Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays

Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays

When an interviewer told Mr. Heller that he had never written anything as good as ''Catch-22,'' the author shot back, ''Who has?''

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22 January 2014 at 03:17 PM

448 Replies


RIP Jimmy Carter

Seemed like a nice and decent man. Maybe too nice and decent to be an effective President? He was a horrible President but at least thanks to the current one he won't go out as worst of all-time.

Wasn't there a load of economic bad news going down in the late 1970s anyway?

by lastcardcharlie k

Wasn't there a load of economic bad news going down in the late 1970s anyway?

Opec oil embargo -> 14% inflation. (not this namby pamby 5% crap)
Plus Reagan/Republicans sold out the hostages to make Carter look ineffectual.

Yeah, Carter got screwed.

Linda Lavin, 87

TV's Alice, a long running sitcom.

David Lodge. Many of you might not know of him, but he wrote one of the best novels about college English Departments. Ranks up there with Russo's Straight Man.

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Suicide, wow.

jesus christ...had no idea she was married, but holy cow, that's horrible

Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul, and Mary.

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Sam Moore of Sam and Dave has passed away. Sam (on the left in above thumbnail) sang the lead on the two of them singing "Soul Man." This song has lasted the test of time. Rest in peace and soul Sam.

Apparently, uninteresting singer and bigot Anita Bryant died. Thought she had died years ago. Oh well.

Jimmy Buffett sang in Mañana, "I hope Anita Bryant never ever does one of my songs."

Only his loss last year should be mourned of those two.

I only knew her from orange juice commercials.


Damn. Grew up a Brewers fan, always enjoyed his play-by-play.

This was back in the days of "must be in the front row" commercials, occasional spots with Johnny Carson as "Mr. Baseball."

Also wrote a book, "Catcher in the Wry," about his life and career. A light read, but fun.

David Lynch, RIP. You will be long remembered.

A giant talent, incomparable and peerless in the field of movies and TV.

I am gutted. Probably my favorite artist ever. What a legend.

The world is a less strange, less mysterious, les wondrous place now.

Co-written by David Lynch, I will be listening to this more than once tonight, and mourning for the great Mr Lynch.

I have a stick on label on my shaving mirror, so I see it every morning before I face the world. I have had it on there at least 5 years, probably longer. I'll never remove it, ever.

It helps me make sense of the world, and reminds me when terrible moments happen, there's also beautiful, wonderful moments coming along the way too, if I pay attention and expect them.

It simply says 'Directed by David Lynch', in the font of Twin Peaks.

RIP David Lynch, never really got him myself but he was unique.

RIP Bob Ueker. I was a huge Ueker fan since I was a teen. Before he broke big with all the Carson appearances and commercials and Mr. Belvidere and Major League he was a great announcer until the end. Back in my teens the Chicago White Sox used to have the Dick Allen Show every Sunday night. Dick Allen was the White Sox greatest superstar ever so they gave him this show. I don't think he ever showed up to it?

But everytime the Sox played the Brewers (they were in AL back then) Ueker would be one of the guests on the show and he was always 110% hilarious. This was before his national fame and you could just tell he would make it big. When I went to a Brewers series this summer we sat about 4 or 5 rows in front of his broadcast booth. He will be missed!

by diebitter k

I have a stick on label on my shaving mirror, so I see it every morning before I face the world. I have had it on there at least 5 years, probably longer. I'll never remove it, ever.

It helps me make sense of the world, and reminds me when terrible moments happen, there's also beautiful, wonderful moments coming along the way too, if I pay attention and expect them.

It simply says 'Directed by David Lynch', in the font of Twin Peaks.


the night of the tyson douglas fight coincided with a huge house party in let us valley california hosted by a couple of local growers

only remembered because i shared the next 24 hours with a woman first met there

started dating and two months later, four days before i turned 21, Twin Peaks debuted and we watched it together on the living room tv belonging to her correctional officer father, whose entire sun porch contained wire racks filled with pirated vhs recordings of video store rentals

her mother also had an extensive collection of elvis memorabilia displayed throughout the house in oak toned china hutches occupying every corner of the hallway

all to say we watched the first season together, not so much after that

Lynch, i hold you responsible
