In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

) 12 Views 12
12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

4020 Replies


Btw a person had signalled the perpetrator of the massacre to police one year ago

The assassin was also wanted for crimes in Saudi Arabia and Germany refused to extradict because "human rights".

So bureaucracy and human rights absurdities , as usual, caused the massacre.

by Luciom k

Super weird rumors about the terrorist being a Saudi atheist who wanted to increase hatred toward islam because he considered the islamification of europe the worst thing ever.

He didn't die if i read correctly and has been arrested so if they don't pull an Epstein on him we will know more soon

His wiki page mentions this and says he stated he was anti Islam in media interviews in 2019. His X account was followed by far right German AFD members. Saudis say they warned the Germans three times about him previously.

In media appearances, Abdulmohsen presented himself as an ex-Muslim activist against Islam.[4] In 2019, Abdulmohsen gave interviews to the Frankfurter Rundschau and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, in which he was presented as an escape/migration helper.[11][12] In these he says about himself: "I am the most aggressive critic of Islam in history. [...] There is no good Islam."[12] Der Spiegel reported on him in the same year; that he would - through his web forum and X (formerly known as Twitter) - help others to escape from Saudi Arabia to Germany.[13] Also in the same year, Abuldmohsen appeared on the BBC showcasing his website intended to help asylum seeking apostates, "especially from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region".[14] The Saudi monarchy is said to have warned German security authorities about Taleb A. three times in more recent past.[15]

On X, Abdulmohsen posted a AR-15–style rifle with a US-flag as a profile picture and conspiracy theories such as "Germany is persecuting Saudi asylum seekers inside and outside Germany in order to destroy their lives" and "Germany wants to Islamize Europe."[4][16][17] Several well-known functionaries of the German far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD) and its right-wing extremist youth organization Junge Alternative followed the attacker's X channel.[18] Furthermore, he expressed his sympathy on X for the AfD and dreamed of a joint project with the far-right party: an academy for ex-Muslims.[19]

In a video interview that appeared on an anti-Islamic US blog eight days before the attack, Abdulmohsen spreads theories for over 45 minutes that the German state is conducting a "covert secret operation" to "hunt and destroy the lives" of Saudi ex-Muslims around the world, but at the same time Syrian jihadists are receiving asylum in Germany.[18] Abdulmohsen also shared similar right-wing ideological content, including content from German politician Alice Weidel (AfD),[20] Alex Jones and Elon Musk.[18] He also shared a video by German right-wing influencer Naomi Seibt.[citation needed]

Sounds like an alt right nut.

by Luciom k

The assassin was also wanted for crimes in Saudi Arabia and Germany refused to extradict because "human rights".

So bureaucracy and human rights absurdities , as usual, caused the massacre.

No, far right Islamophobia caused the massacre.

how it started

how it's going

Also a supporter of the neo-Nazi AfD, so not nearly right wing enough for the Lucioms of the world according to him.

by jalfrezi k

Also a supporter of the neo-Nazi AfD, so not nearly right wing enough for the Lucioms of the world according to him.

Revealed preferences trump claims, when they differ.

Going with a car at a christmast market is a fact that happened, what he said in the past if contrary to that fades into irrelevancy (or it was an attempt to put AfD in bad light, more probably).

But yes AfD is not nearly enough far right, objectively. Examples? they don't even want to dramatically reduce taxes and government expenses which given the level of taxation in Germany is a prerequisite to be at least right of center, on the economics (which, i should remind you, is the most important part of politics more important than everything else combined).

Culturally AfD is rightwing yes. Not extremely so though at all. No attempt to ban abortion or no fault divorce for example. No attempt to introduce widespread use of the death penalty. No requests to massively increase public financing to christian churches.

What i listed is what actual culturally very rightwing parties ask for in Spain, Poland, Malta, Hungary.

AfD is more moderate than many other european rightwing parties on most issues. Objectively.

All the "neonazi" talk is complete fabrication by the german establishment which is quite simply terrified of losing power so it completly invents a narrative about the surging opposition party.

by jalfrezi k

No, far right Islamophobia caused the massacre.

Sure, a massacre caused by a saudi person is to be blamed on the people who want to ban all immigration from africa and the middle east and deport all people originary from there back to their countries.

Jalfrezi logic.

It's not my logic, it's the logic of the attacker that somehow a far right winger like you that ends up attacking Germans is protesting at immigration policies.

lol @ Luciom as usual

by jalfrezi k

No, far right Islamophobia caused the massacre.

jfc this right here, mother of god jal did you stop and think before posting this virtue signal?

by rickroll k

jfc this right here, mother of god jal did you stop and think before posting this virtue signal?

Well rick, that's how the media is reporting it.

Germany's interior minister is saying the one thing she can confirm is that he has "Islamophobic" views.

Also, evidenced by social media posts, the suspect is an outspoken critic of Islam, and has promoted conspiracy theories regarding an alleged plot by German authorities to islamicise Europe. iow standard far right tropes.

So, far right Islamophobia seems to describe it accurately for now.

by jalfrezi k

Well rick, that's how the media is reporting it.

you're no better than the "she dressed like a slut and asked to be raped" folks, in fact, you're worse

by rickroll k

you're no better than the "she dressed like a slut and asked to be raped" folks, in fact, you're worse

I'm sorry if it was one of your political cohorts this time rick, and not an Islamic terrorist. You must be very disappointed.

More information about the attacker has come out

This ‘wave’ of incomers has been cited by Taleb A, as one of the reasons for his hatred of Merkel. He has, in at least one post, called for her to be killed.

The refugee influx of 2015 fueled the then fledgling party, the AfD, an anti-Islam, anti-immigrant populist force, which has successfully played on the fear of some Germans to raise their profile and gain support. Taleb A has expressed his support for the party, reposting some of its anti-Islam posts and liking some key anti-immigrant influencers who are affiliated with the party.

Before the attack, Taleb A claimed in hundreds of posts on his X account that there was a conspiracy by the German authorities against Saudi refugees. He also made frequent references to “secret operations”. He openly admitted to his hatred for Islam, and said he sought revenge for the fact that Germany, as he claimed, wanted to ‘Islamise’ Europe.

In one of his posts on X from 13 August, he wrote in Arabic: “I assure you: if Germany wants war, we will have it. If Germany wants to kill us, we will slaughter them, die, or proudly go to prison.”

The post continues: “Because we have exhausted all peaceful means, we have only encountered more crimes from the police, the state security, the public prosecutor’s office, the judiciary and the interior ministry. Peace is of no use to them.”

In another post in May, he wrote that he expects to die this year. He further claims that the German authorities are corrupt, adding: “I will seek justice at all costs.”

There are reports, citing Saudi Arabian authorities, that security services there had warned German authorities on several occasions about the attacker and his extremist views.

A turning point for Taleb A may have been having his asylum application approved in 2016. It was then that he made public the fact that he has renounced his faith as a Muslim. He said it had turned his family and friends against him, as well as lots of his patients.

He also opened his account on what was then Twitter, and started publicly denouncing Islam.

Marine Le Pen appears to be from the same school of reading comprehension as some posters here.

by jalfrezi k

Germany's interior minister is saying the one thing she can confirm is that he has "Islamophobic" views.

Also, evidenced by social media posts, the suspect is an outspoken critic of Islam, and has promoted conspiracy theories regarding an alleged plot by German authorities to islamicise Europe. iow standard far right tropes.

So, far right Islamophobia seems to describe it accurately for now.

Many hundreds of thousands of people agree with that in Germany if not millions, yet the only one to make a terrorist attack with islamists methods was a Saudi Arabian person.

Which evidently for jalfrezi is proof we need more immigrants

by jalfrezi k

Marine Le Pen appears to be from the same school of reading comprehension as some posters here.

You appear to simply regurgitate leftist media takes which as all leftist takes usually are, are the worst possible ones in this case as well

by jalfrezi k

I'm sorry if it was one of your political cohorts this time rick, and not an Islamic terrorist. You must be very disappointed.

one day you'll realize how disgusting and repulsive your statements today are - you're basically saying they were asking for it and deserved it

shame on you

by rickroll k

one day you'll realize how disgusting and repulsive your statements today are - you're basically saying they were asking for it and deserved it

shame on you

Of course I'm not saying that. It's a terrible event. wtf are you on about???

Are you upset that it's a far right winger like you and not an Islamic fundamentalist?

by Luciom k

You appear to simply regurgitate leftist media takes which as all leftist takes usually are, are the worst possible ones in this case as well

Worst possible takes that nevertheless deeply fascist Luciom is unable to refute.

by jalfrezi k

Are you upset that it's a far right winger like you and not an Islamic fundamentalist?

you're clearly not interested in talking things with a level head when you make further disgusting accusations like this

seriously man, take a break from the internet, this is repugnant behavior from you today

by jalfrezi k

Worst possible takes that nevertheless deeply fascist Luciom is unable to refute.

I already refuted the idea that you can believe verbatim what a terrorist writes before a terrorist attack, when the terrorist attack clearly signals the opposite.

The methods of the attack, and the targets, matter more than what he wrote before, especially given the fact that he might very well have planned it for a long while, and so build a persona to push his actual agenda after the fact.

While I'm completely against immigrants who don't want to integrate into the society in which they'll live, I can't believe you guys are arguing over the ideological reasons behind an act of terrorist perpetrated by someone who clearly was mentally ill.
