Error v4.1.31
System.InvalidOperationException: Element with id = 1134884978438144 not found
at Hand2NoteCore.VirtualTree.GetElementById(Int64 id)
at Hand2NoteCore.HudHelper.MoveHudItem(TableHud tableHud, HudPositionKey key, RelativePoint delta)
at Hand2NoteCore.HudHelper.HandleHudItemMoved(TableHud table, HudPositionKey movedItemKey, RelativePoint delta, HudConfig hudConfig)
at Hand2NoteCore.AppHud.<>c__DisplayClass27_0.
at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectIListIterator`2.ToArray()
at System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableExtensions.FallbackWrapper`1.get_Count()
at Hand2NoteCore.AppHud.MoveHudItem(App app, Int32 tableId, Int32 seatNumber, Int64 visualId, Guid itemGuid, HudPositionItemType itemType, Point delta)
at Hand2NoteCore.VirtualTreeHelper.<>c__DisplayClass90_1`1.
at Hand2NoteCore.AppAction.Reduce(App app)
at Hand2NoteCore.AppDispatcherHelper.TryReduceWithoutException[T](IAction`1 action, T state, T& result, Exception& resultException)
9 Replies
Hello, could downlod the installer from the website? It contains the latest versions of poker sites integrations:
System.InvalidOperationException: Element with id = 1134884978438144 not found
at Hand2NoteCore.VirtualTree.GetElementById(Int64 id)
at Hand2NoteCore.HudHelper.MoveHudItem(TableHud tableHud, HudPositionKey key, RelativePoint delta)
at Hand2NoteCore.HudHelper.HandleHudItemMoved(TableHud table, HudPositionKey movedItemKey, RelativePoint delta, HudConfig hudConfig)
at Hand2NoteCore.AppHud.<>c__DisplayClass27_0.
at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectIListIterator
Could you please close Hand2Note, then zip and send us your logs to [email][/email] from the following folder: C:\Program Files\Hand2Note4.1\logs?
We will forward the logs to the development team to investigate the exact cause, and if they find any errors in Hand2Note's operation, they will fix them in new updates.
We're sorry you faced such a situation. We're aware of it and will release a fix soon. You will find it in your updates tab (Updates -> Hand2Note).