In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

) 12 Views 12
12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

4020 Replies


by Luciom k

not a lover of Carter for obvious reasons from the right, starting with the fact that he didn't lift a finger to save whites in Rhodesia from Marxist genocide.

he treated the Marxist terrorist guerrilla as freedom fighters, refusing to recognize elections in which they weren't allowed to participate, and there is no coming back from that.

the fact that a person who could act with such an unadulterated evil intent is considered a good man (also by some on the right) is part of the reason why the we

Didn't he support Suharto? Didn't Suharto invade East Timor against Fretilen? Were Fretilen Marxist Leninist? Did the Indonesian army slaughter thousands? And Did Carter continue to support Suharto while the thousands were being slaughtered? Due to anti Communism according to Suharto?

I'm confused here Luc, shouldn't you like Carter over his support for Suharto?

by corpus vile k

Didn't he support Suharto? Didn't Suharto invade East Timor against Fretilen? Were Fretilen Marxist Leninist? Did the Indonesian army slaughter thousands? And Did Carter continue to support Suharto while the thousands were being slaughtered? Due to anti Communism according to Suharto?

I'm confused here Luc, shouldn't you like Carter over his support for Suharto?

he didn't support Suharto but didn't push against him either but it's not like sometimes not helping the Marxists is enough.

you are fully disqualified as a moral human being as far as I am concerned if you don't fully oppose all Marxists everywhere everytime without exception as the enemies of humanity they are, that's like the bottom low threshold to qualify as a moral human being in politics (necessary and not sufficient obviously).

it shouldn't even be a discussion, same as with actual nazists: a complete opposition to all forms of organized Marxism and a willingness to use lethal force everytime against them when they act violently against non Marxists and to provide assistance around the world to anyone fighting them is a very basic requirement of any western leader for me.

and Carter completely failed at that in Rhodesia

by Luciom k

.... is part of the reason why the west is decaying and losing all it's values.

If true, you should let the west decay and lose its values and power and spend your political energy on implementing your political will through the Italian government. Seems like a win-win solution for all of us.

by jjjou812 k

If true, you should let the west decay and lose its values and power and spend your political energy on implementing your political will through the Italian government. Seems like a win-win solution for all of us.

should I remind you Italy is a satellite of the American empire?

there are 35 American nuclear bombs (that we know of) in American basis in my country and more than 10k American soldiers.

As a proud Italian patriot and as someone who thinks Mussolini was left wing, you should spend more time campaigning against this.

Imagine being able to expel foreign soldiers, rid one's country of nuclear weapons, abolish private schools, drive over Marxist protestors and freely drink raw milk all in one place! What a wonderful world it would be.

by Luciom k

you are fully disqualified as a moral human being as far as I am concerned if you don't fully oppose all Marxists everywhere everytime without exception as the enemies of humanity they are

When is your next trip to do your part?

Can't do it. He has bone spurs.

by Luciom k

he didn't support Suharto but didn't push against him either but it's not like sometimes not helping the Marxists is enough.

I'm pretty sure Carter supported Suharto luc.

you are fully disqualified as a moral human being as far as I am concerned if you don't fully oppose all Marxists everywhere everytime without exception as the enemies of humanity they are, that's like the bottom low threshold to qualify as a moral human being in politics (necessary and not sufficient obviously).

...Bit harsh innit? I suppose I should oppose so. Otherwise I won't be in your coolbook.

It shouldn't even be a discussion, same as with actual nazists: a complete opposition to all forms of organized Marxism and a willingness to use lethal force everytime against them when they act violently against non Marxists and to provide assistance around the world to anyone fighting them is a very basic requirement of any western leader for me.

Right. But didn't Carter show complete opposition by supporting Suharto who slaughtered a ton of East Timorese under the guise of anti Communism?

and Carter completely failed at that in Rhodesia

I don't think they call it Rhodesia anymore Luc. Or have called it that since like 1980 or something. Isn't it called Zimbabwe now? For the past 40 years?

by Luciom k

not a lover of Carter for obvious reasons from the right, starting with the fact that he didn't lift a finger to save whites in Rhodesia from Marxist genocide.

he treated the Marxist terrorist guerrilla as freedom fighters, refusing to recognize elections in which they weren't allowed to participate, and there is no coming back from that.

the fact that a person who could act with such an unadulterated evil intent is considered a good man (also by some on the right) is part of the reason why the we

You're saying Carter should have supported the Rhodesians? I don't think that would have made any sense, and it certainly wouldn't have helped cold war efforts. There is a reason the Brits not only didn't support them but worked against them.

by Didace k

When is your next trip to do your part?

You might have missed the memo that wars nowadays are often fought through information channels

by campfirewest k

You're saying Carter should have supported the Rhodesians? I don't think that would have made any sense, and it certainly wouldn't have helped cold war efforts. There is a reason the Brits not only didn't support them but worked against them.

Carter should have supported the 1979 vote that was the first mixed-race election but without the marxist terrorists being allowed to run.

This vote

And the reason the brits abandoned whites to genocide in Rhodesia was because they were commies at the time, Tatcher came in 1979 and agreed with those elections and pivoted completly from previous communist british government but it was too late to save Rhodesia from marxist fury, violence and horror.

The american senate had voted 75-19 to recognize those elections btw (Schweiker-DeConcini resolution)

Abandoning Rhodesia was an unforgiveable disgrace against western interests and values, and Zimbabwe nowadays is measurably at the bottom of the list of countries in the world for every variable we use to determine how succesful a country is.

by jalfrezi k

As a proud Italian patriot and as someone who thinks Mussolini was left wing, you should spend more time campaigning against this.

I am not a nationalist , i accept supremacy when i see it, america is more powerful and has a better economy so it deserves to rule over us. And as a citizen of a satellite state and loyal to US interests i think i have a right to have an informed opinion on american politics.

And one of the many things the USA have (that make it superior to many other places including Italy) is the concept of free speech enshrined in the constitution and actually enforced by courts which among other things would allow me to give my opinion on american politics, if only people like you or jijou agreed with that concept that is.

by corpus vile k

I'm pretty sure Carter supported Suharto luc.

...Bit harsh innit? I suppose I should oppose so. Otherwise I won't be in your coolbook.

Right. But didn't Carter show complete opposition by supporting Suharto who slaughtered a ton of East Timorese under the guise of anti Communism?

I don't think they call it Rhodesia anymore Luc. Or have called it that since like 1980 or something. Isn't it called Zimbabwe now? For the past 40 years?

With "supporting" i mean sending troops, weapons, money, material support (like say what the USA does with Israel today).

Afaik Carter didn't do that with Suharto. Am i wrong?

Anyway even if he did (which i don't think happened), idea is you should do it all the times with all the "Suhartos"

by Luciom k

I am not a nationalist , i accept supremacy when i see it, america is more powerful and has a better economy so it deserves to rule over us……

And one of the many things the USA have (that make it superior to many other places including Italy) is the concept of free speech enshrined in the constitution and actually enforced by courts which among other things would allow me to give my opinion on american politics, if only people like you or jijou agreed with that concept that is.

I am a nationalist. I believe the diversity of our citizens is a strength of the greatest country on earth. I think your racial and anti immigrant fervor has no place in a private discussion forum and would support the owners decision to ban your bullshit here.

I support freedom of speech but that doesn’t mean I can’t tell you to shut the **** up and no one is interested in your political assessments of the USA. It’s my right to tell you to mind your own business. Me having the right to tell you to shut the **** up is not the same thing as me believing the government doesn’t have the right to tell you to shut the **** up.

by jjjou812 k

I am a nationalist. I believe the diversity of our citizens is a strength of the greatest country on earth. I think your racial and anti immigrant fervor has no place in a private discussion forum and would support the owners decision to ban your bullshit here.

I support freedom of speech but that doesn’t mean I can’t tell you to shut the **** up and no one is interested in your political assessments of the USA. It’s my right to tell you to mind your own business. Me having the right to te

I have no racial or anti immigrant fervor. Plenty of actual racists in MAGA are there among your fellow citizens take your hatred of those ideas to them, i have nothing to do with them.

I am an elitist (i am a proponent of filtered quality immigration) and you can hate that as well but at least get the decency to attack actual claims.

Ok, let’s pull it back please, friends

Crossnerd, given the constant violent rhetoric from a guy who lives in a 94% homogenous country and his repeatedly expressed hatred of US immigrants, “racial and anti immigrant fervor” was pretty pulled back.

On the rest of it, I hear ya.

by jjjou812 k

Crossnerd, given the constant violent rhetoric from a guy who lives in a 94% homogenous country and his repeatedly expressed hatred of US immigrants, “racial and anti immigrant fervor” was pretty pulled back.

On the rest of it, I hear ya.

I don't live in a 94% homogenous country no matter how you want to slice it ("racially", culturally or whatever). Italy is ultra-fragmented as a country , we only exist since 1870 and we previously were different states with different languages and different societal norms including different economical systems, different political frameworks (democracies, monarchies and so on), different food culture, different plants we cultivated.

We had a sort of unifying element in catholicism being almost universal throughout the peninsula but that ended as well in the last 40-50 years.

My grandparents didn't cook with olive oil (it wasn't normal in norther italy), they cooked in lard.

Their grandparents didn't speak italian they spoke a local dialect which was utterly mutually NON-understandable from what they spoke in Sicily or Campania.

We have blonde hair - blue eyes italians, and dark hair dark eyes olive skin italians, and a lot in between (and a lot more body hair in men than most other countries outside the eastern mediterranean area).

Your made up american "white" label that tries to invent homogeneity among people with european ancestors doesn't work even inside Italy at all, nevermind when comparing italians and finns (or other "whites"). There is no 94% homogeneity, never has been in this peninsula.

The fact that we exist as the result of mixed up waves of conquest/immigration in millennia doesn't mean we are an homogeneous ooze. Differences don't disappear when geografy is key and people mostly marry within the same very small area they are born in.

What you get instead of homogeneity is a pattern of very complex differences (genetic, cultural and everything) , sometimes ultralocalized.

Efforts to try to actually homogenize the population since unification managed in "only" a century to make most of us speak the same language (although in some areas they still don't) , and faster communication and trasportation along with massive internal migration allowed a cultural and genetic mix that just started to happen (we now use a lot of olive oil in northern italy, and we now eat pizza, my grandparents didn't at 18).

Maybe in 500+ years there will be homogeneity (if no newcomers enter here and we keep mixing as we are currently).

But this comment of yours is very indicative of the fact that you have no idea what actual "diversity" is among human groups.


As for the hatred, i dislike adult , able bodied people who live off others in general. Immigrants just happen to be people who you can select unlike your fellow citizens, and as such i just dislike the idea of immigrants who are net tax takers, because it's avoidable and all it takes is a modicum of very centrist political will (my take was ultra-majoritarian in every country including the USA until recently, and is majoritarian in the USA as well even if you hate it).

by rickroll k

You know we don't have that holiday in Italy right?

by Luciom k

You know we don't have that holiday in Italy right?

I'll tell you what it is, it's anti Italian discrimination.

by Luciom k

With "supporting" i mean sending troops, weapons, money, material support (like say what the USA does with Israel today).

Afaik Carter didn't do that with Suharto

Afayk eh?

Recent research into newly opened documents indicates that anti-Communism was not the main reason for Western support of Indonesia's takeover of East Timor. Analysts in Washington and NATO concluded that East Timor was too small and too unstable to survive on its own. Furthermore, there was a clear need to maintain friendly relations with Indonesia due to its growing size and importance in a critical region.[25] Following the invasion, U.S. military aid averaged about $30 million annually throughout the occupation of East Timor, and arms sales increased exponentially under President Jimmy Carter. This policy continued until 1999 when President Bill Clinton was outraged by Indonesia's defiance of East Timor referendum results that heavily favored independence.[26]

The US played a crucial role in supplying weapons to Indonesia.[84] A week after the invasion of East Timor the National Security Council prepared a detailed analysis of the Indonesian military units involved and the US equipment they used. The analysis revealed that virtually all of the military equipment used in the invasion was US supplied: US-supplied destroyer escorts shelled East Timor as the attack unfolded; Indonesian marines disembarked from US-supplied landing craft; US-supplied C-47 and C-130 aircraft dropped Indonesian paratroops and strafed Dili with .50 calibre machine guns; while the 17th and 18th Airborne brigades which led the assault on the Timorese capital were "totally U.S. MAP supported," and their jump masters US trained.[91] While the US government claimed to have suspended new arms sales to Indonesia from December 1975 to June 1976, military equipment already in the pipeline continued to flow,[89] and the US made four new offers of arms during that six-month period, including supplies and parts for 16 OV-10 Broncos,[89] which, according to Cornell University Professor Benedict Anderson, are "specially designed for counter-insurgency actions against adversaries without effective anti-aircraft weapons and wholly useless for defending Indonesia against a foreign enemy." Military assistance was accelerated during the Carter administration, peaking in 1978.[92] In total, the United States furnished over $250,000,000 of military assistance to Indonesia between 1975 and 1979.[93]

Am i wrong?

Yes. Yes you are.

Anyway even if he did (which i don't think happened),

Oh it happened and I just helpfully provided links highlighting it happening.

idea is you should do it all the times with all the "Suhartos"

So you dislike Carter cuz he didn't go far enough?

by rickroll k

Furio speaks the truth. My missus is from the North and she looks down on Southern Italians (and quite possibly regards them as peasants). She told me in Northern Italy there's a joke where you see the Men at Work sign with the guy digging with the shovel. Then when you get to the centre the guy is leaning on the shovel and when you get to south of Italy, the dude is curled up asleep by the shovel. 😆

I will say that their actual real life Mafiosi make Furio look like like a big gen z wuss though.

by corpus vile k

So you dislike Carter cuz he didn't go far enough?

He dislikes Carter because Carter didn't post about it on an internet board - like a real man would.
