My Poker Journal
Hiyas, I'm new to 2p2. I've been putting off writing about my poker journey. I'm ripping off the bandaid and just posting something now. I plan to make daily updates for the next 7 days about my poker journey. I'll reevaluate from there how often or in what format I want to do. This one is short cuz it's past my bedtime but I've committed as of 15 mins ago to posting at least something. seeya suckas tmo
Have you considered trying running for the high?
Goals for today:
2 - 3 work bouts, visit library
COMPLETE - studied for 3 hours and 45 mins. played in home game for 3.5 hours
PT exercises
COMPLETE - also did cold plunge
Goals for tmo:
2 - 3 work bouts, visit library
PT exercises, prob do sauna blanket too
Goals from today:
2 - 3 work bouts, visit library
COMPLETE - it was just 1 bout but it was 3 hours long so that's sufficient. I went to the library for 4 hours, the other hour was spent readiing
PT exercises, prob do sauna blanket too
COMPLETE - did PT exercises and sauna blanket
Goals from this week:
Minimum: 10 hours - 3 Library visits
Target: 15 hours - 5 Library visits
Stretch: 20 hours - 7 Library visits
MINIMUM HOURS COMPLETE - 11 hours of studying (9.5 were focused hours)
STRETCH VISITS COMPLETE - 7 library visits for the week
My hours for studying were lower than it could have been for a few reasons
1. My boss gave me extra contract to work on this week. That took up 2 or 3 work bouts I could have used for poker
2. If I wasn't at the library, I struggled to get work done. I watched too much youtube in the beggining of the week. I had to ban it for the back half and that seemed to help
Another note, idk if blocking out a whole week to study feels the best way to structure my time. I'm going to try a mixed week this time
Goals for the upcoming week:
This week I'm going to do studying, online, and live play.
My live days will be wednesday, friday, and/or sunday since that's when 5/10 runs.
My online days this week will be tuesday, thursday, and/or saturday
I'm not sure what my study days should be yet, but I'll prob go with saturday for now
Library visit
I won't have much time so no poker goals
Electronics off by 11p
Tuesday (online day):
Minimum: 1 hours of online play
Target: 1.5 - 2 hours of online play
Stretch: 4 hours of online play
I want to try being at the library the whole day on tuesday. or hopping between libraries. Taking breaks to eat or something.
Wednesday (live day):
Library visit
Minimum: 2 hours of live play
Target: 3 hours of live play
Stretch: 5 hours of live play
Thursday (online or study):
Library visit
I'll let myself pick what to do this day. No expectations. Contract work will also be longer this day
Friday (live):
if I can get to the casino early enough I'd like to play live.
Minimum: 2 hours
Target: 4 hours
Stretch: 6 hours
if something comes up to hang w/ friends I'm allowed to do that instead
Saturday (study preferred, can do online tho):
just visit library during the day
Minimum: 1.5 hours
Target: 3 hours
Stretch: 5 hours
if something comes up to hang w/ friends I'm allowed to do that instead
Sunday (online, study, or live):
Either visit library and use goals from saturday or play live with goals from Saturday
if something comes up to hang w/ friends I'm allowed to do that instead
Goals from today:
Contract Work:
2 bouts
COMPLETE - I ended up doing 3 or 4 work bouts. I had a lot of work to do today
Minimum: 1 hours of online play
Target: 1.5 - 2 hours of online play
Stretch: 4 hours of online play
I want to try being at the library the whole day or hopping between libraries.
TARGET COMPLETE - 2 hours of online play. I wasn't at the library the whole day cuz I had a deadline for contract work right in the morning. So I did my first 2 hours at home. I was at the library from 3p to close. I consider that achieving my goal tho.
PT exercises
Goals for tmo:
Contract work:
1 - 2 bouts
Minimum: 2 hours of live play
Target: 3 hours of live play
Stretch: 5 hours of live play
Physical Health:
PT Exercises, maybe throw in wim hof or some meditation
start winding down at 10:30p
Goals from today:
Contract work:
1 - 2 bouts
FAILED - did maybe 25 mins of work spread out
I didn't have much work to do today so I figured I'd just work at home. This didn't pan out as I intended. I was on reddit for 2 hours :(
Minimum: 2 hours of live play
Target: 3 hours of live play
Stretch: 5 hours of live play
STRETCH COMPLETE - 7 hours of live play at 2/5/10
Physical Health:
PT Exercises, maybe throw in wim hof or some meditation
COMPLETE - PT exercises and cold plunge
start winding down at 10:30p
FAILED - it's almost 11p rn. I'll need to schedule dinner and organizing poker notes after
Goals for tmo:
Contract work:
1 - 2 bouts
I'll make sure I go to the library for this.
No goals set for today. I play online or study
Physical Health:
PT appt
sort out insurance thing that's been on my plate for a bit
go thru emails?
start winding down at 10:30p
Hello again! Came for a quick check: have you been following through with your goals, to the best of your abilities? What are the biggest obstacles and how to overcome them?
Goals from today:
Contract work:
1 - 2 bouts
I'll make sure I go to the library for this.
COMPLETE - did 3 work bouts
No goals set for today. I play online or study
Physical Health:
PT appt
sort out insurance thing that's been on my plate for a bit
go thru emails?
start winding down at 10:30p
FAILED like helen keller in spanish class. it's 2:15am right now. I procrastinated doing my last thing of work sooo much
Goals for tmo:
Contract work:
1 - 2 bouts
Idk if I 'll try to hit this many hours. My sleep will suck cuz I'm up so late, might end up playing C game.
Minimum: 2 hours of live play
Target: 4 hours of live play
Stretch: 6 hours of live play
if something comes up to hang w/ friends I'm allowed to do that instead
Physical Health:
PT exercises
start winding down at 10:30p
Hello again! Came for a quick check: have you been following through with your goals, to the best of your abilities? What are the biggest obstacles and how to overcome them?
Hiya, I'm following through with my goals for the most part. Still def room for improvement. The goal I've failed the most often is not starting my wind down routine on time. The goal that I miss sometimes, that prob has the largest affect, are when I miss my work bouts.
The most effective method so far is going to the library without my phone. I attempt deep work sessions or just uninterrupted, lookup cal newport for more info on those. I set a timer and ALL i'm doing is the task I'm working on. Not even bathroom breaks or sips of water. Helps a ton The most common causes of me hitting my work bouts is getting distracted via youtube or reddit when I'm at home.
Your comment sparked the idea for me to start documenting exactly why I miss each of my goals. I'll be able to create a list of common causes and work on how to tackle those obstacles. Super excited to start tracking that
Goals from today:
Contract work:
1 - 2 bouts
COMPLETE - did 1 bout and then some additional work
Minimum: 2 hours of live play
Target: 4 hours of live play
Stretch: 6 hours of live play
MINIMUM COMPLETE - 2.5 hours of 2/5, got to casino late for 2 reasons. 1. Getting to bed late last night. I sleep around 10 hours a night so I woke up around noon. I delayed my work bout about 2 hours.
Why was my work bout delayed 2 hours?
When I start my work bout I have to use my phone to get authentication codes. I also wanted to use my artificial bright light as a substitute for sunlight in the morning.
- Use phone at home for setup so my work bout is more focused at the library
- While setting up use the artificial bright light
- knockout easy stuff like emails
- Right after setup head to the library
- While using phone to setup, I decided to peak at reddit "just for a bit". Proceeded to be on reddit for an hour or so
- Did get artificial light
- knocked out easy stuff
- didn't head to library right after
What are some alternate strategies for doing this work bout?
1. Setup laptop with phone while at library (in an environment that's much easier to focus).
Pros: likelyhood of getting work bout done is way higher and no need to worry about social media bans
Cons: focus of work bout is likely to be lower and less sunlight in morning
However, if I book a conference and bring the light pad, sunlight will not be a problem
2. Ban reddit and youtube for a period of time. I haven't tried just morning bans yet. I'll prob try that next week
Physical Health:
PT exercises
NOT COMPLETE YET - Planning to do it after writing this journal
start winding down at 10:30p
COMPLETE - I'll be getting to bed a bit later
Goals for tmo:
My sister's skating competition is tomorrow. Hitting 2-2.5 hours will be just fine.
Online or study. I'm not sure which one I'll do yet :/ Maybe I'll just do both
Minimum: 1.5 hours
Target: 3 hours
Stretch: 5 hours
Physical Health:
PT exercises
start winding down around 10:30p