In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

) 6 Views 6
12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

2801 Replies


BREAKING: A U.S. court has ordered the FDA to release an additional "million pages" of documents from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trials.

So it's ok to try and force the world to take these shots, including all members of our military, but anyone wanting to see the trial evidence? Sorry, it's hidden under lock and key for 70 years...

by Playbig2000 k

BREAKING: A U.S. court has ordered the FDA to release an additional "million pages" of documents from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trials.

So it's ok to try and force the world to take these shots, including all members of our military, but anyone wanting to see the trial evidence? Sorry, it's hidden under lock and key for 70 years...

If chosen between going at the front line in a war or taking a vaccine , which one of these option is most dangerous ….

No one forced the world to take vaccine , especially Pfizer vaccine.
If you felt suspicious with the Pfizer vaccine u just take another brand shrug .

Romania supreme court invalidated recent elections (first round) because of "Russian interference on TikTok"

NJ Drone Update: this is an email from someone who works at Essex county airport (Caldwell, CDW). Tonight the tower there had to call the local police to report drones flying overhead the airport violating their airspace.

Some of the information in it should be made public, but I can understand how it might scare some people.

PB, I just googled "drones NJ" and some articles from the biggest news outlets here appeared, uploaded around 12h ago. I know it should get more coverage but what happens if you search "drones NJ"? The results I get are in Spanish but they're reporting what's happening; it'd be odd if there were no reporting at all in the US.

by ShoeMakerLevy9 k

PB, I just googled "drones NJ" and some articles from the biggest news outlets here appeared, uploaded around 12h ago. I know it should get more coverage but what happens if you search "drones NJ"? The results I get are in Spanish but they're reporting what's happening; it'd be odd if there were no reporting at all in the US.

It's definitely not getting the proper attention it should. The news makes it seem like these are toy drones that people are seeing, but these are very highly advanced machines in both the propulsion system and their ability to maneuver, hover silently and run away from fighter jets so quick but these things aren't being made public, all the news talks about is "unidentified mystery drone spotted".

Tonight there were transformer explosions with several towns without power, but I won't assume anything just yet.

My town has seen them tonight and I've seen them personally in other towns around me and at midnight right now there's some kind of a datamining operation going on by a company contracted out of Canada. Probably using IR to map the terrain or look for a drone. Their website States they're looking for pilots to work in special operations misdions, must work holidays and at night (a normal mapping operation contractor wouldn't have these hours for their operation they need sunlight . It's highly unusual so they're probably being contracted by the government, ).

Hopefully this isn't the deep States final attempt to scare us into thinking we're under an alien invasion so they can declare martial law and cancel the transfer of power [emoji50] (I wouldn't put that past them).

Taken from the Daily Mail's article on the recent sightings:

'Water reservoirs, electric transmission lines, rail stations, police departments, and military installations' have all had the UFOs roaming above them in recent weeks, according to the chief of police for the New Jersey borough of Florham Park.

I think this is unsettling regardless of your stance.
Having the military and the FBI wondering what this is doesn't make me comfortable. Whether they're telling the truth or not the situation is still abnormal at the very least.

I'm by no means someone inclined to conspiratorial thinking and dismiss virtually every single theory of that nature in the forum, but this one is way different than most. Here we have countless witnesses and the military and FBI saying they don't know what this is.

Could someone elaborate why this event isn't drawing way more attention here?


If the Daily Mail is reporting UFOs then that's good enough for me - there's another explanation for them.

I don't know if the picture is real or not but let's take it at face value: why would they test new technology in such a way that it is completely visible to so many people?
As far as I know the US military has a lot of ground to do their drills. But even then, let's assume it's US technology: why would they do this so openly?
Someone might say "psyop" and that is by all accounts completely possible, then my question is: have US citizens been lied to so brazenly before? I can't remember the last time something of that magnitude happened. We have the FBI and the military saying they're investigating the case while UFOs -no one here knows what they are- fly over residential zones.

This is not a war in the Middle East where you can make stuff up and get away with it in the meantime. Something doesn't add up and I find it interesting.

I want to know more about the advanced drone technology that changes the time of the car’s clock that is tailing them but doesn’t otherwise affect the electrical system of the car tailing them. Can drones produce time travel with these battery systems?

by ShoeMakerLevy9 k

Taken from the Daily Mail's article on the recent sightings:

'Water reservoirs, electric transmission lines, rail stations, police departments, and military installations' have all had the UFOs roaming above them in recent weeks, according to the chief of police for the New Jersey borough of Florham Park.

I think this is unsettling regardless of your stance.
Having the military and the FBI wondering what this is doesn't make me comfortable. Whether they're telling the truth or not the situation is

I'd find it more unsettling if there were no drones and no-one was worried.

Nice to have unignoring warnings about obvious real threats that politcians are deeply commited to trying to ignore.

Look at the shadow of the aircraft and compare to other objects in the scene. That is a fake CGI UFO in the photo.

This is an actual news story from a major news network...

by MSchu18 k

This is an actual news story from a major news network...

That was from around three years ago actually, I mentioned it in the ufo thread

by jjjou812 k

I want to know more about the advanced drone technology that changes the time of the car’s clock that is tailing them but doesn’t otherwise affect the electrical system of the car tailing them. Can drones produce time travel with these battery systems?

If this is true (and I haven't seen any proof of it on video, it's just here say at this point that the news stations all of a sudden picked up on), it would be due to their propulsion system. If they do have anti gravity capabilities (the ones I have on video are two of them floating in the air silently, so it could be the case) they're able to hover by distorting gravity which also in return distorts time ("space/time") because somehow it's all connected.

I'm not an expert on the specific technology but you can look up people like Bob Lazar who was a rocket nerd that they scooped up to help them back engineer them before he got caught taking his friends to watch a test flight which is why he came out in public back in the 90's to begin with (and the media and gov't called him a conspiracy theorist, said there's no such thing as an area 51. Another "conspiracy theory" that was proven true).

But you told Commander Fraber that what he saw might have been a time dilation and not gravity propulsion.
Well, it could be because gravity affects time, you know, space time.

by doodiewiz k

Look at the shadow of the aircraft and compare to other objects in the scene. That is a fake CGI UFO in the photo.

I don't think that's a real TR-3B, they're black and much bigger.

I personally wouldn't put much stock in Lazar ,he strikes me as grifty and shady.

Not sure what Assad can do to delay, prevent or at least draw out the rebels thrusting into his territory before they explode on the face of Damascus. Or maybe he can and they'll just sporadically come in spurts.

It’s long overdue.
Russia pretty busy at the moment .
Just looking at who’s Russia « friends » are , we can see how Russia is a model of democratic value and how they are as evils as the Americans, like victor love to claim …

Fantastic news.

Hopefully they destroy all the ancient art in Damascus and get the women in burkas.

My buddy from the airport made it on the news tonight about the drones over Essex county airport that I mentioned last night (the drone flew overhead the airport at apporox 800ft agl obv without a clearence or transponder).

Fair enough. Go off, Playbig.

by Luckbox Inc k

Fantastic news.

Hopefully they destroy all the ancient art in Damascus and get the women in burkas.

You cant have it both ways. If the Syrian people embrace extremely conservative Islam, and decide women should be forced to wear burkas and all ancient non Islamic art should be destroyed; did Assad have the right to brutally suppress the people, killing hundreds of thousands in the process, to stop this from happening?

You want self determination in Syria? Well then, you have to live with what the people want.
