Cheating on the gulf coast
What exactly is going on down south, the same stable of players literally has won every event for the past year.. i know i can't be the only one thinking something smells fishy
Dealer has yet to comment on the fact that player in question somehow knows all of these protocols….
I have played tourneys for years and didn’t know anything about the operations of the dealers within a tourney, sounds like they are pretty good friends.
YOU ARE THE ONE WHO COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING YOU JACKASS!!!.... how hard is that to get into your skull!!!! The fact you did nothing screams that you are totally full of ****! The fact that you think the crew was 200 dealers also screams you have no ****ing clue what you are talking about
You really need to chill out as you sound like an unhinged lunatic. Every time you post in caps screaming at someone, calling them an fn idiot, you come across like a low IQ mouth-breather. How on earth do you deal cards with such thin skin? You have made things sooooo much worse for you and the stable in question with all of your posting. If you have never cheated as a dealer or witnessed a dealer cheating, fantastic, just say that and move on. Who cares what anyone else thinks after that.
Gotta put my foot down for Cody here. Seems like almost every anon acct hasn’t actually met him in real life. He’s one of the best gamblers I’ve ever know, but he also has a heart of GOLD. He takes a lot of shots (36 in the Biloxi opener as you all know lol) but he’s also very diversified and calculated.
People do want to judge him for that when they're weighing the likelihood of if something shady is going on. There is no smoking gun after the fact and I kind of doubt some of the allegations to be true. But what isn't really debatable is the idea that having several players at the same table who are sharing a bankroll not be influenced in how they play. The idea of being a 'fierce competitor', lol. It's human nature.
The idea that a stable of players are sharing action in $400 tournaments is pretty bizarre if there is not an additional benefit beyond reducing variance. That sounds like a tedious, tedious grind unless you happen to be binking 2000+ runner tournaments somewhat routinely.
Are we just gonna gloss over the fact that a purported dealer from the area posted ITT that we had "no idea" what's actually going on in the gulf coast poker scene and offered to give up information for $10k?
Are we just gonna gloss over the fact that a purported dealer from the area posted ITT that we had "no idea" what's actually going on in the gulf coast poker scene and offered to give up information for $10k?
Its probably the amount that they told him he would get for helping them and they didn’t pay him, strokes chin, hmmm.
Are we just gonna gloss over the fact that a purported dealer from the area posted ITT that we had "no idea" what's actually going on in the gulf coast poker scene and offered to give up information for $10k?
If they gave their name maybe the would have some credibility.... otherwise I doubt anything about them
Yea 10k for an anonymous maybe dealer with maybe information that could be something?...... yep you should definitely pay for that hahahahahahahaha
I'm not paying it, but someone else might. Things like this are not as difficult as you think. You pay an attorney a fee to draw up a contract for exchange of information. The claimant sends the info to the attorney, and the buyer sends the money to the attorney. If the info satisfies the agreement, the attorney executes the deal.
Are we just gonna gloss over the fact that a purported dealer from the area posted ITT that we had "no idea" what's actually going on in the gulf coast poker scene and offered to give up information for $10k?
I would gladly pay the $10k if the information was good as he portrayed it to be
Also me running anything illegal such as a hyptothetical sportsbook if I were doing such a thing doesnt mean Im a cheat or a bad person? Does you running a stop sign or speeding make you a bad person or a cheat? Everyone in life do illegal things. I;m not admitting to having a sportsbook only suggesting that someone doing anything illegal doesnt mean their a bad person.
Wait, what??? I can't believe I missed this post.
If you’re running an illegal sportsbook, that does make you a cheat. You’re cheating the government and you are not paying taxes, so you’re also cheating everyone else who works honestly and pays taxes. Am I stupid, or does what he wrote not make sense?
Everyone in life do illegal things.
Okay, I can’t say that about myself. I stole candies from a store when I was six years old, and when I was 27, I tried buying marijuana in Thailand and instead got sold a rock wrapped in paper with tobacco.
But most of my friends and family have never broken any law in their entire lives, and I don’t think that’s a coincidence—most people don’t do illegal stuff and don’t run stop signs.
If someone does illegal things, it greatly increases the chances of them being a bad person.
The arguments in this thread for the accused really make it seem like they're hiding something
Wait, what??? I can't believe I missed this post.
If you’re running an illegal sportsbook, that does make you a cheat. You’re cheating the government and you are not paying taxes, so you’re also cheating everyone else who works honestly and pays taxes. Am I stupid, or does what he wrote not make sense?
Okay, I can’t say that about myself. I stole candies from a store when I was six years old, and when I was 27, I tried buying marijuana in Thailand and instead got sold a rock wrapped in pa
every single person you know has broken a law at some point.
Wait, what??? I can't believe I missed this post.
If you’re running an illegal sportsbook, that does make you a cheat. You’re cheating the government and you are not paying taxes, so you’re also cheating everyone else who works honestly and pays taxes. Am I stupid, or does what he wrote not make sense?
Okay, I can’t say that about myself. I stole candies from a store when I was six years old, and when I was 27, I tried buying marijuana in Thailand and instead got sold a rock wrapped in pa
max, i can hook you up with good weed 😀
But most of my friends and family have never broken any law in their entire lives, and I don’t think that’s a coincidence—most people don’t do illegal stuff and don’t run stop signs.
maybe this is a product of the country in which we each live in but in the United States at least, there are so many laws that it is statistically almost a certainty that everyone has committed at least a misdemeanor if not an outright felony, even without knowing. Show me the man and I will show the you crime as they say.
It's amusing to me to describe someone playing a ****ing card game to be a fierce competitor.
I also find it amusing that when accused of cheating hordes of defenders come in and say no way, they just study a lot-Akin to getting caught cheating on a history test.
We're talking about poker. I've been playing for a long time it's funny it's gotten to that point.
Disclaimer: i have not accused anybody of anything and I don't know these people
it's more amusing to me that a bunch of brand new posters
Grunch as I don't know if this thread is still alive...but I saw this as a notification to reply to and wanted to point out this is exactly my thoughts. Especially the stable and final table stuff.
And for others stepping in to speak on their behalf is just very odd and not believable.
Someone told all the knuckleheads to stop posting lol
Well it's not locked and I'm not a knucklehead and neither is borg or rickroll
I have personally made a large sum playing poker against this same exact group "consistently". I only wished I could play GCP or in that area much more often as contrary to what most people think im just a part time player. That's just how SOFT the fields are!
I have "personally" not experienced any of these alleged actions and have played with all of these guys quite often. Again, I'm speaking from my OWN personal experience.
I'm FAR from naive and know just because someone is a nice guy they

Trip report from WSOP circuit event at Tunica.
Observed one very strange hand. Donavan Dean opened early AQo. Folds to BB who jams 25BBish stack with 92s (diamonds). Donavan wins and the 92s guy leaves. Player sitting next to Donavan commented that this is the third gift you got - what's going on? I had not seen the previous hands myself. At that point Donavan had a stack of 250K ish when the average stack was around 50-60K.
This hand happened just before the reg was going to close. So it's possible the 92s guy was just trying to double up or rebuy. But it was a very strange spot to do so as there were still about 10 minutes left before the break. He could have easily seen the flop completing action at BB with a suited hand and jam flop if he connected, or picked a better spot / hand. Also BB is absolutely the best spot to dump chips because being last to act it's assured no other player is involved in the hand. So this hand was suspicious to me.
I also saw a lot of sloppy / lazy shuffle, improper grips, bad cuts. I am not going to name the dealers here. But I shared both the above hand description and dealers not following proper procedures with Dan, the poker room manager, who has posted on this thread earlier. Dan was very attentive, took notes and said he would follow up. Great guy. Enjoyed talking to him.
But overall the trip left a bad taste in mouth. I am not coming back to Tunica - first and last time in Mississippi.
Trip report from WSOP circuit event at Tunica.
Observed one very strange hand. Donavan Dean opened early AQo. Folds to BB who jams 25BBish stack with 92s (diamonds). Donavan wins and the 92s guy leaves. Player sitting next to Donavan commented that this is the third gift you got - what's going on? I had not seen the previous hands myself. At that point Donavan had a stack of 250K ish when the average stack was around 50-60K.
This hand happened just before the reg was going to close. So it's possi
money laundry
Trip report from WSOP circuit event at Tunica.
Observed one very strange hand. Donavan Dean opened early AQo. Folds to BB who jams 25BBish stack with 92s (diamonds). Donavan wins and the 92s guy leaves. Player sitting next to Donavan commented that this is the third gift you got - what's going on? I had not seen the previous hands myself. At that point Donavan had a stack of 250K ish when the average stack was around 50-60K.
This hand happened just before the reg was going to close. So it's possi
on top of that is has turned into a shithole.
Trip report from WSOP circuit event at Tunica.
Observed one very strange hand. Donavan Dean opened early AQo. Folds to BB who jams 25BBish stack with 92s (diamonds). Donavan wins and the 92s guy leaves. Player sitting next to Donavan commented that this is the third gift you got - what's going on? I had not seen the previous hands myself. At that point Donavan had a stack of 250K ish when the average stack was around 50-60K.
This hand happened just before the reg was going to close. So it's possi
Donovan dean
vegas : 28 cashes total
wins : 0
top 3: 2
total cashes : 382476
Choctaw: 13 cashes total
wins : 4
top 3: 6
total cashes : 213178
Cherokee: 58 cashes total
wins : 4
top 3: 7
total cashes : 994315
data from Hendon mob 2016-december 2024
primarily only played tournaments with buyins between 100-600 other than circuit main events from 2016-late 2021
2016-2022 wins : 2 for 80,957 total
2022-2024 wins : 10 for 1,326,129 total
That's not how you chip dump.