Christmas and Meaning

Christmas and Meaning

Christmas is a celebration of the Son who becomes the new king of the new kingdom. He is reborn in death, which is why Christmas occurs during the darkest time of the year.

What separates this new king from the rest of his siblings is his faith in the father. For the others, a fallen, unjust world must mean a loving, merciful, just God can’t exist. They are unwilling to sacrifice immediate meaning at the expense of potential miracle — the miracle that somehow a perfect, loving, benevolent God still exists despite this fallen world.

The new king sacrifices immediate meaning and is willing to endure an incomprehensible reality. In the end, his faith in the father is rewarded with, not only the resurrection of a perfect, loving, just God, but also with the fullness of meaning.

It doesn’t make sense how the father works it all out in the end, but that’s not the responsibility of the Son. His responsibility is to remember who he truly is and to follow the truths written on his heart since the beginning.

It’s this seed-sized, yet unbreakable faith we celebrate in the gloom of winter. This seed of faith births a new king, and the new king brings forth a new world.

25 December 2024 at 07:45 PM

10 Replies

His responsibility is to remember who he truly is and to follow the truths written on his heart since the beginning.

In response to the evil in this world, the Son does NOT cease believing in a benevolent God. He rightfully concludes that there must be an imposter occupying the God position, and as the Son, he vows to fix it. Immediately.

Any soul which has done otherwise must repent and be forgiven.

Again, moral failure is not the fault of the human but of the soul.

Still, if the soul refuses to repent on its own, then human intervention is necessary.

A soul that celebrates the Son of Man in public but then denies him in private will be thrown into the outer darkness with the other hypocrites.

I am not sure we should be celebrating the Son of God's birth... we should be celebrating the Death of the Son of God.

It is at the point of sacrifice that we truly are given the gift.

by MSchu18 k

I am not sure we should be celebrating the Son of God's birth... we should be celebrating the Death of the Son of God.

It is at the point of sacrifice that we truly are given the gift.

The reasons humanity give for something are not always the whole story.

We are celebrating the rebirth of the Son which occurs in the resurrection after his death. This is why it’s during the darkest time of the year.. at least in part of the world.

The sun has been associated with the Son throughout human history. It wasn’t an accident that Christmas replaced the pagan, winter solstice, sun celebration. And it’s not really a replacement, more of a clarification.

God is the lead author of this story. Certain things are not random and arbitrary.

What does a religious story sound like? Does any of what you are spieling just shriek of being a religious story?? Does it to you? Or no ... it's just pure reality and does not resemble a religious tall tale?

In the movie, Arrival, both the female (Louis) and male (Ian) characters are necessary to unlock the new alien language and gain access to the gift offered.

Likewise, both the human and soul must be present to unlock what I offer.

A good model for identifying with the soul is the therapist + patient dynamic, where the human is in the role of the therapist and the soul is the patient.

The patient (soul) will want to keep running out of the room and you’ll have to summon it back. Then, you need to spend time tuning into / connecting with your soul.

This is the barrier to entry.

by FellaGaga-52 k

What does a religious story sound like? Does any of what you are spieling just shriek of being a religious story?? Does it to you? Or no ... it's just pure reality and does not resemble a religious tall tale?

Filtered through the soul, reality will present more as a narrative…

…At least where we currently are in the story. Earlier in human history, humanity was still living through the soul, but from what I understand, reality was less narrative and experienced more as an enchanted world, similar to how a very young child engages reality.

A detached, soulless, scientific, fact-based view of reality is the outlier in human history. To explain this as all our ancestors were simply dumb and your soulless perspective is the appropriate one — there is no wisdom in this.

That’s not to say the secular isn’t appropriate either. It has its place in the story of reality, too.

Btw, didn’t you previously state you consider the hero’s journey real? Isn’t that a narrative? How are you reconciling this mythical narrative in your view of reality?

The hero’s journey is “of the soul” sir.

by craig1120 k

Filtered through the soul, reality will present more as a narrative…

…At least where we currently are in the story. Earlier in human history, humanity was still living through the soul, but from what I understand, reality was less narrative and experienced more as an enchanted world, similar to how a very young child engages reality.

A detached, soulless, scientific, fact-based view of reality is the outlier in human history. To explain this as all our ancestors were simply dumb and yo

Agree the "hero's journey" is very much of the human spirit/soul. It's just that that soul isn't supernatural, Pearly Gates, etc. ... it's just the nature of human consciousness (emotional, artistic, volitional, most critically with the capacity for self-alienation).

The deadness, emptiness and despair characteristic of self-alienation are at one end of a continuum, and soulful self-connection and joy in being (and this state includes connection to others, life and meaning) is at the other end of the continuum. And that continuum is called "Spirituality." No 1st Century magic claims needed.

Study your Bible, and if you read and study that carefully, you will know that Christ could never have been born in December.
I will give you a hint Elisabeth, the mother of John the Baptist and Mary the mother of Jesus, were pregnant at the same time, not exactly the same time, there were 3 months difference between them and Elisabeth was pregnant before Mary. I could tell you the story here about when he would have been born but if it really interests you so study your Bible and draw your conclusions.
Besides, do you know how cold It is in December in Israel?
These sheep had long been In the stable, equal these shepherds have been doing for centuries until today.
Throughout the Bible, we are not called upon to celebrate the birthday of Christ.
In the book of Jeremiah chapter 10, in the Old Testament, it even says that we should not bring trees into our house and decorate them with gold and silver.
Jeremis 10:2-10
2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest,
the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
4 They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must need to be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good .
6 Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O LORD; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.
7 Who would not fear thee, O King of nations? for to thee doth it appertain: forasmuch as among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their kingdoms, there is none like unto thee.
8 But they are altogether brutish and foolish: the stock is a doctrine of vanities.
9 Silver spread into plates is brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz, the work of the workman,
and of the hands of the founder: blue and purple is their clothing: they are all the work of cunning men.
Under Constantine, the Roman Empire was brought under the Christian faith.
All the time before that, up to that time of Constantine, Christians were actively persecuted....
We all know these stories how Christians were thrown to the lions In the arenas, and all the other woes, just for the sake of faith in Christ.
Constantine Christianized the pagan festivals.
Christmas: The Romans celebrated their seven-day winter festival, Saturnalia, starting Dec. 17. It was a thoroughly pagan affair full of debauchery and the worship of the god Saturn (hence the name of the feast). To mark the end of the winter solstice, the Roman emperor made Dec. 25 a holiday for Sol Invictus (the Unconquered Sun).
You can look up this information.
But most Christians don't bother to study their Bible, to my surprise.
I have been a Christian for 7 years now, and I have read through the Bible 6 times, in some parts studied it intensively.
I came to faith because with my stupid head, I wanted to study the occult. And I'm not going to go into details about that, but I not only believe, I know that there is a God there and I'm also 100% sure that there is a very nasty entity, which we call Satan, the outcast, the destroyer. And many other illustrious names.
And he is not at all ugly as most people think he is. And he certainly doesn't walk In hell with a 3-fork because that's the last place he wants to be, he doesn't have horns either because that isn't described anywhere in the Bible either, most people have a created Hollywood image of this cherub. Because that's what he is.
A magnificent, beautiful cherub.

Also, I can tell you that nowhere are we called to celebrate Easter, and nowhere in that whole Bible does it say to hide eggs.
