Selling WPT passport dollars at 5% discount

Selling WPT passport dollars at 5% discount

I have $34640 passport dollars for sale on WPT. pm if interested, Can provide whatever info you need to verify my account and passport balance, thanks.

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04 December 2024 at 08:08 AM

5 Replies

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u have these still? discord me please jingjingj

lagpoker cant pm you but added on discord.

by Adgey k

lagpoker cant pm you but added on discord.

Will the real lagpoker please stand up?

by II Silence II k

...Please add me on discord - lagpoker or PM me.

lagpoker got banned. he will add u on discord then say the discord doesnt work well and try getting u to click a link to a better talking platform. he claimed to have some venoms for sale and was asking for me to use crypto. anyone selling venoms knows ACR handles the cash and the venom tourney entry.

Which is one of the problems with telling everyone to contact you on Discord. Sounds like you're hopefully savvy enough to avoid the pitfalls, but to everyone in general I'd urge some pretty strong caution when you provide others with a means to contact you offsite, especially when you do so publicly in a thread, that you do so aware that just because someone tells you on Discord that they are XYZ on 2+2 is of course no assurance that they actually are. It's just common sense, but, well...that's not always so common. :p
