For the puzzle maniacs under you: this game is a must. It is a very simple, yet very deep game. It is a very quick game - just a couple of minutes to complete it.
You play 1-2 games and you understand the rules
You play 10-20 games and you have found a decent strategy
You play 100-200 games and every time you find ways to optimize, adjust and tune your play.
The game´s website is [url=]here[/url]
The game was invented by zac777 and introduced in this 2+2 thread [url=]here[/url].
There are different modes of play:
- Normal
- Advanced, in which you can manipulate throws. You will be able to manipulate more if you play more, gain more points and move up in player level.
- Timed, real time multiplayer mode with chat. 3 minutes per game and everyone faces the same 9 throws, trying to outscore each other. Very challenging. My favorite mode.
- Daily challenge, in which everyone can participate and try and make the maximum score with a fixed sequence of throws. Find the path to the topscore and beat the rest of the world. I try and find a moment every day to compete in the daily challenge (currently 14 wins 😃)
You will need to create an account to play advanced, timed or the daily challenge.
An utterly sick strat post was made by Dynasty [url=]here[/url]. Don´t read this until you have played at least 10-20 games.
Registration is open for 3 days for the November 2024 Championship.
Also, for those 17 players who signed up for the Winter Classic Triple Crown 30 game FFA tourney, don't forget that this November Championship tourney will award points towards the Winter Classic Triple Crown Tourney (white trophy).
See Part 2 of post 2024-23 in Tourney news to see how points are awarded.
Center zone upper right seems standard, but I am guessing you have other ideas??
copied from Chatroll.
Hi folks. The Triple Crown Trophy Tourney is now cancelled.
See post 2024-25 for more info.
(1) people who can/want to finish games in the Nov 2024 tourney and 30 Game FFA should do so.
(2) Thanks to Zac for trying to fix things on the fly
(3) I'll hold off on running any more trophy tournaments until tourneys are confirmed to be functioning normally.
(4) congrats to wafflesobv on 300 DC wins!!!
NOTE: The latest glitch was really odd. In the Nov 2024 Tourney lilrascal beat arjun13 in round 1, yet arjun advanced to the next round and lilrascal was bounced??
Have not seen that glitch before.
You'd know the percentages better than me Gabe but intuitively it seems like you are asking a lot to get to this spot.
- a fair supply of all 4/5/6s, esp 6s
- perfect distribution to get three 5s and 6 in the center zone (all of racks 5-8 must have a 5 or 6). So, even if you are fortunate in racks 5-7, at rack 8 you have only a 60% chance of getting whatever number your still need (a 5 or a 6)
-you then have a 60% chance of getting a 6 in rack nine, which is probably down to 40-50% or so as far as "usability" goes, as the center could be competing for a 1(or a safe parking spot for a 2).
- and, to get to this point you are limiting your 6 chain to 2 zones just to have a chance to pull this off.
I am thinking that the number of wins lost by not having 6s in three zones would outnumber the number of wins gained by preparing for and hitting what you outlined.
It seems you are trying to improve on the outcome below, but the outcome below is often a winning position as is, and needs no help imo.

I'd rather go the traditional route and leave opportunities for these two options.

And, as an aside, if three 6s come in racks 5-7 (and none in rack 9) then this extra 6 that is circled becomes critical. I have been on both sides of wins and losses based on having or not having the circled 6 there.

I was not saying that playing to 4-zone the 6s in this spot is the best way. But it is an option that not many will have been aware of. Another option you want to add to your play arsenal.
For example if the racks 5-7 come 456xx, 445xx and then 666xx it is the only way to set up a possible 4-zoning of 6s without blocking 5s.
I feel bad complaining after all the work Zac has put in, but the new site is making it quite frustrating for me to play. On the old site, a game would take me under a minute. On the new site, it is taking me around 1:30.
It is slower for 2 reasons - 1) 5-10 tiles don't end up going where I place them, even if I am doing it carefully and 2) It seems to take slightly longer when dragging and dropping a tile.
Is it just me?
I am doing the DC and am playing rack 4, but one of the zones has two empty spots.
Sumtin Wong
Will post screenshot tomorrow
Haha, I left the site and came back and now I can play rack 3 and already know what comes up in rack 4.
Oh wait LOL, one zone is blocked from playing any number
My DC from yesterday

Rack 3. Center zone is blocked.
After several attempts, closing browser and reopening I managed to complete rack 3.
This happened during those attempts:

I managed to get to rack 4 though:

Two empty spots in the left zone :p
So I finally moved from Opera to Chrome and there I got the opportunity to play rack 3 again, having seen that rack 4 already. I could not abuse it though 😀
If Zac is interested in checking the logs, the error message is from 08:59 CET
November 2024 DC Highlights
Monthly Race
- Dynasty won the November DC race in another competitive, low-scoring month. Dynasty led the table with five wins, including two in the last four days of the month that vaulted him into the lead, and added three second-place scores as well. It was Dynasty’s first monthly DC win since last November and his 26th overall, which is the second-most all-time.
- arjun13 and SubArcticK finished in second and third place, respectively, in November. arjun13 led the field with 20 top-10 scores and 14 top-five scores, though 10 of those 14 were fourth- and fifth-place finishes. SubArc tied for second in both wins (4) and top-five scores (11).
- Dos, wafflesobv, and SmalltownBoy rounded out the top six, separated by just seven points. All three of them had four wins, but Dos had 18 top-10 scores, wafflesobv had 17, and SmalltownBoy had 16.
- Among the rest of the top 10, Hg80 moved up from tenth to seventh with a win on the last day of the month; nails (eighth place) had the second-most top-10 scores with 19; and dogfloss (ninth place) had the fewest top-10 scores in the group with 13. Checky, quaspl, and Cherrycin finished just outside the top 10.
- On November 22, wafflesobv won his 300th DC, becoming the eighth player to reach this milestone.
- On November 24, Kokirixx played in his 4,500th DC, the sixth player to do so.
- arjun13 surpassed 25,000 DC points in November, the sixth person to reach this level.
Stat of the Month
- 30: The number of consecutive months in the DC top 10 for arjun13, putting him one month away from tying Paul101 for second-longest streak in DC history.
2024 Yearly Race
With one month to go, arjun13 has pretty well wrapped up the yearly race for the second straight year, and SubArcticK has the inside track on second place. But four players are still alive and competing for the last spot on the podium. In terms of historical stats:
- arjun13 can finish as high as third place on the yearly race points list.
- Two wins for arjun13 and three wins for SmalltownBoy in December would get them into the top 10 for most wins in a calendar year.
- arjun13 is 90 points from making the top 10 in DC points in a calendar year; he already occupies five of those 10 spots from prior years.
I feel bad complaining after all the work Zac has put in, but the new site is making it quite frustrating for me to play. On the old site, a game would take me under a minute. On the new site, it is taking me around 1:30.
It is slower for 2 reasons - 1) 5-10 tiles don't end up going where I place them, even if I am doing it carefully and 2) It seems to take slightly longer when dragging and dropping a tile.
Is it just me?
As always, awesome job on stats nails. 👍
Arjun, I just played a couple of games of timed and the "feel" dragging tiles and putting them in place almost reminded me of the way all games felt on the old site.
Timed seems better than the feel of the current DC or Tourney game, which I find hard to describe, but the placement of tiles seems slower and shaky or laggy or twitchy...... not as crisp as timed is and not as crisp as we used to have for all games.
Unlike you, I have not lost a tile yet, but each one feels like it is hanging on by a thread.... if that makes any sense.
Arjun, if you test timed and think is actually better, then that may be helpful feedback for Zac. It could be just me?
Nails, did you notice that timed was smoother?
I just played a couple of timed games and a couple of regular games, and couldn't tell any significant difference. It does seem to be getting better, though. Not exactly sure of the technological reason why that would be, so maybe it's just my perception, but it seems to be moving faster and I'm missing my target less often. Maybe I'm just getting used to the new reality.
I just played a couple of timed games and a couple of regular games, and couldn't tell any significant difference. It does seem to be getting better, though. Not exactly sure of the technological reason why that would be, so maybe it's just my perception, but it seems to be moving faster and I'm missing my target less often. Maybe I'm just getting used to the new reality.
Yeah, I just played a timed game and a tourney game in one you just set up. Both the same, (timed was not better) and both seemed more stable than any of those in the FFA 30 game match. Of course, as you said, it may be just getting used to the new feel.
Hey all,
Sorry for the hiccups, especially the slower games with dice placements not sticking and the issues with tournaments.
I haven't had much time to work on the site over the past few weeks, but I'm hoping to get a few hours in before the end of the year.
It would help me if you could post the biggest outstanding bugs here, ideally with steps to reproduce them. I understand that some only happen occasionally, but even something like "for every few racks I play, a die placement fails and then X happens."
If possible I'd like to focus on the biggest issues first, so please highlight the ones that are blocking you from playing or are causing the most serious problems.
Hey all,
Sorry for the hiccups, especially the slower games with dice placements not sticking and the issues with tournaments.
I haven't had much time to work on the site over the past few weeks, but I'm hoping to get a few hours in before the end of the year.
It would help me if you could post the biggest outstanding bugs here, ideally with steps to reproduce them. I understand that some only happen occasionally, but even something like "for every few racks I play, a die placement fails and then X
Hi Zac
I am not going to repeat any feedback that is in this thread already. I think there are a few posts above outlining different issues. Here is what I have compiled.
-Checky could not join the Nov 2024 tourney (not sure if you solved why that was)
-While lilrascal beat arjun13 in round 1 of the Nov 2024 tourney (lilrascal play 5 games and arjun13 played 0 games) , arjun13 advanced to the next round and lilrascal did not. I have not seen that type of glitch before. (this is a critical glitch, it makes the whole tourney void)
- The Winter Classic FFA and Nov 2024 tourney games often required several “retries” to get past rack 1 to a point where rack 2 is visible and the game could continue. It seemed some players couldn't break that cycle regardless of how many tries. (this is still occurring I think, and is one of the most pressing issues)
Next level
- Even though we called off the recent Winter Classic FFA while in progress, a few players played what games they could. dogfloss and I tied for wins, but the lower total score (tie breaker) determined the winner, and not the higher score. (this could be important if the same issue is going to happen with ties in a regular H2H tourney)
- Though not critical to the tourney completion, it seems that once you complete a tourney game, you can't replay that game nor any of your competitors games.
- Another not critical one, IIRC, when you are done a tourney game you can't play the next one by clicking the "next game" above the game board. You have to get out, go back to the tourney page, and then get back in the tourney in question from there.
- In the DC I have had a few games where I can't see rack 2 after completing rack 1. There are no numbers where rack 2 should be. If I leave and resume I can play rack 1 again and then rack 2 appears. Not sure if others are experiencing this. For the most part the DC has been working well.
Somewhere above ITT I think Gabe noted he had a "preview" of the next rack in a DC.
should be fixed. one of the join buttons was n't working, but now they should both be ok
-While lilrascal beat arjun13 in round 1 of the Nov 2024 tourney (lilrascal play 5 games and arjun13 played 0 games) , arjun13 advanced to the next round and lilrascal did not. I have not seen that type of glitch before. (this is a critical glitch, it makes the whole tourney void)
This one is bizarre. I see it other places too when someone doesn't finish all of their games. Top priority to figure this out, but so far I've come up empty.
- The Winter Classic FFA and Nov 2024 tourney games often required several “retries” to get past rack 1 to a point where rack 2 is visible and the game could continue. It seemed some players couldn't break that cycle regardless of how many tries. (this is still occurring I think, and is one of the most pressing issues)
I'm at square one on this too. Will try to figure out a way to approach it
Next level
- Even though we called off the recent Winter Classic FFA while in progress, a few players played what games they could. dogfloss and I tied for wins, but the lower total score (tie breaker) determined the winner, and not the higher score. (this could be important if the same issue is going to happen with ties in a regular H2H tourney)
Probably the same issue as lilrascal v arjun
- Though not critical to the tourney completion, it seems that once you complete a tourney game, you can't replay that game nor any of your competitors games.
Should be fixed now
- Another not critical one, IIRC, when you are done a tourney game you can't play the next one by clicking the "next game" above the game board. You have to get out, go back to the tourney page, and then get back in the tourney in question from there.
Haven't looked yet, but this should be simple to clean up
- In the DC I have had a few games where I can't see rack 2 after completing rack 1. There are no numbers where rack 2 should be. If I leave and resume I can play rack 1 again and then rack 2 appears. Not sure if others are experiencing this. For the most part the DC has been working well.
This may also be tricky to find. I've seen similar behavior
Likely to be a different manifestation of one of the issues from above
This one is bizarre. I see it other places too when someone doesn't finish all of their games. Top priority to figure this out, but so far I've come up empty.
Seen this a few times. While I haven't seen the code, my guess is the tiebreaker order is being applied wrong. Whether it's an internal counter adding to the wrong players score (it sees arjun not finishing score is set to 0, should increment lilrascals score but does it wrong). Or if you're using nulls instead the greater than comparison is running backwards.
My second guess would be that the logic for reverse games is applying for whatever reason in this scenario, possible just a wrong method call or it's switch statement is working incorrectly.
May be totally far off but hopefully this helps.
From yesterday’s (Dec 22 DC)
I don’t get to this exact situation after rack 3 often enough, but when it happens, I can’t think of a more versatile spot to be in. There are so many playable options in rack 4. Plus, how often can you be in an advanced position after rack 3 and then move to the Dynasty in rack 4?
Rack 4 possibilities.
56XXX gives you a Dynasty and takes advantage of the 6s being in the very best spot when you only have 2 of them after rack 4.
46XXX gives you a 4/2/2 advanced opening that is tricky to play, but has solid winning options
54XXX gives two options. First, you could complete the 4/3/1 advanced opening, or second, you could decide to go with the “almost Dynasty” by placing the 4 in the middle and the 5 on the remaining outer spot. Both have pros and cons. It might come down to how happy you are with the positions of your 1s and 2s? Both of these openings leave options for completing 5s in rack 9 through the middle, but one plus with the "almost Dynasty" might be that it is easier to bail on the "going through rack 9" approach when you only get two 5s in rack 1-4 (in two in different racks, obv).
It would be interesting to see how close these two play over thousands of simulations.
Lastly, If you come up dry in rack 4 and get something like 4XXXX or 5XXXX or 6XXXX, you should still be in good shape considering the rest of the field may be in worse shape and have fewer options and/or more chain restrictions.

Misclick for the DC win on 12/26!
I saw that... Oh well.. makes up for rack 9 bad beats!!!! 👍
I was extra happy you won, because I messed up rack 8 and thought I blew a win (until your checked
I knew the 2 was going upper right center to enable a 555xx or a 6 with no 5 in rack 8, but then I put it upper left center when I placed it - like I forgot why it😊
Losing a T2 stung much less than T1.... and I got a free reminder to pay more attention.
Happy Holidays to you and all TCers and Poggers.

I was actually cursing my bad 2 play that would’ve otherwise landed me the win yesterday. Then looking back I made a terrible rack 9 error anyway which would’ve a worse way to lose. Wonder how often I do things like this and don’t realize. Really need to wake up before I play some days 😂
I was actually cursing my bad 2 play that would’ve otherwise landed me the win yesterday. Then looking back I made a terrible rack 9 error anyway which would’ve a worse way to lose. Wonder how often I do things like this and don’t realize. Really need to wake up before I play some days 😂
On the 2s in rack 7 and 8, you really didn't have any options I don't think.
As for rack 9 lost wins I have only looked at the top 5 games of maybe 20-30 DCs this year and in that small sample I spotted 2 lost wins from rack 9 plays. Never posted or mentioned them as I would rather not know if I blew a win in rack 9 (and I am sure I have!!!), so I figured others might feel the same.
I assume the players in question never knew, but who knows. Maybe they did??
Happy New Year, Triplechainers!
I'll post the usual December write-up and full-year stats sometime this weekend (probably).
In the meantime, here is the TC DC stat sheet for 2025: