Cheating on the gulf coast
What exactly is going on down south, the same stable of players literally has won every event for the past year.. i know i can't be the only one thinking something smells fishy
It's weird that those player's don't play as much or run well in the Florida and Vegas circuits. Definitely something to watch for and get the tournament directors to review.
I guess last month we didn’t do well in Vegas? Florida generally runs around the same time as other tournaments we go too. Guess we shouldn’t focus on certain player pools we think are softer😂
I can verify that I've seen incidents with this group. I've seen it in these events and rungood events.
I have seen Preston get chips dumped to him in the most obvious way and walk away from the table. I have seen Cody go all in blind against the stable. Plenty of weird play all around including soft play.
Cody is backing all of them.
The rungood allows them to travel their circuit as long as they fire as many bullets. They give them comps and continue to make themselves look the best they can.
They are very good players. Once they have the chips, they know how to use them. That's the problem with these types of stables.
Given that someone has come forward - I want to applaud them. This is hard to do and you'll have friends of this group say things like "cody will give the shirt off his back" which is true. He is a very nice guy, but this is poker. Do whatever you can to win.
I have NOT seen the dealer issue before and will not vouch for that.
I will vouch for backing, staking, swapping, and many other things related to poker, but that's the name of the game and nothing wrong with it.
Again, once they get the chips then they know how to use them because they are good. They do not need that advantage, but they'll do it and fire more bullets.
They are not the only group doing this because plenty of others who are willing to fire 30+ bullets for a profit of 300k in the end.
I am also very suspicious of all southern WSOP circuit stops at Tunica, Cherokee and Choctaw. A group of dealers are likely setting deck for a stable of players. I have stopped playing hands with Preston and a few other regular winners. They never lose a hand at big spots and will often have very unlikely preflop holdings that win big pots.
Can we put a list of speculative names together? Will be useful to put together a list of dealer names as well.
Shaun Deeb had posted a video of mechanic deale
Choctaw use to have one of the biggest stables. 20+ man tournament, but they banned the ring leader and they have to go find a stable somewhere else.
This was 2014-2018 time period. I'm sure it's moved somewhere else.
I will say this as a recreational player that only plays at one WSOP circuit stop playing a few events because its close to my house, drive up play an event and go home and come back another day and play again.
It always seems to be the same few that run really well at that stop, with that said they are all also very good players and the fields at Cherokee are well known to be weak very weak to be precise.
I have never seen anything out of line or funny, but I do recall a year or so ago they was a series where there was a discrepancy in some chip counts from the players that entered to the counts bagged to what was in play on day two.
Now that could be from reporting to just bad counting, but it would be very easy at this event to pass chips into other flights, tournament or days of said event.
For example at that stop for the last 5 years they use the same chip sets with maybe the exception of the 500 denom chips for I know the multi flight event 2, the monster stack event and the main event and I think the 6 max. Now with the monster stack having that many entries and them starting with 40k they are sending late entries to the table with 25k chips to start, and I have seen them by the first color up introducing 100k chips into the tournament.
So I wouldnt be concerned with what was brought up before, but the taking chips out of play and reintroduced them is a real possibility, matter of fact I'm not saying these guys are doing it but I would be SHOCKED if it wasn't happening!
I go all in dark when reg is open at every single table I walk up too regardless who I know at the table. Anyone who plays with me can confirm this. I go all in dark when I’m at places by myself as well. For someone to say I’m dumping chips because I’m all in dark is silly. 80% of the calling hands are only going to be 60/40 favorite. I don’t only go all in dark against people I know. I sit at a full table and ANNOUNCE I’m going all in dark. I don’t pick and choose to only do it at a table with a horse. I do it at ALL tables when I’m doing it…
What people fail to realize if I could actually cheat and help others I wouldn’t do it but let’s just say I could… don’t you think I’d be making sure that horses who are in deep makeup would be the ones who get the chips and run the deepest. Think people
I go all in dark when reg is open at every single table I walk up too regardless who I know at the table. Anyone who plays with me can confirm this. I go all in dark when I’m at places by myself as well. For someone to say I’m dumping chips because I’m all in dark is silly. 80% of the calling hands are only going to be 60/40 favorite. I don’t only go all in dark against people I know. I sit at a full table and ANNOUNCE I’m going all in dark. I don’t pick and choose to only do it at a table with
A stable has been confirmed.
To blindly accuse dealers/staff of something like this is "shady" at best
And if those dealers were setting decks they would be driving Lamborghinis... smdh....
There's a huge difference between dealing a circuit stop and dealing in Texas where there is no gaming commission.
This is a legit scumbag thing to do. Accusing someone of cheating without proof is literally the worst thing you can do as a poker player.
Either show some proof or shut yer disgusting Pie Hole….
After 4 years, and further removed than that from GC poker, seeking some clarification on your surfacing. Are you still a poker room rep as noted on your profile? Do you have any current ties professionally to GC poker?
I have never personally felt cheated by this stable, however, I have rarely if ever had more than one of them at my table at the same time, so that hardly exonerates them. I would not be surprised if there is cheating going on... particularly chip dumping/soft play. To be honest, I'd be pretty surprised if there wasn't some of this going on.
If OP (or anyone else) has evidence, particularly that they are working with dealers, that would be very useful information. And those players and dealers should be outted...
Two things that definitely occurred that you can take what you want from:
1) In October 2023, Allen Kessler outlined the problems with multi-bag bonus events in a Facebook post ( He provided quite a few reasons and opportunities in which people working in stables could gain a bigger edge than even in your typical tournament. Say what you want about Chainsaw, but he made a pretty compelling argument. Evidently, Preston McEwen disagreed with the conclusion. Could it be he knew Kessler was absolutely right and eliminating these events would cut into his edge? Maybe, maybe not. You be the judge.
2) Cody Stanford absolutely pumped and dumped a s*itcoin a year ago. He was posting all over social media trying to get people to invest. He showed huge gains after a day or two to get other people to buy in to the pyramid scheme. Anyone with half a brain knew could see it was a pump and dump, but it didn't stop Cody from pushing it on anyone he could. Didn't hear much about this amazing coin (which he was saying was backed by a real business (lol) after the first few days. Wonder why?



Down well over 99.99% since he told you to buy.
Does the fact he ran a crypto scam mean Cody cheats at poker? No. But you can miss me with the "he's such a nice guy he would give you the shirt off his back" s*it. If someone is willing to scam you for money in crypto, I wouldn't put soft playing, chip dumping, colluding, or even outright cheating past them.
Having guys in makeup not be the ones who win literally means nothing. In fact, Makeup itself means nothing if it’s a team sport. Nobody can speak on the makeup outside of the group I assume so it’s not an argument against shadiness taking place. It would be interesting to know how many people are in this stable and who they are? Nothing wrong with being backed but it is fair to ask to know who is playing with whose money for everyone else.
It don’t look good cuz. But ya you’ll still see plenty of naive people say whoever it is “is too nice to cheat” lmao. If you’re playing live poker and don’t look out for cheaters or think it’s happening then you live in a fantasy world. Whether this particular group is guilty or not, plenty of “nice guys” cheat
We know they have a stable. Cody is backing them.
There's definitely more and it's just not them "studying".
They are good players and I have seen them dump chips.
I wouldn't be surprised if they end up at rungood tulsa and tunica circuit next. Watch and see how this plays out.
That crypto scam was the clearest pump and dump I’ve ever seen in my life. Cody should’ve known better because that definitely doesn’t look good on him at all. But, he was largely influenced by this wanna be poker player named Chase Turnquest. Chase couldn’t make it as a poker player so he turned to shilling **** coins for a living and screwing people out of their hard earned money. I think he’s currently overseas maybe in the phillipines or Thailand trying to screw the locals out of their last dollar. Look him up on Twitter (@NotRealCashper). ****ing clown. Moral of this Story, Cody was heavily invested and blindly followed a crypto scam led by the wrong person. Again, Cody should’ve seen this coming. As far as the poker goes, sure anyone could be cheating. But having a stable isn’t cheating. Neither is using the rules in every way possible to your advantage. No matter how scummy it may seem.
I'm not trying to get in the middle of the back and forth between individuals that I don't even know.
But this guy provides some good info for anyone that wants to avoid getting cheated. I would recommend anyone concerned about dealers setting decks check it out. A cheating dealer doesn't have to show up with a deck in his pocket. They can pretty easily set the deck as they're gathering up cards from a previous hand.
Imo it's irresponsible to make SOME of the speculations above without at the very least putting your name on it in order to at least show that you yourself believe in what you're saying enough to put your name on it.
Furthermore some of the speculations about dealers with absolutely no proof provided is absurd to say the least. Should one look into these things if a group of players are running far above EV and ask questions? Absolutely, it would be irresponsible not to, but there are ways to do it and more importantly ways not to do it and imo speculating without proof (the dealer thing) and not putting your name on it only makes you look silly and makes this whole (valid in some cases) argument look like you're average fish talk.
Not putting your name on it and making wild accusatory remarks without proof makes me want to ask you to tell me you're a fish without telling me you're a fish. Am I trying to insult you? No, just calling a spade a spade.
Again, I'm not saying that there's an issue with questioning it, but one must first at the very least have average data in order to do so.
Are they really running that far above EV? If so, how far?
How soft is the field really? .
Do they put hours and hours into studying a combination of a GTO and exploitative style Taylor made for the population they play against? Probably. Is that against the rules? No, it's not.
Are they chip dumping? (This one should be super easy to prove that they are or aren't)
Are they colluding? (another easy one)
Do you have definitive answers to any of these questions before posting this in a public forum and potentially tarnishing someone's integrity? You probably should and if you don't you should probably be at least a little ashamed.
Best of luck on the felt everyone and don't forget to take a deep look inward before making crazy stories up.
If you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras.
In for all the new accounts slap fighting.
Generally there is a fire around smoke like this though. A shady stable is about the easiest scheme to pull off in Poker
Why would anyone fire 35 bullets in a $400 event?
What is the end game on that?
I have personally made a large sum playing poker against this same exact group "consistently". I only wished I could play GCP or in that area much more often as contrary to what most people think im just a part time player. That's just how SOFT the fields are!
I have "personally" not experienced any of these alleged actions and have played with all of these guys quite often. Again, I'm speaking from my OWN personal experience.
I'm FAR from naive and know just because someone is a nice guy they can't be a scumbag. I know plenty of seemingly nice guys that are 1000% scammers. However, I've never seen the alleged cheating and I've won PLENTY playing against all of them.
I am also heavily invested and well versed in Crypto. I was extremely skeptical of that specific coin and any new low liquidity coin that's created and shilled like that. They are going to have to speak on whatever happened with that situation, but yes I saw that.
I just feel calling someone out for cheating in poker there needs to be solid proof and evidence. I will 1000% change my opinion with solid evidence. Yes, does it seem like the same group wins or FT alot in that area..... way more than what the averages say it should be? Absolutely 💯.....
However, I also know how good these guys are... how much effort they put into the game.. how successful I have been against them... and how EXCEPTIONALLY terrible and inexperienced a large majority of those fields are as well.
This is like the old days of NVG
Who said I didn’t back people? You obviously don’t even know what you’re talking about and not from the area. Anyone from this area know I stake some players