Gun control

Gun control

I think that the Gun control thread got lost when the old politics thread got moved.

1 The rest of the world looks at the US policy with slack jawed astonishment.
2. “Guns don’t kill people , people do” is identical to “Nuclear weapons don’t kill people, people do”
3. Using the idea that carrying guns can prevent the government oppressing you seems to ignore the fact that the US government controls the most effective killing machine in history

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24 January 2021 at 11:30 PM

710 Replies


I'm talking out of my ass and shouldn't have said anything at all.

At least one person in this girl's life was trying to do right by her in getting her into a top 1% K-12 school. Being a single parent is hard, and only made harder when you're dealing with alcohol abuse.

Unfortunate that so many of these stories lead back to drugs and broken families.

Carry on.

by Inso0 k

I'm talking out of my ass and shouldn't have said anything at all.

At least one person in this girl's life was trying to do right by her in getting her into a top 1% K-12 school. Being a single parent is hard, and only made harder when you're dealing with alcohol abuse.

Unfortunate that so many of these stories lead back to drugs and broken families.

Carry on.

from the info we have both parents are utterly broken people who are 100% responsible for everything that is wrong with that girl and I wish we had a legal way to consider them responsible for these murders same as with what happened with those parents who provided the guns to the other minor recently and got convicted for it.

by Land O Lakes k

True, so keep the firearms away from this kid?

Ah, it was the alcohol.

from the info we had the firearm was away from the kid

by Rococo k

Your eyes and ears tell you that the left wing is responsible for every social ill. That's because of what you choose to pump into your eyes and ears.

There are plenty of historical examples of left-wing and right-wing political violence in the United Stated (and obviously the world). I'm sure that will continue to be the case in the future.

in recent years in western countries violence is overwhelmingly sourced from leftist thoughts and ideas in a way that has never been so skewed for any ideology since the industrial revolution.

Other countries have other histories yes.

but in the last 30-40 years we are talking 99-1 left vs right in terms of systemic violence in western countries.

I cant even remember anything outside of Greece and Hungary (so not even fully first world countries) in the last 30 years where right-wing people had widespread, systemic riots in a western city. we had more than 1000 examples in France (more than 50 in Paris alone) and the USA alone in the last 10 years of cities becoming infernos because of leftist violence.

by Rococo k

This "manifesto" is completely incoherent.

You would think a 15 year old suicide killer would have it a bit more together.

by Luciom k

from the info we had the firearm was away from the kid

Tell that to the families of the victims.

by Inso0 k

Being a teenager with a broken family of chronic substance abusers is not likely to be correlated with good judgment and rational thinking.

People will focus on the guns here, but this is another feather in the cap of alcohol, imo.

by Inso0 k

I'm talking out of my ass and shouldn't have said anything at all.

At least one person in this girl's life was trying to do right by her in getting her into a top 1% K-12 school. Being a single parent is hard, and only made harder when you're dealing with alcohol abuse.

Unfortunate that so many of these stories lead back to drugs and broken families.

Carry on.

I think the point you are making probably had a lot to do with the shooting.

Growing up in a home with alcoholism and/or drug abuse can be devastating. My father was verbally abusive and it was hard but there can also be physical abuse as well. That in and of itself can lead to a sociopath/psychopath.

With only one parent as an addict the benefit is that a child can learn to be a codependent like the other parent. But if both parents are addicts the chances of a child becoming an addict comes in at like 75% (if I remember correctly). Just having one parent as an alcoholic/addict makes it about 50%.

In any case the rage the girl went through living in that home was probably high. And from what I read she was suicidal but wanted to kill other people before she died. It may have been people that had bullied her at school (probably like she had been bullied at home).

Going to be tough to hold the parents accountable though if the gun was in a safe and she broke into the safe without parental permission which I'm guessing they are going to say with no evidence to the contrary.

On another note the rate of car rage murder by guns in the US has doubled as of 2023 since before Covid. Part of it is due to the like 29 States that now allow people to conceal carry guns without permits. Part of it is just more guns in the US. And the other part of it is that I have seen a huge change in driving patterns since Covid. When I was driving on the West Side Highway (NYC) there were some cars on the 3-lane road going about 55 to 60 mph. I was in the right lane and a car passed me at about 90 mph in the breakdown lane. Then a few seconds later two more cars did the same thing. They weaved through all the cars on the road at about the same speed as they passed me. I had never seen anything like that in like 45 years of driving pre-Covid. The other thing that has happened a few times is that I have seen a car from behind cut off a car making a left turn. Twice at a light facing oncoming traffic that had to screech to a halt. The last one I saw was a car making a left turn going downhill on a road that was two lanes (one in each direction). I was at a stop sign looking to make a left turn on the road and the car was going to make a left turn onto my road. The car behind him going about 60 mph swung left and tried to pass the guy who had slowed down and had already started making the left turn with his left turn signal on. The left turn guy screeched to a halt and the guy passing him swerved left and almost hit me (I was completely stopped at the stop sign and was not on his road). Because he swerved he ran onto a property and missed hitting a tree by about a foot or two and then swung back on the downhill road. Never seen anything like that either.

Red States are leading the way in % of road rage gun deaths per capita though there are some (3) that are at 0%. And the leading state in this type of death % per capita is New Mexico. I think PA is also up there.

by Luciom k

nah they don't obfuscate cultural left shootings, they simply make them disappear. they stop talking about them completely and move on.

See Dunyan? totally disappeared from the news cycle

by Dunyain k

What does "overtly right-wing domestic shooting" even mean? I doubt you could even define the term, much less statistically back up your claim, making your statement pretty meaningless.

When it comes to political violence, my eyes and ears tell me that left wing motivated political violence is much more prevalent than right wing; and I would not trust FBI statistics one way or the other on this, because the FBI has been ideologically captured and is not trustworthy in this regard.

But this pe

I forgot this thread. But as for the bolded, I refer to shootings committed by those whom have a right-wing political purpose.

So, Dylann Roof, who killed 9 older black people at a church, and wrote an ultra-right, racist manifesto, is an example of an overtly right-wing domestic shooter. Wikipedia even says, "He later confessed that he committed the shooting in hopes of igniting a race war."

There are countless such examples. He's just the first that comes to mind. Let me know if you need a short list. This group far dwarfs related killers on the left. But hey, don't take it from me, take it from, of all people, the ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE!

"All the extremist-related murders in 2022 were committed by right-wing extremists of various kinds, who typically commit most such killings each year but only occasionally are responsible for all (the last time this occurred was 2012). Left-wing extremists engage in violence ranging from assaults to fire-bombings and arsons, but since the late 1980s have not often targeted people with deadly violence. The same cannot be said for domestic Islamist extremists, but deadly incidents linked to Islamist extremism have decreased significantly in the U.S. over the past five years."

by Luciom k

See Dunyan? totally disappeared from the news cycle


Either that or mass shootings happen all the goddamn time in the US, so one in which relatively few people die won't last too long in a 24-hour news cycle environment. But no, you're right, the billionaire owners of corporate media are so scared of exposing the shooter's misandrist views to a gullible population that they jammed the CENSOR button. Good call.

Mass shootings with a girl perpetrator are exceedingly rare and truly exceptional even in the USA.

It's not a conspiracy, it is in the open: the media (which is basically all leftist except for fox) buries everything that doesn't play neatly into the left narrative

by Luciom k

Mass shootings with a girl perpetrator are exceedingly rare and truly exceptional even in the USA.

It's not a conspiracy, it is in the open: the media (which is basically all leftist except for fox) buries everything that doesn't play neatly into the left narrative

And yet there are several articles about it today in the news media. Go figure.
