British Politics

British Politics

Been on holiday for a few weeks, surprised to find no general discussion of British politics so though I'd kick one off.

Tory leadership contest is quickly turning into farce. Trump has backed Boris, which should be reason enough for anyone with half a brain to exclude him.

Of the other candidates Rory Stewart looks the best of the outsiders. Surprised to see Cleverly and Javid not further up the betting, but not sure the Tory membership are ready for a brown PM.

Regarding the LD leadership contest, Jo Swinson is miles ahead of any other candidate (and indeed any of the Tory lot). Should be a shoe in.

Finally, it's Groundhog Day in Labour - the more serious the anti-Semitism claims get, the more Corbyn's cronies write their own obituary by blaming it on outlandish conspiracy theories - this week, it's apparently the Jewish Embassy's fault...

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01 June 2019 at 06:29 AM

3882 Replies


Luciom the libertarian not happy unless people are summarily executed by the state.

by Luciom k

We are talking this level of events

I do not understand why any person would accept anything but the most severe penalty existing for any crime for people who did that. Whether it is the death penalty, or life no parole, or 30 years, whatever the maximum possible sentence is in a jurisdiction, it should be applied in cases like this.

Is there anyone who disagrees who can go through the rationale as to why it is proper to ever let people who do this participate in society ever again? because i tr

This is from the sentencing after the 2013 trial of the Karrar brothers and Dogar brothers at the Old Bailey. Both Karrars and one of the Dogars received further sentences at Oxford Crown Court in 2019 in respect of another woman (at the time of the offences a schoolgirl) who had subsequently come forward.

by Dunyain k

But for whatever reason Britain has decided this is the kind of society they want to have moving forward, so who am I to complain.

Given the prosecutions and sentences, that is obviously not the case.

by 57 On Red k

Given the prosecutions and sentences, that is obviously not the case.

Sorry but in 2018 I find sentences like this where not even all the members of the gang who had been found to actively participating in the organized rapes get life

That's kinda what I was referring to above, how is it even possible they don't all get life?

Even people who just knew about it and didn't tell the police should get a ton of years, and everyone participating in any capacity life, no?

3 counts of rape (which were proven, so certainly many more in actuality) 12 years which can become 7-8? That's not lenient?

by Luciom k

Sorry but in 2018 I find sentences like this where not even all the members of the gang who had been found to actively participating in the organized rapes get life

That's kinda what I was referring to above, how is it even possible they don't all get life?

Even people who just knew about it and didn't tell the police should get a ton of years, and everyone participating in any capacity life, no?

3 counts of rape (which were proven, so certai

Our justice system is a complete joke in every way

The tories played fast and loose with it + prisons + "marquee" prison sentecs (e.g. for protestors) which means its all ****ed

It becomes harder and harder to use leftist semantics and call anti-immigrationist stances "far right" in the face of the vast majority of british adults now claiming immigration was excessive in the past

We have no doubt you are winng at the moment. By a large margin. On everything

enjoy but dont expect all of us to give up.

by chezlaw k

We have no doubt you are winng at the moment. By a large margin. On everything

enjoy but dont expect all of us to give up.

If with "you" , you mean people who want filtered, quality immigration only in europe, we are "winning" in the sense of public opinion getting slightly less insane decades later than it should have.

But in order to just make things even we need 30+ years of very restricted immigration all throughout the EU + UK and that won't even make things as they should have been if that had been the norm since forever.

The extent of the damage inflicted upon europe by low quality immigration is basically incalculable and mostly permanent to some really significant extent.

We had no race problem at all in most of europe, we imported it on purpose and it won't be gone completly even if we manage to severely limit immigration in future decades. We also imported people of lower education and talent (and so income) than natives, non-western immigrants are a net drag on taxpayers and them and their offspring will be (because talent is inheritable).

We have data from Denmark and the Netherlands which is very dramatic, every non western immigrants is a net cost to taxpayers on average over 100k euro through his life. And those were supposed to me the immigrants HELPING taxpayers sustain the pension system.

The Uk might be the exception there with better filters for immigration though.

Anyway we aren't "winning" we just lost 50 matches in a row and in the 51 match we aren't 3 goal behind after 30 minutes the same way it happened in the previous 50 matches.

We will be winning if my take on immigration will ever be considered the moderate centrist one with half the population being to my right on that and asking for mass repatriations, a ban to naturalizing anyone , and stuff like that (that i don't agree with, but which is needed on the actual right in order to balance no-filter immigrationism).

Keep in mind my take WAS THE MODERATE CENTRIST ONE in 1990 in most european countries, that should be the baseline to measure who is winning. The left won for decades, destroying the very fabric of society doing so as predicted (with welfare, regulation and immigration), and we need decades governing from the right without leftist interruption just to have the hope to get back to baseline.

It's almost impossible that will happen.

You are so accostumed to dominate the societal narrative in full for so long on every aspect of life that a minimal change in public opinion toward what has been the norm for humanity everywhere at all times before the modern left governed, is considered us winning lol.

Help me read through disinfo, what in Ackman tweet is false?

Bill Ackman

Do I have this straight?

For more than two decades, hundreds of thousands of young British girls have been gang raped by members of principally one ethnic group.

Efforts to stop these egregious acts have been curtailed by British government leaders and politicians, the media, and others because of concerns about prosecutorial efforts and media exposure of these crimes appearing racist, and/or due to the risk of loss of political support from members of this ethnic group.

Cases have been dismissed and/or not pursued, among other reasons, because the underage girls were deemed to have made ‘lifestyle decisions’ that have led to the horrors they have experienced.

The relatively few prosecutions that have led to convictions have resulted in abbreviated sentences and early releases of the perpetrators back into the communities in which they committed these horrendous crimes to again walk the streets with their victims. Many perpetrators who were sentenced to be deported have remained in the country.

Those who have raised alarms about all of the above and posted about it on social media have been arrested and prosecuted for ‘stirring up racial unrest.’

All of the above is still going on and PM
and King Charles are doing nothing to stop this madness.

What if anything have I gotten wrong?

Where is the international uproar?

What are the UK and international rape victim groups doing to stop these horrendous acts?

Why wouldn’t
consider appropriate sanctions against the UK until these concerns are addressed?

by Luciom k

Help me read through disinfo, what in Ackman tweet is false?

Bill Ackman

Do I have this straight?

For more than two decades, hundreds of thousands of young British girls have been gang raped by members of principally one ethnic group.

Efforts to stop these egregious acts have been curtailed by British government leaders and politicians, the media, and others because of concerns about prosecutorial efforts and media exposure of these crimes appearing racist, and/or due to the risk of los

Stop posting.

OMG guys please, just put Luciom on ignore, it saves a lot of wading through crap

by diebitter k

OMG guys please, just put Luciom on ignore, it saves a lot of wading through crap

You don't think it's relevant that a very powerful and rich american billionaire who owns a bit of twitter and who endorsed and donated to Trump makes such accusations? especially if you think they are false?

maybe it's relevant enough to clarify which if any of those claims are false so people can know how things actually went?

by Luciom k

If with "you" , you mean people who want filtered, quality immigration only in europe, we are "winning" in the sense of public opinion getting slightly less insane decades later than it should have.

But in order to just make things even we need 30+ years of very restricted immigration all throughout the EU + UK and that won't even make things as they should have been if that had been the norm since forever.

The extent of the damage inflicted upon europe by low quality immigration is basically inca

I mean the right.

The world including the UK is moving dramatically to the right. You are winning. Easily.

by chezlaw k

I mean the right.

The world including the UK is moving dramatically to the right. You are winning. Easily.

I mean from 1 to 100 (1 left 100 right) we have been within 1 and 10 the last 30+ years for all cultural matters, so BREAKING EVEN would be staying 90+ for at least 30 years straight , winning would be a lot more than that.

Just saying that you call winning what for us is still losing atrociously, just a tad less.

Examples of winning would be as I mentioned ZERO low skilled immigration till 2060, 0 refugees from any country worldwide where there isn't an actual war and that shares a border with us, puberty blockers constitutional bans for "trans youth care" everywhere and so on.

And that would simply restore things as they were in 1993, that wouldn't be winning, as in 1993 there was already way way way too much leftism around.

Actual winning from the right would be the full dismantling of social democratic "achievements" post WW2, from NHS and equivalent to mandatory public pensions, charter schools everywhere, dramatic reductions in income tax, abolishing capital gain taxes.

Reintroduction of the death penalty and massive use of it against all significant violent crimes and so on and on.

And actual reactionaries would want to ban nocause divorce, and make marriage again only between a biological man and a biological woman.

You have no idea how much the left has won probably and how much the right dislikes what happened

Hang on. You might get there

Huge steps.

by Luciom k

Help me read through disinfo, what in Ackman tweet is false?

Bill Ackman

Do I have this straight?

For more than two decades, hundreds of thousands of young British girls have been gang raped by members of principally one ethnic group.

Efforts to stop these egregious acts have been curtailed by British government leaders and politicians, the media, and others because of concerns about prosecutorial efforts and media exposure of these crimes appearing racist, and/or due to the risk of los

Welll, for one, King Charles has 0 power so im discounting anything this guy is saying

by Luciom k

If with "you" , you mean people who want filtered, quality immigration only in europe, we are "winning" in the sense of public opinion getting slightly less insane decades later than it should have.

But in order to just make things even we need 30+ years of very restricted immigration all throughout the EU + UK and that won't even make things as they should have been if that had been the norm since forever.

The extent of the damage inflicted upon europe by low quality immigration is basically inca

Now explain bolded in relation to your quality of immigrants theory, and try to turn it in a semi believable way that you are not just a fear mongering racist.

by weeeez k

Now explain bolded in relation to your quality of immigrants theory, and try to turn it in a semi believable way that you are not just a fear mongering racist.

Quality= people who are significantly measurably better than what the median citizen already is.

Income wise mainly, so if the median income is 40k, don't even think to import anyone who can't earn 50k++ immediatly.

Then filter on health (no costly chronic disease holders) and on culture/attitude (individual, not group: but no misogynist, no marxist, no religious extremist of any religion christianity included).

And no criminal record, and deport at any crime in the first 10 years at a minimum.

No chain-migration of dependants for 10 + years at taxpayers expenses (pay extra if he has school age children or elder parents and so on), and very good local language level (university-level).

It's insane to import people in italy who don't speak italian, most countries where english isn't the first language, you can't expect they randomly studied/used it at home, so they either study it extensively at home or don't even bother trying to enter.

You want the top of the crop of people who are far better than the median person in countries with bad stats, who planned extensively to come to your place, and who have some basic western values. But mainly you want people who are able to be *NET TAX PAYER ACROSS THEIR FAMILY LIFE CYCLE*, not wardens of the state.

You want people who, 100 years from now, you hae a 95%+ probability that YOU MADE MONEY FOR TAXPAYERS to let them in.

by Luciom k

Quality= people who are significantly measurably better than what the median citizen already is.

Income wise mainly, so if the median income is 40k, don't even think to import anyone who can't earn 50k++ immediatly.

Then filter on health (no costly chronic disease holders) and on culture/attitude (individual, not group: but no misogynist, no marxist, no religious extremist of any religion christianity included).

And no criminal record, and deport at any crime in the first 10 years at a minimum.


Either I'm blind or can't read, or your answer has nothing to do with race.

by weeeez k

Either I'm blind or can't read, or your answer has nothing to do with race.

Because if you import high quality people you never have race problems.

Switzerland doesn't have race problems if it takes in highly skilled people from all over the world.

While if you take in poor uneducated people, they will behave bad (because they are poor and uneducated and that's what poor and uneducated people do), and if they are of a different race of the native population, bad behaviour by them will have a far larger negative effect because when people start to notice a specific ethnic group behaves badly, you have race problems.

So, all non native races should only be allowed to enter if they are very far above the median quality-wise, that's how you never have race problems.

If i get robbed by a people from Naples it's bad, but it's not like i had an alternative where he could never have been around me. If i get robbed , and our neighbourhood constantly experiences, criminality by people which we could not have allowed it, the anger can get to insane levels.

by Luciom k

Help me read through disinfo, what in Ackman tweet is false?

Do I have this straight?

For more than two decades, hundreds of thousands of young British girls have been gang raped by members of principally one ethnic group.

'Hundreds of thousands' is false by several orders of magnitude.

Efforts to stop these egregious acts have been curtailed by British government leaders and politicians, the media, and others because of concerns about prosecutorial efforts and media exposure of these crimes appearing racist, and/or due to the risk of loss of political support from members of this ethnic group.

This apparently refers to Rotherham, where police and council leaders did deliberately turn a blind eye for the reasons suggested, but the Rotherham gang were eventually brought to book, because of action by a Muslim prosecutor, and the previous refusal to act is now considered a scandal. So it's now politically toxic for police and local authorities to let such abuse pass.

All of the above is still going on and PM
and King Charles are doing nothing to stop this madness.

What if anything have I gotten wrong?

Prosecutions have been ongoing for some time and the King has nothing to do with criminal-justice policy or any executive matter.

Clearly Ackman is angling for the return of charlie to deal with the millions of usa school kids being shot.

and he really doesn't seem to like catholics.

Anyone still condoning Labour in the slightest needs their hard drives checking

like 4 people ITT mentioned the fact that the king is powerless basically so mentioning him means the speaker has no knowledge of UK political dynamics.

from what I read that might be correct but I need a clarification about parliament dissolution.

can the king technically dissolve the parliament and so call for new elections MOTU PROPRIO (on its own will without anyone else opinion mattering), or can he only does that if the prime minister formally asks for that to happen?

looks like UK law was amended to intend the latter only, is that the case?

by Luciom k

like 4 people ITT mentioned the fact that the king is powerless basically so mentioning him means the speaker has no knowledge of UK political dynamics.

from what I read that might be correct but I need a clarification about parliament dissolution.

can the king technically dissolve the parliament and so call for new elections MOTU PROPRIO (on its own will without anyone else opinion mattering), or can he only does that if the prime minister formally asks for that to happen?

looks like UK law was am

Yup but im unsure if its that clear nt much is in our legal system

He has 0 formal or willful power or ability to affect government. He can use his charisma and influence to get stuff done, but, it creates a scandal each time
