Spoonfox returns to his roots. Freerolls and dreams.
My first two years of online poker consisted of playing freerolls and trying to run up the dust into nuggets. The dream was to get money to do whatever the f I do. . Now as basically an adult, I have money the f do.
When I had my name drawn for this WPTgold freeroll, I was sure it meant one thing. It was time for my dreams to come true. I was finally going to complete the impossible dream....
of posting a complete 2p2 trip report.

If there's one thing that 30 years of Vegas trips has taught me, it's to not take more cash than you need to lose. Being as this is a trip for a freeroll, I figure this is enough cash.
Effing cowboys have the rewards systems all screwed up so I'm returning to my ultimate roots. The first 3 trips I ever took to Vegas were as a tween. My dad convinced my mom that the Excalibur was kid friendly enough since they had an arcade. Thank goodness for the hard to dynamite design! It's the only strip hotel that would comp me this weekend.
(I learned after booking that Rio is independent and would happily book me all the days.)
11 Replies
My first two years of online poker consisted of playing freerolls and trying to run up the dust into nuggets. The dream was to get money to do whatever the f I do. . Now as basically an adult, I have money the f do.
When I had my name drawn for this WPTgold freeroll, I was sure it meant one thing. It was time for my dreams to come true. I was finally going to complete the impossible dream....
of posting a complete 2p2 trip report.
Congrats on winning a seat into the freeroll! Which drawing did you win your seat from?
That tourney is probably going to be soft as butter, and have a huge overlay. Structure doesn't seem awful either, with 30 minute levels and not super steep blind increases.
Love the bankroll and shoe pics. Having FU money is a nice thing, isn't it?
I'm in! GL on the tournament, keep us posted.
I don't know much about the tourney - how much was the entry you won?
awesome result though and I wish you huge run good. what a story when you bink it
I like the $2 bill.
I would not stay at Excalibur even for free, however.
Good luck
I don't know much about the tourney - how much was the entry you won?
awesome result though and I wish you huge run good. what a story when you bink it
$5M freeroll capped at 2k runners, so the seat is worth about $2500 in value.
Good luck OP. Curious to hear about this one.
I took some shots at the freerolls to win a ticket, but couldn't bink it.
After a 1 hour drive, a 1.5 hour shuttle, delayed plane, 3 hours in an airport, and a 3.25 hour flight, I arrived in Vegas.
No line for a taxi, so that was nice. $20 and a tip got me to Excalibur.

The room is nicer than some I've had at Bally's and Flamingo. Checked in via the app and my phone is my key via Bluetooth. So definitely gonna be using the deadbolt.
Quickly lost a piece of paper in ultimate x, and headed to the Encore. Cabbie stayed off the strip and we made good time. Made my way back to the ballroom and got registered.
I won my seat from srslysirius. They did a drawing on Reddit, and to my eternal surprise, my name was drawn! I really didn't believe it was true until they handed me the seating assignment.

They've a pretty nice VIP room for passport winners. They also had a party at some club, but I'm old and chose to get drunk by other means.

Nice swag bag as well.

I has planned on going to the Venetian to play the $200 bounty, but when I got there, it was delayed. The player card printer in the poker room didn't like my ID, forcing me to head down to the casino. Once I had my card I decided Pai Gow was good practice for a poker tournament. Lost a little bit there and went to the cab line.
Back at the Excalibur, I was hungry, tired, and indecisive. I didn't particularly like the looks of any of the food offerings so started walking towards Mandalay Bay. My thought was to play some 1/2 and eat at the House of Blues. Both places had longer waits than I was willing to put up with. Back to Excalibur and some hot wings at Top Bar. Good enough for who it was for, and the karaoke was fun to listen to. Lost a bit at 3card poker and went to bed.
Welp. I will write up a more thorough post when I'm feeling less sad, but I did not win the freeroll. Didn't even last longer than a stack that was getting blinded off.

However, my day did start out awesome at the Veranda restaurant at the 4 Seasons at Mandalay.
Eggs Croccete(sp?) and a chocolate croissant.

Undecided what the rest of today is gonna be, but I am definitely getting a massage tomorrow and golfing tomorrow and Sunday.
I never really got anything going in the tournament. Just before second break I ran my AT 12bb into AQ. Kinda gutted. But, I had 3 people at my table that I had definitely seen at final tables before as well as two apparently famous streamers. The only fish at the table other than me was a guy who was having a blast and gushing over being at the table with famous players.
Walked all the way back to the Excalibur. Stopped everytime my drink got empty and got a free drink from VP. So the walk cost over $200 because I do not run good at gambling. Ate a little food, dozed off for a bit then went down and lost at every game I played until I finally gave up and went to bed.
I'm now very cash poor so I'm doing things other than gambling for today.
Just had a 6/10 massage at the 5/10 luxor spa.
Had the breakfast buffet at Veranda. 10/10
Fresh mini donuts with whatever you want on them.

Now I'm going golfing at Bali Hai.
This trip is very typical of all my Vegas trips. I have only ever won once in this town. That's probably why I don't do trip reports. It's very boring to say, "so I lost all day and went to bed drunk." over and over.
tough break but I still like your story.
enjoy your time away from the felt tomorrow. then return for an epic comeback
Sorry bruh. Thanks for the trip report and keep posting
Hope your luck gets better. We still enjoy reading your TR and looking at photos, so thanks for the effort. Keep it up!