Thunderdome Turbo Showdown
I'll name a category and a number of answers. For instance: "The United Kingdom is made up of four countries. Name them."
There will be two teams, and each team will alternate in coming up with an answer. One strike and you're out. In the example above, team A answers "England". Team B comes up with "Wales". Team A says "Scotland". And Team B guesses "France". Team B gets a strike and Team A wins the round.
First team to win 3 rounds wins the match.
I'm looking for 4 contestants to be split up into 2 teams of 2 players.
I want to be in, but I'm too stupid
I'd be in to drag down my team mate, should be around for 4-5 hours fwiw.
Why not
There were 4 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
Team THUNDER[/b] is derwi and pog.
Team LIGHTNING[/b] is eb and sixfour.
Q1: Name the 25 characters in the Harry Potter series of novels who are mentioned the most often.
Team Thunder is first.
Discussion in this thread is allowed. However, you can not discuss the actual names of possible answers. Either member of a team is permitted to give an answer when it's your turn (team members don't have to alternate or anything.)
If you misspell an answer that's fine, as long as your intended answer is clearly evident. Similarly, you can give either the first or last name and that's fine, as long as your answer is sufficient to identify which character you are intending to name. (In other words, if two characters share the same last name, then you should probably be more specific.)
Good luck!
Well I hope eb knows something about this as I don't
Harry Potter
LMAO we are so ****ed. I haven't read or seen any of the books/films.
I know of a few characters because they're referenced in pop culture, but I don't see this going well.
Hermione Granger
You should feel free to go back and forth whenever you like. Otherwise this could be an incredibly long game. I'll come in with updates as frequently as I can.
Harry Potter is the #1 answer.
Dumbledore is the #4 answer.
Both teams are off to a great start.
Hermione is #3.
Ron Weasley
I think I'm pretty much out of answers already lol
Snape is #6. Ron is #2.
Professor McGonnagal (or however it's spelled)
Draco Malfoy
McGonagall is #16
Draco is #9
There's someone named Lily, right?