UnitedHealth CEO Assassinated

UnitedHealth CEO Assassinated

The murder of UnitedHealthcare's CEO is a strange story. On the one hand, the killer obviously was taking steps to avoid getting caught. He was wearing a hoodie. He used a silencer. He clearly had an escape plan.

On the other hand, he was wearing a distinctive backpack. He may have left a food wrapper and a water bottle at the scene. And there was writing on each of the three shell casings (the words "deny," "defend," and "depose").

) 11 Views 11
05 December 2024 at 03:09 PM

1015 Replies


by Luciom k

All it takes for the case not to be a slam dunk is for one juror to be like the majority of the people in this thread and in other social media.

Someone like CN would not vote to acquit. And someone like SRM will never end up on this jury.

by Luckbox Inc k

I wonder what the rules will be for striking jurors.

Would the prosecution get to strike anyone who knows anyone who has been negatively affected by a health insurance company for cause?

I doubt it would be quite that simple. If you made it clear that a personal experience with health care made you unable to fairly judge the evidence, then you certainly would be struck for cause.

by Rococo k

Someone like CN would not vote to acquit. And someone like SRM will never end up on this jury.


by Crossnerd k


If the victim were a pedophile and the assailant the father of their victim?

Question for Rococo: Will the prosecution be able to also charge him with a lessor crime like manslaughter or murder second degree if he is charged with first degree murder or does the defense get a say there?

by jjjou812 k

So was Luigi at the scene of the crime or not? Did the other guy commit the crime because he and Luigi planned it together? Did Luigi know he was going to be the fall guy?

Are you saying the unibrow pictures predate his capture or that he appears to have a unibrow five days after not having one at the hostel?

How are you going to explain away the dna matches, gunshot residue and other forensic evidence linking Luigi to the crime scene, bullets and gun?

What should we think of your theory if L

But he changed his clothes!

by Luckbox Inc k

If the victim were a pedophile and the assailant the father of their victim?

I'd still convict the guy in a second. While I wouldn't cry about a pedo getting killed, our society functions well because we have a set of rules that we play by. When you start throwing those out and justifying murder, you're off on a really dark road.

by Rococo k

Someone like CN would not vote to acquit. And someone like SRM will never end up on this jury.

I can’t speak for CN but I will happily read every post I’ve made in this thread word for ****ing word to get out of jury duty

As such, ya you’re right (hopefully)

I like to think my tone has softened in the couple weeks since this happened

SRM then: public murder is never ok but lol **** this guy I won’t weep for this scumbag who caused more pain and suffering and probably death than his life was worth. Him being a husband and a father does less than nothing to humanize what an unrepentant amoral he chose to live his life as in the pursuit of money and I will laugh at anyone who insists I’m supposed to feel different including but not limited to the wife and children whose lives are better today off the blood of the humans he made millions upon millions off of

SRM today: public murder is never ok but [strike]lol[/strike] **** this guy I won’t weep for this [strike]scumbag[/strike] human being in the technical qualities that define a human being who caused more pain and suffering and probably death than his life was worth. Him being a husband and a father does less than nothing to humanize what an unrepentant amoral he chose to live his life as in the pursuit of money and I will laugh at anyone who insists I’m supposed to feel different including but not limited to the wife and children whose lives are better today off the blood of the humans he made millions upon millions off of

We are all capable of growth

Edit: and just as a general catch-all my response to every person who wants to clutch their pearls in outrage at this post or my general message will remain consistent so I’ll just post it now so you can refer to know and know this is what I would quote you and say


lol don’t care go donate to Brian’s go fund me, simp

I can't see myself voting to convict the pedophile killer and I have no clue about Mangione honestly. I also would never end up on a jury but I don't see a problem with jury nullification whatsoever.

by Luckbox Inc k

If the victim were a pedophile and the assailant the father of their victim?

Question for Rococo: Will the prosecution be able to also charge him with a lessor crime like manslaughter or murder second degree if he is charged with first degree murder or does the defense get a say there?

I don't know if manslaughter really fits here. His intent or level of planning isn't really the issue. But in general, I believe that the answer is yes in most states.

FWIW, I only expect a second degree murder charge here. First degree murder requires an aggravating factor in New York, and I don't know what any of the aggravating factors is present here.

by Rococo k

I don't know if manslaughter really fits here. His intent or level of planning isn't really the issue. But in general, I believe that the answer is yes in most states.

FWIW, I only expect a second degree murder charge here. First degree murder requires an aggravating factor in New York, and I don't know what any of the aggravating factors is present here.

What's an aggravating factor? Does that mean he had to have some personal beef? Obviously you're the attorney here and not me, my amateur understanding was predmeditation = first, and he certainly had a lot of that.

by campfirewest k

What's an aggravating factor? Does that mean he had to have some personal beef? Obviously you're the attorney here and not me, my amateur understanding was predmeditation = first, and he certainly had a lot of that.


Idk how "act of terrorism" would be defined but if it's violence towards a political end then it definitely could be argued that the murder was committed as an act of terrorism.

Could his manifesto combined with the murder be seen as terrorism and therefore an aggravating factor ?

by Luckbox Inc k

Idk how "act of terrorism" would be defined but if it's violence towards a political end then it definitely could be argued that the murder was committed as an act of terrorism.

Lol just asked same thing didn't see your post sorry

by Luckbox Inc k

Idk how "act of terrorism" would be defined but if it's violence towards a political end then it definitely could be argued that the murder was committed as an act of terrorism.

Hard to know without seeing all the evidence. That would seem to be the best possible hook.

If called upon for jury duty in this case, I would:

A. try to lie my way onto the jury during jury selection
B. vote to acquit

I'm sure that Mangione is guilty by the letter of the law. I don't care. We've all seen the powerful use and abuse our legal system to their benefit. I doubt this problem will ever get fixed by voting EVEN HARDER for x Democrat, or whatever else the libs plan. Radical problems often require radical solutions.

Leave your misplaced reverence for our systems of law, business and government behind!

...the same system where Donald Trump has successfully weaseled his way out of any trouble whatsoever, despite his overwhelming portfolio of serious crimes

by Rococo k

And someone like SRM will never end up on this jury.

But what if SRM uses the ancient trick known as "lying"? Anybody with some skill at planning can determine what the prosecution will likely want to hear and give themselves a decent shot at getting through jury nullification.

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

If called upon for jury duty in this case, I would:

A. try to lie my way onto the jury during jury selection
B. vote to acquit

I'm sure that Mangione is guilty by the letter of the law. I don't care. We've all seen the powerful use and abuse our legal system to their benefit. I doubt this problem will ever get fixed by voting EVEN HARDER for x Democrat, or whatever else the libs plan. Radical problems often require radical solutions.

Leave your misplaced reverence for our systems of law, busin

I don't think you have to worry about ending up on the jury either.

by Rococo k

I don't think you have to worry about ending up on the jury either.

You mean, in a hypothetical world in which I'm among those called to show up for jury selection? Why? They won't know my politics. I don't post on Twitter/TikTok/FB (and definitely never will while using my actual name). I'm a straight white cisgender man of some wealth, is that not the profile of someone the prosecution would want on the jury here?

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

If called upon for jury duty in this case, I would:

A. try to lie my way onto the jury during jury selection
B. vote to acquit

I'm sure that Mangione is guilty by the letter of the law. I don't care. We've all seen the powerful use and abuse our legal system to their benefit. I doubt this problem will ever get fixed by voting EVEN HARDER for x Democrat, or whatever else the libs plan. Radical problems often require radical solutions.

Leave your misplaced reverence for our systems of law, busin

Dems just let a guy out of jail that literally kidnapped kids to use them to profit off of child trafficking. lol rule of law.

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

You mean, in a hypothetical world in which I'm among those called to show up for jury selection? Why? They won't know my politics. I don't post on Twitter/TikTok/FB (and definitely never will while using my actual name). I'm a straight white cisgender man of some wealth, is that not the profile of someone the prosecution would want on the jury here?

Yes. I mean in the hypothetical world in which you are called for jury duty.

It isn't nearly as easy or comfortable to lie your way onto a jury as most people imagine. And it isn't cost free if you get caught. You definitely would have to commit perjury.

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

If called upon for jury duty in this case, I would:

A. try to lie my way onto the jury during jury selection
B. vote to acquit

lol, sure you would.

So they upgraded the charge to murder 1 based on the terrorism angle.
