UnitedHealth CEO Assassinated

UnitedHealth CEO Assassinated

The murder of UnitedHealthcare's CEO is a strange story. On the one hand, the killer obviously was taking steps to avoid getting caught. He was wearing a hoodie. He used a silencer. He clearly had an escape plan.

On the other hand, he was wearing a distinctive backpack. He may have left a food wrapper and a water bottle at the scene. And there was writing on each of the three shell casings (the words "deny," "defend," and "depose").

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05 December 2024 at 03:09 PM

1015 Replies


by DonkJr k

Regardless of Marx's flowery language, Marx is exactly the same parasite as his 21st century supporters.

So you admit he didn't actually say the things you're attributing to him?

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

Don't get me wrong. This event has brought a lot of people together, I've seen Nazis, tankies, Trump fans, shitlibs, etc. celebrate. There's just, also, a notable contingent of scolds.

Celebrating this shooting or idolizing the guy who did it is even harder for me to imagine than weeping over this guy's death.

by Trolly McTrollson k

So you admit he didn't actually say the things you're attributing to him?

Wtf are you going on about this time? What words did I attribute to Marx, whatsoever?

corpus vile has been crushing some threads lately

by DonkJr k

A person that refused to do an honest day of work in his life, yet felt entitled to live the high life off of other people's work and wealth. The ultimate schnorrer.

This is also pretty straightforwardly not true under any reasonable definition of "honest work." Mind you, it's a completely ad homenim argument you're making anyway.

by DonkJr k

Wtf are you going on about this time? What words did I attribute to Marx, whatsoever?

Go back and re-read the conversation again slowly. Sound the words out to yourself if that's helpful.

by Rococo k

Celebrating this shooting or idolizing the guy who did it is even harder for me to imagine than weeping over this guy's death.

You are talking to the guy that immediately praised Hamas on the very day that they parachuted in and murdered almost 1200 people at a music festival. Even Trolly thought he was so out of line that he should have been banned. It isn't that hard to imagine that the same poster is publicly celebrating murder again.

by Trolly McTrollson k

This is also pretty straightforwardly not true under any reasonable definition of "honest work." Mind you, it's a completely ad homenim argument you're making anyway.

Go back and re-read the conversation again slowly. Sound the words out to yourself if that's helpful.

Your attempts at trolling have just gotten lazier and lazier. What a waste of time.

by Victor k

it was pretty awesome when it beat the Nazis.

Is this how we are grading economic and government systems now? By whether a country with that form of economy or government won a war?

That's going to lead to some weird results.

by DonkJr k

Your attempts at trolling have just gotten lazier and lazier. What a waste of time.

I know I've said this before, but for a lawyer you're astonishingly bad at forming an argument at a basic level. Maybe lies and wild hyperbole actually work in a courtroom; that's rather disturbing.

defeating evil is good. evil usually prevails like in the case of the White Empire but this was one its few defeats.

by Victor k

it was pretty awesome when it beat the Nazis.

Not so awesome when it teamed up with the Nazis to carve up Eastern Europe.

by Victor k

defeating evil is good. evil usually prevails like in the case of the White Empire but this was one its few defeats.

I wasn't arguing that the Nazis losing WW2 was a bad thing. I was questioning whether it is correct to interpret a wartime victory as a validation of the victor's form of government/economic system.

by Rococo k

I wasn't arguing that the Nazis losing WW2 was a bad thing. I was questioning whether it is correct to interpret a wartime victory as a validation of the victor's form of government/economic system.

not "a wartime victory." this particular wartime victory. the victory over the Nazis.

by Victor k

not "a wartime victory." this particular wartime victory. the victory over the Nazis.

Why was that specific victory a validation of a government/economic system, but others are not?

I guess it could have been a better victory. shouldnt have let the Nazis regroup as NATO.

Godwin's law ITT.

by Victor k

defeating evil is good. evil usually prevails like in the case of the White Empire but this was one its few defeats.

Both were evil regimes. Some good definitely came about it in the sense that one of those evil regimes were destroyed. However, the Soviets defeating the Nazis didn't make the Soviet Union any less of an evil regime.

Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or a Victor how the Nazis and Soviets were getting along pre-1941.

by Trolly McTrollson k

I know I've said this before, but for a lawyer you're astonishingly bad at forming an argument at a basic level. Maybe lies and wild hyperbole actually work in a courtroom; that's rather disturbing.

Your posts are basically the equivalent of pulling your pants down, taking a piss on the carpet, and then telling yourself you nailed it. If I were to come across somebody that were to do that in a courtroom, I'd just say "I rest my case" and sit down. I don't really need to go point by point and explain why your constant strawmans, non-sequiters, made up nonsense, and random insults are not worth arguing against, as you and everybody else here is already well familiar with your schtick.

by DonkJr k

I don't really like responding to you, as you have always been an unhinged troll and it takes time away from my life as a working man, but it pretty funny that you have not changed your MO at all in the last year and a half of posting. You are still the same edge lord crybaby begging for attention with the same stupid takes. Personally, I wish you would post more, not only for the entertainment value, but also so that those people that are iffy about Communism can see how one that subscribes t

All I did was:

- correct the ignorant things you were saying
- making a pretty astute point, if I do say so myself, about the many clear philosophical similarities between you and the far right

instead of replying on the merits, you're going on about trolls and "posting MOs" and this other ****

Get destroyed on substance, call your opponent a troll -- the DonkJr method

I'll happily let you carry on in this way without resistance if you first admit to the blindingly obvious truth that I know massively more about Marx, Marxism and socialism than you do. Deal?

by DonkJr k

your constant strawmans

this is so ridiculously rich coming from the guy talking about how Marxism is about how nobody should work at all and only take drugs and play video games and that socialists hate brave job producers like him

also, the plural is strawMEN, thank you

by Trolly McTrollson k

Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or a Victor how the Nazis and Soviets were getting along pre-1941.

At a minimum, his new avatar and his assertion that NATO is the ideological successor to the Third Reich suggest that he is primarily interested in trolling, at least for the moment.

by Rococo k

Celebrating this shooting or idolizing the guy who did it is even harder for me to imagine than weeping over this guy's death.

I may have made a bad choice with the word "celebrate"; many are just like, "yeah, technically Luigi committed an immoral act, but the CEO guy is a plague upon our society, so I'm finding it impossible to get very angry about it".

I definitely don't idolize the guy and his entirely incoherent politics, but I think he engaged in an effective form of violent protest. He sure got a lot of people talking about the evils of our pathologically for-profit medical system, which is most basic goal of such a protest. The guy did a pretty cool thing -- he took an indirect mass murderer off the streets.

(for the record, I do very much appreciate and even admire Aaron Bushnell, the guy who self-immolated to protest our involvement in the ongoing Gaza genocide. He was fully righteous)

by Luciom k

this is a guy who was found 250+ miles from the place where he committed the murder, with multiple fake IDs, who managed to kill his target.

didn't commit suicide.

and political faith like religious faith can make you act in ways others could consider irrational, some political/religious faiths more than others.

and some political/religious faiths celebrate martyrdoms explicitly.

saying oh well martyrdom is mental illness isn't a counter to "it was politically motivated"

Shooting him in the legs would have had an equal impact on the public and insurance companies.. He probably knew his chances of escape was tiny (and that he was ruining his life). He wasn't as mentally ill as the two guys who tried to kill Trump or your average suicide bomber and his mental state might have been caused by severe chronic pain. But there is little doubt that abnormal mental states is a much greater explanation for these types of killings than some political ideology that on the surface appears to be the main motive

by Trolly McTrollson k

Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or a Victor how the Nazis and Soviets were getting along pre-1941.

open a history book trollerson.
