I wanted to post something Survivor related but realized there's no general thread about Survivor. Each thread is about a particular season or votes for hottest, best, etc.

Given that who knows when/if the show will come back, here's a general thread to post all things Survivor.

I won't ruin the OP with my content post, so it will come next.

Enjoy and come on in guys!

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27 October 2020 at 07:51 PM

1038 Replies


The wind has spoken

by metsandfinsfan k

Maybe I'm a nit but it bothered my when Jeff said ", the tribe has spoken" to Teeny after she lost fire

I never thought about it until you posted. Now I am bothered also. Jerk.

What has he said in previous seasons?

SNL’s Pat losing fire was GOATed

It seemed like they chose that fire station too

by tarheels2222 k

Sam did his best given his was basically drawing dead. I said he made a solid Hail Mary effort.

With that said, what better way to outwit, outplay, and outlast, than ensuring you're safe TC? I acknowledge that finding hidden idols or advantages is mostly fortunate variance, though, they still have to be executed properly. We've seen countless players go home with idols/advantages. Rachel was fortunate Sol passed along safety without power. Rachel was fortunate the hidden idol was in the fr

I think this game hasn't been Outwit, Outplay, Outlast for quite some time. It's gone purely social for the most part. This season we happened to see a winner that actually won immunities and played things like idols and advantages strategically, but we've seen that in past seasons and then the person with a somewhat better social game wins the whole thing (a la Sandra, who was useless in challenges) or the person making the decision on who to bring to FTC is an idiot (a la Woo and Lil).

Sometimes it's not earning votes at FTC, it's not losing votes at FTC, and I think those are two different things.

Rachel tied for most immunity wins by a female EVER.

I can not decide if she was a monster or the competition was pathetic.
Someone had to win each challenge.

What are your thoughts?

She was good at puzzles and she was good at balance. Those two things will get you far. Also, overall this was not a good challenge group.

As Didace says almost every immunity challenge these days tests one of two skill sets;

1) Balance & dexterity; example the stacking blocks, balancing a ball on a plate, balancing an idol on a long stick while balancing on a narrow platform, balancing feet on narrow footholds

2) A pointless obstacle course followed by a long puzzle.

Back in the day you used to get all sorts like pure strength, swimming, endurance, memory, general knowledge, social strategy, fire making, but now like all things in the new era all creativity has become cheapened and watered down so just rinse and repeat fest

In the future, lie about where you find the idol. She got dinged for finding it in her fries. Just say you found it

by NotReddBoiler k

The wind has spoken

Can you stand up off the log in a place that better blocks the wind? Was wondering why she didn't do that.

by VTChess k

An interesting way to look at it because my opinion the entire season was that Sue was being brutally unfair to Kyle and wanting him out the entire season for basically no reason. For this reason, it wouldn't surprise me if Kyle knew everyone else was likely voting for Rachel anyway and wanted to ensure that Sue didn't finish tied for 2nd

Would love to see the jury level someone out of a win like this.

All jurors agree person A should be winner.
Juror X wants person B to get 2nd over person C, so casts a vote.
Juror Y knows this and prefers C, so gives them a vote.

Rinse repeat, then B or C win rather than A who all jurors agreed was best.

That would be epic and what scripted Survivor should do next.

by ponyboy k

I think this game hasn't been Outwit, Outplay, Outlast for quite some time. It's gone purely social for the most part. This season we happened to see a winner that actually won immunities and played things like idols and advantages strategically, but we've seen that in past seasons and then the person with a somewhat better social game wins the whole thing (a la Sandra, who was useless in challenges) or the person making the decision on who to bring to FTC is an idiot (a la Woo and Lil).


I know I'm mostly screaming at the clouds about immunity challenge wins being diminished. It's always been one of my biggest pet peeves in this game, but I understand why the social game is ultimately the deciding factor. There have been challenge beasts who had no chance to win the game, right or wrong. And there have been players who only made it to the end because they won immunity and avoided the vote out, in many instances multiple times. The meaning of outwit, outplay, and outlast have certainly evolved over the years and "eras."

by BringbckMichelleYi k

As Didace says almost every immunity challenge these days tests one of two skill sets;

1) Balance & dexterity; example the stacking blocks, balancing a ball on a plate, balancing an idol on a long stick while balancing on a narrow platform, balancing feet on narrow footholds

2) A pointless obstacle course followed by a long puzzle.

Back in the day you used to get all sorts like pure strength, swimming, endurance, memory, general knowledge, social strategy, fire making, but now like all things in t

The challenges are so stale at this point. More challenge variation seems like the easiest and cheapest way to keep this show interesting as everything else in the "new era" remains somewhat constant. This show used to be elite next level, and in many more ways than just challenge variation. Now it's just watchable.

Remember when they used to wrestle on rafts


by VTChess k

An interesting way to look at it because my opinion the entire season was that Sue was being brutally unfair to Kyle and wanting him out the entire season for basically no reason. For this reason, it wouldn't surprise me if Kyle knew everyone else was likely voting for Rachel anyway and wanted to ensure that Sue didn't finish tied for 2nd

Good call
He confirms it here

I also don't know why they don't just go back to a final two at FTC. Since season 35, the third finalist has gotten 0 votes. It's a complete waste.

by ponyboy k

I also don't know why they don't just go back to a final two at FTC. Since season 35, the third finalist has gotten 0 votes. It's a complete waste.

Fair point

by ponyboy k

I also don't know why they don't just go back to a final two at FTC. Since season 35, the third finalist has gotten 0 votes. It's a complete waste.

totally agree

Final 3 gives the most deserving winner a better chance to get there.

It would have been a shame to see a Sam/Sue final 2. Well, for everyone except Sam.

is the most deserving winner really the most deserving if they can only get themselves to a final 3 but not a final 2?


I guess that depends on how the final immunity challenge goes lol.

by ponyboy k

I also don't know why they don't just go back to a final two at FTC. Since season 35, the third finalist has gotten 0 votes. It's a complete waste.

What will happen is the 0 vote finalist will now be in final two and the finale is obvious

by King~of~Diamonds k

What will happen is the 0 vote finalist will now be in final two and the finale is obvious

Exactly right

Okay season, deserving winner, Sam-Teeny fire was the moment of the season, boring challenges especially final four. Onto February.

by tarheels2222 k

I know I'm mostly screaming at the clouds about immunity challenge wins being diminished. It's always been one of my biggest pet peeves in this game, but I understand why the social game is ultimately the deciding factor.

It's because the people on the jury all see themselves as having an amazing social game and want to make that the deciding factor. It's a lot harder for them to delude themselves into believing they're good at challenges when they never come close.
