British Politics

British Politics

Been on holiday for a few weeks, surprised to find no general discussion of British politics so though I'd kick one off.

Tory leadership contest is quickly turning into farce. Trump has backed Boris, which should be reason enough for anyone with half a brain to exclude him.

Of the other candidates Rory Stewart looks the best of the outsiders. Surprised to see Cleverly and Javid not further up the betting, but not sure the Tory membership are ready for a brown PM.

Regarding the LD leadership contest, Jo Swinson is miles ahead of any other candidate (and indeed any of the Tory lot). Should be a shoe in.

Finally, it's Groundhog Day in Labour - the more serious the anti-Semitism claims get, the more Corbyn's cronies write their own obituary by blaming it on outlandish conspiracy theories - this week, it's apparently the Jewish Embassy's fault...

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01 June 2019 at 06:29 AM

3882 Replies


by Luciom k

The original claim is that human nature is people *who are capable of reaching the top of hierarchies* (we were talking leading politicians) only care about themselves.

You need to be a sociopath to desire power so much you are willing to go through the immense effort of reaching the top of a power-structure hierarchy.

You wrote this ?
Did you fall on your head ?

FWIW I agree but the moment it would turn out against YOUR priorities , you would call all those intermediaries power belonging to the deep states and they should be all abolished ….

by Luciom k

Well society has low social mobility right now and it had low social mobility since like forever (even if in the 60-70s it was a tad higher, it was still low).

So, you have to admit that poor immigrants will have children which will mostly keep having under-average outcomes and so be a burden for taxpayers. That's objectively true.

So just don't take poors in, use immigration by rich people / people who can earn high incomes to help native poors without taking in foreign poors.

Not if again …..

by jalfrezi k

The challenge is to change society so that people brought up in poor households have better opportunities. That's a basic principle of leftism. I chat often with a Glaswegian poster on another forum, and his English grammar and spelling are atrocious, about the level of a 9 or 10 year old I guess, and capitalism has wrecked his social class.

The problem ain’t about the people (majority of the time) it’s about how the economy is structure today .
The real economy is now weaker (far less profitable ) then the financial economy ….

Which is not very surprising when you end in a world where for example China has become like the manufacturing center of the world with 25% share of that ….

by Luciom k

Getting back to the immigration patterns europe had a few decades ago isn't "far right" , no matter how much you want to lie about it. No majority ever existed in favor of the mass immigration which happened, it all happened against the explicit will of the people including a ton of moderates, and we should just stop, solve the problems caused by those atrocious mistakes, and never again repeat those follies.

And that will improve the quality of life of citizens.

Did you considered slavery to be a form of immigration in the 1800s USA ?
They were low skilled but seem it did enrich many people ?
Maybe the south were leftish too .

Luciom's unstated view is probably that slavery was better than current immigration because at least the host population didn't have to provide welfare through taxation.

by jalfrezi k

Luciom's unstated view is probably that slavery was better than current immigration because at least the host population didn't have to provide welfare through taxation.

But they had to feed and provide shelter tho right ?
I wonder what cost more ?
Especially at that time for health care lol ….

by chezlaw k

The likes of Farage, Musk, Robinson etc exploiting the stituation to pursue their politcal agendas against immigrants and refugees in such a charged manner is pretty disgusting

It's also very effective. We're heading towards very dark and dengerous times across Europe and the USA

Indeed. We **** up the far right etc exploit it

There's no defense for the police/etc over this. They far too easily and often find an excuse not to do anything.

Believe the victim has to underpin policing and then high ethics and rigourous standards. But we have to mean it in practice not just say it.

and in this case it's so obvious that 'we didn't pursue child rape because of community tensions' is an excuse verging on pure bollocks. They ddin't take the victims seriously enough to make it worth the hassle

by chezlaw k

Indeed. We **** up the far right etc exploit it

There's no defense for the police/etc over this. They far too easily and often find an excuse not to do anything.

Believe the victim has to underpin policing and then high ethics and rigourous standards. But we have to mean it in practice not just say it.

and in this case it's so obvious that 'we didn't pursue child rape because of community tensions' is an excuse verging on pure bollocks. They ddin't take the victims seriously enough to make it worth

Another way to phrase it is the lefts political agenda resulted in an estimated 250k rapes. The lefts political agenda lead to them covering up and turning a blind eye to child rape, resulting in more child rape

In an unimaginable feat of stupidity, when confronted with these facts, the left responds by trying to call as many people as possible a racist

Yes you can phrase it as nonsense

If you think the west midlands police were some bastion of left wing ideology then we very profoundly disagree

by chezlaw k

Indeed. We **** up the far right etc exploit it

Enabling tens if not hundreds of thousands of children to be raped isn't just "****ing up" - it's one of the biggest scandals in this countries history.

by chezlaw k

and in this case it's so obvious that 'we didn't pursue child rape because of community tensions' is an excuse verging on pure bollocks. They ddin't take the victims seriously enough to make it worth the hassle

No one knows if it's "pure bollocks" or not, hence the need for a full government enquiry. There is certainly evidence that individuals or organisations might not have pursued this as vigorously as they should for fear of being branded a racist. Everyone knows the prime directive of the left is to brand anyone who questions anything a non-white person or group does is to call them a racist - we see it on this forum most days.

I'd agree that those who have opposed 'believe the victim' and not supported measures such as legal duty to report have been part of enabling a lot of rapes and abuse

Anone who is buying an excuse from the police/etc that they didn't pursue child rapists because they were worried about community tensions is enabling one hell of a lot.

Lets have a national enquiry but let's not enable alot more rape/abuse by restricting it. It's long past time when it should be unthinkable that it isn't taken with the utmost seriousness at the first opportunities.

I'm not a fan of the name calling/shaming approach. it is not the prime directive of the left and they do not represent us well.

There does seem a big dose of seeking revenge against this group rather than any real interest in reforming the police/system. Reforms which might actually make a difference in helping/preventing victims.

by chezlaw k

There does seem a big dose of seeking revenge against this group rather than any real interest in reforming the police/system. Reforms which might actually make a difference in helping/preventing victims.

It's not so much revenge as ensuring the toxic ideology that separates people into groups via their race/gender/sexual orientation and oppressors/oppressed is eradicated from institutions.

I'm not opposed to ideological battles but the main focus should be on the needed reforms to protect/prevent victims.

I dont have much faith in starmer but maybe he will impement some of the recommendations of he last enquiry.

by Elrazor k

Enabling tens if not hundreds of thousands of children to be raped isn't just "****ing up" - it's one of the biggest scandals in this countries history.

No one knows if it's "pure bollocks" or not, hence the need for a full government enquiry. There is certainly evidence that individuals or organisations might not have pursued this as vigorously as they should for fear of being branded a racist. Everyone knows the prime directive of the left is to brand anyone who questions anything a non-white

Hundreds of thousands raped? Guess you don't have a source for this hyperbole.

No one knows if it's "pure bollocks" or not but it more than likely is if you're advocating for it - in a number of the gang rape cases police didn't take the victims seriously and even arrested some of them at first.

It's probably complex but police incompetence and distrust of victims played a major part.

by chezlaw k

I'm not opposed to ideological battles but the main focus should be on the needed reforms to protect/prevent victims.

Ideological battles that improve people's lives or save the planet are undoubtedly good. One that seek to divide and pit people against each other on the basis of identity in the hope that it will lead to a communist revolution, not so much.

lol the communist revolution that no one wants. You sound like a McCarthyite.

That's the far right for you... Sammy Woodhouse was a victim of the child gang rapes in Rotherham.

Starmer's speech pretty good, pinned at ...

And for many, many years, too many victims have been completely let down, let down by perverse ideas about community relations or by the idea that institutions must be protected above all else. And they’ve not been listened to, and they’ve not been heard.
And when I was chief prosecutor for five years, I tackled that head on, because I could see what was happening, and that’s why I reopened cases that have been closed and supposedly finished. I brought the first major prosecution of an Asian grooming gang in the particular case – it was in Rochdale, but it was the first of its kind …
We changed, or I changed, the whole prosecution approach, because I wanted to challenge, and did challenge the myths and stereotypes that were stopping those victims being heard.
So we changed the entire approach, not without criticism at the time, I might add.
But when I left office, we had the highest number of child sexual abuse cases being prosecuted on record.
Now that record is not secret as a public servant, it’s all it’s there for all of you or everybody to see.
I also called for mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse. I’ve called for that decade ago. The Tories did nothing about that, for those 10 long years, including when the Jay report came out.


Those that are spreading lies and misinformation as far and as wide as possible, they’re not interested in victims. They’re interested in themselves.
Those who are cheerleading Tommy Robinson are not interested in justice. They’re supporting a man who went to prison for nearly collapsing a grooming case, a gang grooming case. These are people are trying to get some kind of vicarious thrill from street violence that people like Tommy Robinson promote.
And those attacking Jess Phillips, who I’m proud to call a colleague and a friend on protecting victims - Jess Phillips has done 1,000 times more than they’ve even dreamt about when it comes to protecting victims of sexual abuse throughout her entire career …
We’ve seen this playbook many times, whipping up of intimidation and threats of violence, hoping that the media will amplify it.
Jess Phillips does not need me or anybody else to speak on her behalf. But when the poison of the far right leads to serious threats to Jess Phillips and others, that in my book [means] a line has been crossed.
I enjoy the cut and thrust of politics, the robust debate that we must have, but that’s got to be based on facts and truth, not on lies, not on those who are so desperate for attention that they’re prepared to debase themselves and their country.
So this government will get on with the job of protecting victims, including child sexual abuse, mandatory reporting, accelerating the processes.
But what I won’t tolerate is this discussion based on lies without calling it out. What I won’t tolerate is politicians jumping on the bandwagon simply to get attention when those politicians sat in government for 14 long years, tweeting, talking, but not doing anything about it – now so desperate for attention that they’re amplifying what the far right is saying.
So that’s what I say about Jess Phillips, Thank you.

Probably best speech I've seen him do in terms of directness & believability

Jess Phillips is the best of the best in my book.

More elements making us think that in fact the accusation of exceptional, unjustified leniency toward people from ethnic minorities found guilty of raping minors, was actually fully true

Is this false? or the head of a group of men who systematically raped 12y girls was actually only sentenced to 3 years? if it is true, are people on the left agreeing with us it's a complete unforgivable dereliction of duty by the state and people involved with this (anyone that at any point made or let this happen without going public about how it was an outrageous and indefensible disapplication of the rule of law? should at a minimum be distanced from the public sphere for life? including judges and prosecutors of course.

Seems not everyone is quite so easily impressed

his best and **** and not contradictory

Don't worry guys, Gollum is gonna save us all!

Musk knew this was the likely outcome.
