast @Twitter

  • Michael Zhang = Michael Zhang (GG), mczhang (PS)

  • Misha Inner = Misha Inner (GG) @Twitch.tv

  • Naoufel Smires = Bonk30 (PS), Naoufel Smires (GG) Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Owen Messere = PR0DIGY (WPN), Owen Messere (GG), HU vs Doug Polk @ The Lodge

  • Patrick Sekinger = psek1 (PS), P Sekinger (GG)

  • Pauli Ayras = Pauli Ayras (GG), Fiilismies (PS)

  • Priit Parmasto = Priit Parmasto (GG), PathfinderPaco (WPN)

  • Roberto Perez = CWestmoreland (WPN), DavyJones922 (PS), LemonHouse (GG), Mento Poker Podcast

  • Roman Herold = Roman Herold (GG), Romanhld (PS)

  • Samu Aalto = Samu Aalto (GG), pla5te (PS)

  • Sergey Nikiforov = Burundos254 (WPN), MunEZ_StaRR (PS), Sergey Nikiforov (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Siarhei Mashko = Siarhei Mashko (GG), AGL_by (PS)

  • Stefan Burakov = Stefan11222 (PS), Ollin22333 (WPN), Stefan Burakov (GG), Stefan Blog

  • Steffen Sontheimer = go0se.core (PS), S Sontheimer (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Taisto Janter = Taisto Janter (GG), SigadiSogadi (WPN), SyrW_Helmets (PS)

  • Tobias Duthweiler = dudd1 (PS), moneybyebye (WPN), T Duthweiler (GG) Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Uri Peleg = Miscusee (PS), Uri Peleg (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Via Negativa (GG) = oneplusone (WPN)

  • Vicente Delgado = eldelbar (WPN), vicenfish (PS) Vicente Delgado (GG)

  • Viktor Kudinov = Viktor Kudinov (GG), 7SkyAroundMe (WPN), Zas91 (PS) Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Wiktor Malinowski = Iimitless (PS), W Malinowski (GG), Epic Joey Podcast Interview

  • Wouter Beumers = DoublelegTD (WPN), W Beumers (GG), MMAsherdog (PS)

Pot Limit Omaha

  • Aku Joentausta = Aku Joentausta (GG), Aku1206 (PS)

  • Andras Nemeth = Andras Nemeth (GG), probirs (PS)

  • Andreas Torbergsen = Andreas Torbergsen (GG), Skjervoy (PS)


  • Dirk Gerritse = Dirk Gerritse (GG) = Venividi1993 (PS) = Bodamos007 (WPN)

  • Eelis Pärssinen = Eelis Pärssinen (GG), EEE27 (PS)

  • Grazvydas Kontautas = Grazvydas (ACR), grazvis1 (PS)

  • Gruffudd Jones = d.apollo777 (PS) Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Hung Nguyen = Hung Nguyen (GG), Zero1100101 (PS)

  • James Park = James Park (GG), JayP-AA (PS)

  • Konstantin Osipau = Konstantin Osipau (GG), Katya18 (PS)

  • Laszlo Bujtas = Laszlo Bujtas (GG), omaha4rollz (PS)

  • Liviu Ignat = Liviu Ignat (GG), 0Human0 (PS)

  • Luuk van den Belt = Luuk van den Belt (GG), Cobus83 (PS)

  • Maxime Lemay = Maxime Lemay (GG), Amsogood (PS)

  • Pedro Zagalo = Pedro Zagalo (GG), Zagalo87 (PS)

  • Stanislau Melhui = Stanislau Melhui (GG), borntotilt (PS)

  • Vasilev Sergei = Vasilev Sergei (GG), St1ckman (PS)

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) 33 Views 33
30 November 2024 at 11:45 PM

300 Replies


My assumption is that interview was so awkward because Kaki thinks hes a bit off his rocker and shouldn't be playing but has to try and hype it up at the same time

He just got stacked a second ago jj<99 on 922xx

stefan: *discusses top players in the challenge, says they are all really tough but says he thinks he has an edge and can beat them

i think i can beat them

*not a single mention of karma*


i can tell you believe in karma

*goes on rant about karma not existing as far as he is concerned

*proceeds to say one of the dumbest things possible, which also underscores he has no idea what karma is - meanwhile don't forget that stefan didn't mention karma once in the interview, this is kakitee going off in his planned spiel talking about some other time when he got "stefan believes in karma" vibes

if karma is real then what is an injured child? how does a child die?

then goes on to answer his own question instead of letting stefan answer it

stefan: *stalls because of the sheer stupidity of such a statement

then produces this amazing nugget in response

i think we live in some kind of simulation and i don't know how it works

this is huge, you're getting one of the biggest poker players ever stating in an interview that he thinks we live in a simulation - this is your moment kakitee, grab this, ask followups and shine!

will he do it though? will he actually not be a self centered asshat who makes it all about himself instead of getting stefan to elaborate further on this?




instead he goes peak kakitee and just half agrees but gives his spin on it


he then ignores the simulation and proceeds to ask follow up questions about injured children and states that injured children aren't really alive in the simulation because its just a simulation - all in a way to justify how karma could exist in his worldview as stefan looks completely disinterested and looks at his phone as kakitee drones away like an idiot on something of his own design, a further elaborating on this injured child thing which stefan just ignored from the start


when your interview subject looks like this the entire time, you're clearly sucking balls at interviewing him and instead just giving your unhinged rants about whether injured children are real or not

by Highstakeshero k

DavyJones and Sunni sitting now - heating up already. Looks like GG dropped the ball with high stakes as their Exclusive lobbies been dead for weeks. So much for the argument that regs won't play each other...

That was always a really dumb argument. One thing it doesn't account for is that even IF there isn't really an edge to be made at that top level (I certainly think there is) people have egos and that is incentive enough to go to war with another top dog

nice delusions spammed by the postcount > bankroll man

it's ok to suck at life more than me bro, but keep it to yourself. let the thread be for poker not whatever you think you're talking about

CoinPoker, Hold'em No Limit - §50/§100 - 4 players
Replay this hand on Pokeit

LLinusLL0ve (UTG): §13,443.80 (134 bb)
riggedeck (BU): §22,805.40 (228 bb)
AbsoluteTopUp (SB): §24,632.80 (246 bb)
iWasOnly17 (BB): §20,830.40 (208 bb)

Pre-Flop: (§150)
2 players fold, AbsoluteTopUp (SB) raises to §300, iWasOnly17 (BB) calls §200

Flop: (§600) 4 6 J (2 players)
AbsoluteTopUp (SB) checks, iWasOnly17 (BB) checks

Turn: (§600) 2 (2 players)
AbsoluteTopUp (SB) bets §450, iWasOnly17 (BB) calls §450

River: (§1,500) T (2 players)
AbsoluteTopUp (SB) bets §495, iWasOnly17 (BB) raises to §4,830, AbsoluteTopUp (SB) calls §4,335

Total pot: §11,160 (Rake: §0)

iWasOnly17 (BB) shows 4 5 (a pair of Fours)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 18%, Flop: 23%, Turn: 20%, River: 0%)

AbsoluteTopUp (SB) shows 9 9 (a pair of Nines)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 82%, Flop: 77%, Turn: 80%, River: 100%)

AbsoluteTopUp (SB) wins §11,160

Stefan < 1 buy-in in his account rn

coordi, rickroll

do all of us a favor and keep your opinion to yourselves please

this is the best hs thread for a long time, don't spoil it

thank you

by palebluedot k

coordi, rickroll

do all of us a favor and keep your opinion to yourselves please

this is the best hs thread for a long time, don't spoil it

thank you

take your own advice sock puppet

Rooting big for Stefan.

Didnt like his reasoning for not beating 1k on GG. That his opponents didnt respect his raises and he didnt get enough dopamine rush to really try and beat them. What an answer.

Props to his backers for giving him the go

CoinPoker, Hold'em No Limit - §50/§100 - 6 players
Replay this hand on Pokeit

iWasOnly17 (UTG): §14,751 (148 bb)
TDuthweiler (MP): §10,000 (100 bb)
DavyJones922 (CO): §47,660.60 (477 bb)
LLinusLL0ve (BU): §10,460 (105 bb)
riggedeck (SB): §10,000 (100 bb)
AbsoluteTopUp (BB): §32,560.20 (326 bb)

Pre-Flop: (§150)
2 players fold, DavyJones922 (CO) raises to §225, LLinusLL0ve (BU) calls §225, 1 fold, AbsoluteTopUp (BB) 3-bets to §1,300, 1 fold, LLinusLL0ve (BU) calls §1,075

Flop: (§2,875) Q 6 9 (2 players)
AbsoluteTopUp (BB) bets §949, LLinusLL0ve (BU) raises to §2,428.63, AbsoluteTopUp (BB) calls §1,479.63

Turn: (§7,732.26) T (2 players)
AbsoluteTopUp (BB) checks, LLinusLL0ve (BU) bets §1,900, AbsoluteTopUp (BB) raises to §28,831.60, LLinusLL0ve (BU) calls §4,831.37 (all-in)

River: (§21,195) 2 (2 players, 1 all-in)

Total pot: §21,195 (Rake: §0)

AbsoluteTopUp (BB) shows J 9 (a pair of Nines)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 38%, Flop: 22%, Turn: 30%, River: 0%)

LLinusLL0ve (BU) shows Q A (a pair of Queens)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 62%, Flop: 78%, Turn: 70%, River: 100%)

LLinusLL0ve (BU) wins §21,195

CoinPoker, Hold'em No Limit - §50/§100 - 6 players
Replay this hand on Pokeit

ChrisNguyen (UTG): §26,449.80 (264 bb)
AbsoluteTopUp (MP): §15,492.30 (155 bb)
iWasOnly17 (CO): §14,596 (146 bb)
Astelix (BU): §10,298.50 (103 bb)
DavyJones922 (SB): §31,288.30 (313 bb)
EddieFelson (BB): §11,372.30 (114 bb)

Pre-Flop: (§150)
4 players fold, DavyJones922 (SB) raises to §300, EddieFelson (BB) 3-bets to §835, DavyJones922 (SB) 4-bets to §2,070, EddieFelson (BB) calls §1,235

Flop: (§4,140) 4 4 A (2 players)
DavyJones922 (SB) bets §542, EddieFelson (BB) calls §542

Turn: (§5,224) 9 (2 players)
DavyJones922 (SB) checks, EddieFelson (BB) bets §2,612, DavyJones922 (SB) calls §2,612

River: (§10,448) 3 (2 players)
DavyJones922 (SB) checks, EddieFelson (BB) bets §6,148.35, DavyJones922 (SB) calls §6,148.35

Total pot: §22,744.70 (Rake: §0)

EddieFelson (BB) shows J A (two pair, Aces and Fours)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 26%, Flop: 24%, Turn: 15%, River: 0%)

DavyJones922 (SB) shows A Q (two pair, Aces and Fours - higher kicker)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 74%, Flop: 76%, Turn: 85%, River: 100%)

DavyJones922 (SB) wins §22,744.70

CoinPoker, Hold'em No Limit - §50/§100 - 4 players
Replay this hand on Pokeit

ChrisNguyen (UTG): §10,500 (105 bb)
riggedeck (BU): §12,731.80 (127 bb)
AbsoluteTopUp (SB): §21,454.30 (215 bb)
iWasOnly17 (BB): §31,711.60 (317 bb)

Pre-Flop: (§150)
1 fold, riggedeck (BU) raises to §250, AbsoluteTopUp (SB) 3-bets to §1,100, 1 fold, riggedeck (BU) calls §850

Flop: (§2,300) K 3 5 (2 players)
AbsoluteTopUp (SB) bets §759, riggedeck (BU) calls §759

Turn: (§3,818) K (2 players)
AbsoluteTopUp (SB) checks, riggedeck (BU) checks

River: (§3,818) 2 (2 players)
AbsoluteTopUp (SB) bets §19,595.30 (all-in), riggedeck (BU) calls §10,872.80 (all-in)

Total pot: §25,563.60 (Rake: §0.10)

AbsoluteTopUp (SB) shows 9 Q (a pair of Kings)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 44%, Flop: 22%, Turn: 14%, River: 0%)

riggedeck (BU) shows 5 A (two pair, Kings and Fives)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 56%, Flop: 78%, Turn: 86%, River: 100%)

riggedeck (BU) wins §25,563.50

CoinPoker, Hold'em No Limit - §50/§100 - 4 players
Replay this hand on Pokeit

riggedeck (UTG): §16,300 (163 bb)
AbsoluteTopUp (BU): §10,271.30 (103 bb)
ChrisNguyen (SB): §12,325 (123 bb)
iWasOnly17 (BB): §17,735 (177 bb)

Pre-Flop: (§150)
1 fold, AbsoluteTopUp (BU) raises to §250, ChrisNguyen (SB) 3-bets to §850, 1 fold, AbsoluteTopUp (BU) calls §600

Flop: (§1,800) 3 Q T (2 players)
ChrisNguyen (SB) bets §2,050, AbsoluteTopUp (BU) calls §2,050

Turn: (§5,900) 7 (2 players)
ChrisNguyen (SB) checks, AbsoluteTopUp (BU) bets §1,947, ChrisNguyen (SB) calls §1,947

River: (§9,794) 3 (2 players)
ChrisNguyen (SB) checks, AbsoluteTopUp (BU) bets §5,424.25, ChrisNguyen (SB) calls §5,424.25

Total pot: §20,642.50 (Rake: §0)

AbsoluteTopUp (BU) shows Q 9 (two pair, Queens and Threes)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 38%, Flop: 63%, Turn: 77%, River: 100%)

ChrisNguyen (SB) shows K A (a pair of Threes)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 62%, Flop: 37%, Turn: 23%, River: 0%)

AbsoluteTopUp (BU) wins §20,642.50

by KakiTee k

nice delusions spammed by the postcount > bankroll man

it's ok to suck at life more than me bro, but keep it to yourself. let the thread be for poker not whatever you think you're talking about

Funny that the guy who says someone sucks at life is the same guy who actively encourages blatant and deeply hateful racism and misogyny in his private discord.

It’s almost 2025, you should probably at least pretend to be a decent human being!

Poker, No Limit Hold'em - 50/100 - 3 players
Replay this hand at UpswingPoker.com

iWasOnly17 (BB): 22099 (220 bb)
AbsoluteTopUp (BU): 28314 (283 bb)
SeaLlama (SB): 11394 (113 bb)

Pre-Flop: (150) Hero (AbsoluteTopUp) is BU with Q 8
AbsoluteTopUp (BU) raises to 250, SeaLlama (SB) folds, iWasOnly17 (BB) calls 150

Flop (550) A 6 7 (2 players)
iWasOnly17 (BB) checks, AbsoluteTopUp (BU) checks

Turn (550) T (2 players)
iWasOnly17 (BB) checks, AbsoluteTopUp (BU) bets 181, iWasOnly17 (BB) raises to 1549, AbsoluteTopUp (BU) calls 1368

River (3648) 3 (2 players)
iWasOnly17 (BB) bets 5472, AbsoluteTopUp (BU) raises to 26515 (all-in), iWasOnly17 (BB) calls 14828 (all-in)

Total pot: 44249 (Rake: 0)

iWasOnly17 (BB): 0 -22099 [9 8]
AbsoluteTopUp (BU): 50464 +22149 [Q 8]
SeaLlama (SB): 11344 -50

Poker, No Limit Hold'em - 50/100 - 5 players
Replay this hand at UpswingPoker.com

AbsoluteTopUp (HJ): 13802 (138 bb)
iWasOnly17 (CO): 22745 (227 bb)
TDuthweiler (BU): 12890 (128 bb)
LLinusLL0ve (SB): 11818 (118 bb)
riggedeck (BB): 33495 (334 bb)

Pre-Flop: (150) Hero (AbsoluteTopUp) is HJ with Q K
AbsoluteTopUp (HJ) raises to 225, iWasOnly17 (CO) folds, TDuthweiler (BU) folds, LLinusLL0ve (SB) folds, riggedeck (BB) raises to 1200, AbsoluteTopUp (HJ) calls 975

Flop (2450) J 3 T (2 players)
riggedeck (BB) bets 735, AbsoluteTopUp (HJ) calls 735

Turn (3920) 9 (2 players)
riggedeck (BB) checks, AbsoluteTopUp (HJ) bets 2626, riggedeck (BB) raises to 31560 (all-in), AbsoluteTopUp (HJ) calls 9241 (all-in)

River (27655) T (2 players, 2 all-in)

Total pot: 27655 (Rake: 0)

AbsoluteTopUp (HJ): 27655 +13852 [Q K]
iWasOnly17 (CO): 22745 +0
TDuthweiler (BU): 12890 +0
LLinusLL0ve (SB): 11768 -50
riggedeck (BB): 19692 -13802 [7 8]

rigged 🤝 Dejan
fastplaying the mexican straight

CoinPoker, Hold'em No Limit - §50/§100 - 5 players
Replay this hand on Pokeit

AbsoluteTopUp (UTG): §22,049.90 (220 bb)
EddieFelson (CO): §11,783.20 (118 bb)
ChrisNguyen (BU): §12,030 (120 bb)
iWasOnly17 (SB): §36,968.10 (370 bb)
SeaLlama (BB): §12,975 (130 bb)

Pre-Flop: (§150)
AbsoluteTopUp (UTG) raises to §225, 1 fold, ChrisNguyen (BU) 3-bets to §750, 2 players fold, AbsoluteTopUp (UTG) calls §525

Flop: (§1,650) 7 6 8 (2 players)
AbsoluteTopUp (UTG) bets §413, ChrisNguyen (BU) raises to §1,200, AbsoluteTopUp (UTG) calls §787

Turn: (§4,050) 3 (2 players)
AbsoluteTopUp (UTG) checks, ChrisNguyen (BU) bets §1,012.50, AbsoluteTopUp (UTG) raises to §3,544, ChrisNguyen (BU) calls §2,531.50

River: (§11,138) Q (2 players)
AbsoluteTopUp (UTG) bets §16,555.90 (all-in), ChrisNguyen (BU) folds

Total pot: §11,138 (Rake: §0)
AbsoluteTopUp (UTG) wins §11,138
AbsoluteTopUp: shows J T

by Konkurentas k

Please if you interview someone again and he is not a native speaker, let him gather his thoughts and talk, talk over him doesnt help the situation and everyone is watching the clip for steffan not for you, thanks

by palebluedot k

coordi, rickroll

do all of us a favor and keep your opinion to yourselves please

this is the best hs thread for a long time, don't spoil it

thank you

hi kakitee, nothing sadder than making a sock puppet to defend yourself

try sucking less and not being terrible at your job and perhaps you won't be faced with reality of how much you suck at it

that was an embarassingly bad interview, probably the worst i've ever seen anywhere (not just poker) - it was truly atrocious - you wanted to be the protagonist so badly and it showed and you could have probably gotten away with it if you were even remotely coherent but instead just spewed your standard conspiratard drivel about things you don't even remotely understand

you had the room alone with one of the greats and instead started telling him how great he was and about why injured children shouldn't exist instead of interviewing him - shame on you - you blew it

you stream to make a living, i don't - one of these things is not like the other

i easily have 10x+ the bankroll you have (if you even have one?) something about glass houses is appropriate here, but to put it in words you'll understand, no injured children exist if they stream for a living because then they are streamers and not injured children

by scubaste3ve15 k

Rooting big for Stefan.

Didnt like his reasoning for not beating 1k on GG. That his opponents didnt respect his raises and he didnt get enough dopamine rush to really try and beat them. What an answer.

Props to his backers for giving him the go

I think this could be valid and legitimate.

There was a year when I was transitioning from 2k to 5k stakes, and subsequently would put 5k tables in the middle of the screen and 2k tables more towards the corners of the screen, and after 6 months grind or so, that resulted in my winrate being 2x better at 5k than 2k.

I think playing much lower stakes than you are used to can make you less interested and bored and it's harder to pay proper attention and put proper effort.

I think only legitimate answer Stefan should answer for himself: is he able to properly adjust to different dynamics at the tables when he plays different player pool, and he just didn't do it because 1k is boring for him, or he just plays his own playing style that only works in specific player pools.

by Bondurant k

I think this could be valid and legitimate.

There was a year when I was transitioning from 2k to 5k stakes, and subsequently would put 5k tables in the middle of the screen and 2k tables more towards the corners of the screen, and after 6 months grind or so, that resulted in my winrate being 2x bett

see, these are the kind of follow up questions that would have been asked if kakitee actually tried interviewing him 😀

Not sure how to correctly format it for Pokeit so on to next.

Poker Hand #179075631: Hold'em No Limit (50/100) 2024/12/04 02:57:33 GMT
Table 'NL ₮10,000 Cash Game World Champs (show) I' 6-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: EddieFelson (12279 in chips)
Seat 2: riggedeck (10000 in chips)
Seat 3: iWasOnly17 (17279.9 in chips)
Seat 4: SeaLlama (13939.7 in chips)
Seat 5: ChrisNguyen (12707.5 in chips)
Seat 6: AbsoluteTopUp (45794.1 in chips)
AbsoluteTopUp: posts small blind 50
EddieFelson: posts big blind 100
riggedeck: folds
iWasOnly17: folds
SeaLlama: folds
ChrisNguyen: folds
AbsoluteTopUp: raises 200 to 300
EddieFelson: calls 200
FLOP [6c 2h Ts]
AbsoluteTopUp: bets 180
EddieFelson: calls 180
TURN [6c 2h Ts] [Kc]
AbsoluteTopUp: bets 720
EddieFelson: calls 720
RIVER [6c 2h Ts Kc] [5s]
AbsoluteTopUp: bets 1800
EddieFelson has timed out
EddieFelson activated time-bank (60 seconds)
EddieFelson: raises 11079 and is all-in
AbsoluteTopUp has timed out
AbsoluteTopUp activated time-bank (60 seconds)
AbsoluteTopUp: calls 9279.01
EddieFelson: shows [7d Td] (a pair of Tens)
AbsoluteTopUp: shows [9c Kh] (a pair of Kings)
AbsoluteTopUp collected 24558 from pot
Total pot 24558 | CC 0
Board [ 6c 2h Ts Kc 5s ]
Game ended: 2024/12/04 02:59:30 GMT
Seat 1: EddieFelson (big blind) showed [7d Td]
Seat 2: riggedeck folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: iWasOnly17 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: SeaLlama folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: ChrisNguyen (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: AbsoluteTopUp (small blind) showed [9c Kh] and won (24558) with a pair of Kings

Thanks Post Hoc for grabbing all these hand histories. This is rich!

by Post Hoc Magician k

CoinPoker, Hold'em No Limit - §50/§100 - 2 players
Replay this hand on Pokeit

DavyJones922 (SB): §15,772 (158 bb)
LLinusLL0ve (BB): §11,050 (111 bb)

Pre-Flop: (§150)
DavyJones922 (SB) raises to §250, LLinusLL0ve (BB) 3-bets to §1,050, DavyJones922 (SB) calls §800

Flop: (§2,100) 9 3 Q (2 players)

dammn it's heads up but still

by Daynin k

Not sure how to correctly format it for Pokeit so on to next.

Poker Hand #179075631: Hold'em No Limit (50/100) 2024/12/04 02:57:33 GMT
Table 'NL ₮10,000 Cash Game World Champs (show) I' 6-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: EddieFelson (12279 in chips)
Seat 2: riggedeck (10000 in chips)
Seat 3: iWasO

Is he trying to fold out a T here? Or can someone better than me explain the thought process here?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

CoinPoker, Hold'em No Limit - §50/§100 - 5 players
Hand delivered by Pokeit

MunEZStaRR (UTG): §10,150 (102 bb)
riggedeck (CO): §29,971.90 (300 bb)
PR0DIGY (BU): §30,193.60 (302 bb)
JoeAdams (SB): §30,089.80 (301 bb)
MattMarinelli (BB): §16,524.30 (165 bb)

Pre-Flop: (§150)
1 fold, riggedeck (CO) raises to §225, 1 fold, JoeAdams (SB) 3-bets to §1,100, 1 fold, riggedeck (CO) 4-bets to §3,300, JoeAdams (SB) 5-bets to §7,700, riggedeck (CO) calls §4,400

Flop: (§15,500) 3 6 Q (2 players)
JoeAdams (SB) bets §3,720, riggedeck (CO) calls §3,720

Turn: (§22,940) 9 (2 players)
JoeAdams (SB) bets §5,505.60, riggedeck (CO) calls §5,505.60

River: (§33,951.20) A (2 players)
JoeAdams (SB) checks, riggedeck (CO) bets §13,046.30 (all-in), JoeAdams (SB) folds

Total pot: §33,951.20 (Rake: §0)
riggedeck (CO) wins §33,951.20
riggedeck: shows 76
