UnitedHealth CEO Assassinated

UnitedHealth CEO Assassinated

The murder of UnitedHealthcare's CEO is a strange story. On the one hand, the killer obviously was taking steps to avoid getting caught. He was wearing a hoodie. He used a silencer. He clearly had an escape plan.

On the other hand, he was wearing a distinctive backpack. He may have left a food wrapper and a water bottle at the scene. And there was writing on each of the three shell casings (the words "deny," "defend," and "depose").

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05 December 2024 at 03:09 PM

1015 Replies


by the pleasure k

I still think you could make a stronger defense case for OJ than you could for this case

not sure why people were confused when I said that

You really think this post clearly states OJ had a better defensive case?

by the pleasure k

I would have loved to see how the defense defends the position, they will obv go after the sentencing, the way it was handled, mishandled, alla oj simspon type of defense if that makes sense.

i thought at first theri defense was "yeah he did it, so what?" which the intrernet would cheeer and applaud

but I do wish we could see how they plan on attackin the sentences and police work here

by Land O Lakes k

If the boneheads exercising their right to get a haircut would have stayed inside for a couple of weeks, the virus would have had far greater difficulty in being able to find new hosts.


ye which is why the countries which used militaries to lockdown the population for months all eradicated it oh wait it never happened outside of Islands which also completely shutdown travel for years.

and even those islands at some point had to open up and every single person then got exposed anyway, fully nullifying all previous efforts.

we could just had done absolutely nothing and the same amount of people would have got COVID, not a single life was saved by all the efforts to "keep us safe" and COVID is still with us and does nothing more than many other diseases do now as predicted by all the actual scientists

This is a thread about the killing of a healthcare CEO, not a septic tank for people to fill with their usual claims of MARXISM EVERYWHERE.

by jalfrezi k

This is a thread about the killing of a healthcare CEO, not a septic tank for people to fill with their usual claims of MARXISM EVERYWHERE.

finding the killer was far far far far harder than it should have been because of insanities regarding wearing cloth masks to keep a 50 nanometer virus away.

and it will be again and again as long as we don't go back to the normal idea (which is in the books in various countries and American states) that you can't legally cover your face in public EXACTLY because you need to be recognizable if you commit a crime.

that's more money spent and fewer killers (and other criminals) found because of asinine politics by the left (in the USA).

it's very relevant and on topic.

and it's only because Mangione is very probably mentally ill (and so kept evidence with himself even after managing to run hundreds of km away from the crime scene) that evidence will be enough to convict, because the very few photos/stills where the face is somewhat recognizable aren't evidence enough by themselves, unlike what we could have got without masks being legal.

possibly, if it was illegal to go around with the face covered (and enforced) Mangione could never have killed his target without getting caught immediately and so might not have even attempted that.

allowing people to cover their faces in public helps assassins and winnable assassins.

btw transparent masks/screens exist for the silly people who want to "protect themselves" from virus with face covering.

by Luciom k

we could just had done absolutely nothing and the same amount of people would have got COVID, not a single life was saved by all the efforts to "keep us safe" and COVID is still with us and does nothing more than many other diseases do now as predicted by all the actual scientists

This is not remotely correct. Please stop spreading false information.

You may choose to argue and I may choose to ban.

In Luciomtopia, all leftist Marxists who supported mask mandates 6 years ago in Hawaii and California are to be removed from their elected positions, rounded up and shot for encouraging mangioni’s plan to assassinate a CEO in the streets of NYC.

He fell into the trap of speaking in absolutes, but it's fairly undeniable that the juice wasn't worth the squeeze in terms of what we did for COVID.

We prolonged a few lives at the cost of destroying the economy, education, and the mental wellbeing of many many millions of people.

Any of you who say you'd respond to COVID the same way if given the opportunity to go back in time are not to be trusted with even the most basic of responsibilities. The only people who benefited long term were those white collar professional types who managed to permanently eliminate their commute to work. I'm envious of them, obviously. Traffic sucks.

My brother and his wife went from shitty San Francisco commutes to living in a mansion in the desert with no loss of income. They were the true winners of our COVID policies. I'd never behave myself if allowed to work from home. My Dota2 ranking would probably go up, though.

This isn't a covid thread, inso, even if I know people that meet your description.

His problem isn't speaking in absolutes. It's making the ridiculous assertion that it wasn't Mangioni's planning of the crime, the ability of a visitor to have anonymity in a large city, his use of fake IDs and an unknown entrance and exit from NYC but the normalization of masking in public during Covid 6 years ago that allowed his escape to PA to be far, far, far easier.

Next he will be railing on that but for the climate change warriors it would have been warmer in NYC in December and Mangioni would not have been able to pull up his hoodie over his head to hide it.

by Inso0 k

We prolonged a few lives at the cost of destroying the economy, education, and the mental wellbeing of many many millions of people.

"Destroying" is silly hyperbole.

Fine, but we took it out back behind the wood shed and left it unrecognizable.

Not worth saving the lives of many vulnerable people, according to you:

by King Spew k

This is not remotely correct. Please stop spreading false information.

You may choose to argue and I may choose to ban.

Get a grip KS. It's over.

by jalfrezi k

Not worth saving the lives of many vulnerable people, according to you:

Is this some sneaky ploy to make me have to put on my Bernie Sanders mask and explain how the GDP is not wholly representative of the experience of the average American?

I shall not bite, but only because I plan on leaving early today.

by Luciom k

finding the killer was far far far far harder than it should have been because of insanities regarding wearing cloth masks to keep a 50 nanometer virus away.

I thought they located the suspect pretty quickly, certainly faster than I expected. In the busier parts of the world, CCTV is now everywhere, and you can't go masked all the time (like at a hotel or hostel reception desk) without causing suspicion, hence the suspect unmasking that one time and immediately getting identified by the McDonald's guy.

by jjjou812 k

This isn't a covid thread, inso, even if I know people that meet your description.

His problem isn't speaking in absolutes. It's making the ridiculous assertion that it wasn't Mangioni's planning of the crime, the ability of a visitor to have anonymity in a large city, his use of fake IDs and an unknown entrance and exit from NYC but the normalization of masking in public during Covid 6 years ago that allowed his escape to PA to be far, far, far easier.

Next he will be railing on that but for t

Allowing people to walk around with their faces covered without that being seen as utterly implausible, rare, and something to be skeptical and afraid of, did increase crime.

That's objective and undeniable as is the fact that it played a role in Mangione planning of his crime.

And keep in mind the people who think masking works could still mask, just with transparent ones / screens, even if covering your face in public was forbidden as normal and necessary to deter crime.

It is simply indefensible to claim normalizing mask wearing wasn't an exceptional damage for society. It was, and we should go back to when people never covered their faces in public.

And you know I am right but feel SO BAD admitting it

by Inso0 k

Fine, but we took it out back behind the wood shed and left it unrecognizable.

The US economy is doing pretty well.


by jjjou812 k

This isn't a covid thread, inso, even if I know people that meet your description.

His problem isn't speaking in absolutes. It's making the ridiculous assertion that it wasn't Mangioni's planning of the crime, the ability of a visitor to have anonymity in a large city, his use of fake IDs and an unknown entrance and exit from NYC but the normalization of masking in public during Covid 6 years ago that allowed his escape to PA to be far, far, far easier.

Next he will be railing on that but for t

You can completely disagree with him on how effective masking and shutdowns were at preventing covid from being worse. Even if you think they were 100 percent needed, his point about masking being normalized helped Luigi escape and made it way harder to catch him is 100 percent correct. You can say it's a byproduct of something that was needed but if this was 2019 he wouldn't have been walking around for 5 days straight with a mask on. He wouldn't have been riding busses with a mask on. The only worthwhile photo they got of him was when he pulled his mask down for a second checking into the hostel and he only got spotted with the mask off when he was eating. And even that was very lucky for the cops. I still see people checking into hotels in casinos all the time with masks on and nobody asks them to pull them down. He probably could have checked into that hostel with 10 other check in clerks and never gotten asked to pull the mask down again.

I remember at the end of 2019 I was in Vegas when it was cold and walked into a casino with my hood up. I see 2 security guards coming my way and turn around because I think something is happening behind me. Nope part of my face was covered by the hood and they told me to take it down. Today nobody bats an eye if you walk into a casino, bank etc. with a mask on. In 2019 that wasn't the case.

by Luciom k

Allowing people to walk around with their faces covered without that being seen as utterly implausible, rare, and something to be skeptical and afraid of, did increase crime.

That's objective and undeniable as is the fact that it played a role in Mangione planning of his crime.

And keep in mind the people who think masking works could still mask, just with transparent ones / screens, even if covering your face in public was forbidden as normal and necessary to deter crime.

It is simply indefensible

You didn’t even know that US schoolchildren are allowed to bring food to school and eat it. Stop.

by borg23 k

You can completely disagree with him on how effective masking and shutdowns were at preventing covid from being worse. Even if you think they were 100 percent needed, his point about masking being normalized helped Luigi escape and made it way harder to catch him is 100 percent correct. You can say it's a byproduct of something that was needed but if this was 2019 he wouldn't have been walking around for 5 days straight with a mask on. He wouldn't have been riding busses with a mask on. The onl

The left is expert at denying objective reality. I expect that to happen about basically everything which is why they are wrong everytime an assessment requires verifying objective reality (which is, most of the times).

They also deny that prosecuting people like Penny very significantly impacts the willingness of bystanders in the same jurisdiction to intervene when violent crime is happening around them.

They need to deny reality because it's manifest, obvious, that most of their policy prescription directly cause disastrous damage to society. So they should rethink the entire structure of their policy preference if they ever dared to watch at the measurable, objective effects of their policies in action.

They prefer to fully deny the obvious causal link every time and keep pushing for the same policies anyway. Because leftism is a religion not just a political ideology.

by MrDavitWilliam k

You didn’t even know that US schoolchildren are allowed to bring food to school and eat it. Stop.

Face covering in public is illegal in many places including Italy. This isn't specific of the USA even if the effect was felt in full in the USA.

Thanks to mask normalization the mafia can enter public premises with face covered and kill people in Italy. Mangione actions are the same. And there is a disastrous responsibility on the people that keep normalizing it today, they are directly helping the most heinous criminals in society doing crime.

There should be UNANIMOUS condemnation of mask wearing in public these days. All public officials should decry that as an horrific practice which is extremely dangerous for society. People who want to "avoid viruses" (LOL) can use transparent face covering which exists.

by borg23 k

... his point about masking being normalized helped Luigi escape and made it way harder to catch him is 100 percent correct.......

What may it harder to catch him were the fake IDs and then not being able to identify him from the information at the hostel. Sure masking in public is more common and accepted but that did not making identifying him harder. Most people would be identifiable once you trace them back to where they slept the night before.

It should never be illegal to reduce the probability of pathogenic intake. End of story.

by jjjou812 k

What may it harder to catch him were the fake IDs and then not being able to identify him from the information at the hostel. Sure masking in public is more common and accepted but that did not making identifying him harder. Most people would be identifiable once you trace them back to where they slept the night before.

sure it did. they had one decent picture of him- that's it and that was pure luck. that picture could have easily just not existed because of the mask. If this was 2019 he wouldn't have been walking around for 5 days in a mask even in his room. And he wouldn't have been riding busses for days after his escape with a mask not being recognized.

And keep in mind the police put a ton of resources into this because it quickly became a high profile case. If that was me or you who got shot they wouldn't have tons of cops trying to catch the killer. It would be way easier for someone to get away with it if they walked around masked for days.

Like I said you can debate how much it helped with covid- but whether it saves tons of lives, saved a few or did nothing as a general statement masks being normalized absolutely makes it easier for criminals to get away with stuff.

It was actually amazing that in 2020 and 2021 the especially stupid criminals weren't wearing masks while committing crimes.

by Tuma k

It should never be illegal to reduce the probability of pathogenic intake. End of story.

Have you thought about this logically?

We're talking bubble boy and robotcop style dystopian sex

by borg23 k

sure it did. they had one decent picture of him.

The one picture wasn't the issue. They could have had a dozen and they probably have tons of granny videos following him through the city but that's not why they couldn't is him. Identifying him failed when his ID was fake.

He could have worn a disguise or make up or changed his look after to hide but if they tracked him back to a verified identity at the hostel we would have had a driver's license photo and his social media pics immediately. The paper mask was pretty brazen. The pic I saw from McDonald's in PA where caught was him wearing a mask.
