Rate My Portfolio

Rate My Portfolio

~$1M consisting of:

50% Bitcoin
10% Ethereum
25% RealEstate
10% Stocks
5% Gold

$200k cash on side, close to zero income outside of occasional poker. Early thirties.

My cash plan is to live on + buy/add on extreme dips. Expenses are mild. Mortgage < 2k and car paid off.

Not sure how to weather the current environment. Everything is macro this macro that. Risk assets seems like they will continue bleeding, and inflation seems like it will continue running.

Curious how you guys would position yourselves in my shoes. Happy to answer any other personal questions and hopefully don’t get too roasted for my crypto positioning ��

) 4 Views 4
04 June 2022 at 05:41 AM

9 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE


Portfolio $3.5MM

70% BTC
15% ETH
10% Real Estate
3% Stocks
2% Cash

Likely getting flamed for this.

My overhead expenses are still on the small side - about $3k/mo covers mortgage, car, insurace, etc..

My income is a little different. I'm making at least $5k month now with poker apps rb, some staking etc. I know this can end anytime and is not a long term solution. But just FYI.

I still play poker occasionally but honestly i'm just super over it. Not scalable, not enjoyable. Looking for more cash flowing ventures. I'm starting to flip small real estate projects but nothing crazy.

My crypto positions have grown to this size mostly from appreciation. I still toggle with the idea of selling, pay taxes, and throw into real estate/money market etc, something TradFi. Or hold through the Trump admin - likely bullish few years and 100% most bullish presidential candidate we've had. I personally do not consider BTC a risk asset long term, and see it reaching $1M and more amidst extreme volatility. I have *somewhat* of an exit strategy which is to sell eth/alts this year (Q2 perhaps?) and swing maybe 1/4 of BTC out. Just going to feel out the market and "cycle" if there even is one anymore.

Real Estate is highly saturated in my market so I don't really consider that an option unless I want to GRIND it full time to squeak some deals. Doesn't sound that fun tbh.

I guess i'm posting this just as an update, to get roasted, and take in any advice you guys have to generate cash flow or re position.

is real estate your house or a property you're renting?

both - currentlly have 1 rental property, 1 flip in motion, primary residence, and equity in a mobile home park for sale.


Congrats that is a hell of a return, just out of curiosity, why did you drop gold from portfolio?

obviously you are not diversified, if you want to stay so heavily invested in BTC, i would try and figure a way to hedge.

Maybe buy puts on mstr?

by topspinner k


Congrats that is a hell of a return, just out of curiosity, why did you drop gold from portfolio?

obviously you are not diversified, if you want to stay so heavily invested in BTC, i would try and figure a way to hedge.

Maybe buy puts on mstr?

I still own gold in etfs but I just wrapped them into stocks. I sold my bars for BTC at some point, lol.

I've considered puts on MSTR. I've never shorted anything in my life but perhaps I should.

I'm currently short MSTR stock. DONT buy the puts, they are absurdly expensive. IBIT is cheaper if you want a hedge, but in all honesty dont trade options if you never have before

Just sell your crypto and enjoy being rich. Its not worth the 50+% drawdown risk. Not taking significant profits when hype is at its max is not the way. Imo theres a big risk now that 'buy the election sell the inauguration' will play out

Sell any ETH rally that comes, ETH just isnt worth holding anymore. And I'm a former ETH maximalist and took all profits last cycle (price is lower today than where i sold almost 4 years ago, shitcoin imo)

You have nothing in stocks. Sell the crypto, buy SPY. If the 21x fwd PE is too much, look into small cap value etfs and buy whatever ratio makes you happy. Currently I'm ~2/3 SPY and 1/3 AVUV

Also - A better crypto short is BTDR, shitty scam crypto miner with chinese shareholders thats losing money in a crypto boom. It reminds me of PTON who couldnt make money in a pandemic

60% Coins is crazy. But it's up to you.

Place 1mm of BTC on aave, borrow 300k usd and farm with it. Can easily earn you 100k in passive income.
(Seriously, even 50% apy is easily doable nowadays in defi)
