[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread

[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread

This thread is to separate the Bovada-related comments and questions from the Official Bodog Support Thread, which is there only for questions or concerns about anything Bodog-branded.

There is no official Bovada Rep at 2+2 at this time, but perhaps if discussion is effected in a civil manner, one might arrive in due course?

Thank you.


) 36 Views 36
21 December 2011 at 09:36 PM

1454 Replies


by SpewNL k

Did you reach out to Intuitive Tables about this?


by mreps k

Does Jurojin conflict with Drivehud?
Jurojin works fine after a disconnect, Hotkeys, overlays, betting, ect.

Some of the tables have a hud after a disconnect but not always. Right now I have 3 tables working fine after a disconnect, the 4th table is being tracked but no hud.

Same issue.

The problem is two fold really. Even w/o any software going, DC's are happening at increased rates it seems. The more software you run that injects to capture data, it seems it increases the probability the rate increases. That's all I really know right now.

by FreakDaddy k

Same issue.

The problem is two fold really. Even w/o any software going, DC's are happening at increased rates it seems. The more software you run that injects to capture data, it seems it increases the probability the rate increases. That's all I really know right now.

I think the main culprit are shitty Ignition servers, maybe code injection affects a bit but I still don't think it is the main issue.

I've noticed that after a DC, Bodog moves me to another table and then if I try to open another one it will get stuck to 99% loading and it never completes. Do you think this is bodog server side or maybe code injection could play a role here?

fwiw, i played two sessions today and yesterday with zero disconnects but also was not using the hand catching software... after having three straight days of multiple disconnects/resets per hour. hope we can find a resolution soon.

Someone mentioned time stamps last couple of pages for DCs. This is what I had today. I'm using Jurojin + ICC. All DCs in eastern time:

6:01 pm
6:05 pm

I found that once I DCd I didn't DC again until I had closed and reopened the client.

FWIW, months ago when this issue first started happening, I had experimented leaving drivehud on and off, and tried using an unmodified chrome browser instead of the client, and the same issue kept happening. I have not had the patience to test anymore, because I stopped playing here.

by Heavy Mask k

I think the main culprit are shitty Ignition servers, maybe code injection affects a bit but I still don't think it is the main issue.

I've noticed that after a DC, Bodog moves me to another table and then if I try to open another one it will get stuck to 99% loading and it never completes. Do you think this is bodog server side or maybe code injection could play a role here?

From what we can see so far, it seems to be a server side issue on Bodog/Ignition's side. We're just trying to determine if any of the injection based software exasperates this somehow. No real conclusions quite yet, but we have multiple people looking into it.

I played the $82 that always overlays this morning and close to the bubble got sat at one of the bot/collusion tables. You can see from the picture that the player numbers are consecutive (regged at same time in order to be sat at same table) and all of them waited the entire time bank before folding. Has anyone had luck reporting this to support? Wondering if it’s even worth it.

by thomasmyspace k

I played the $82 that always overlays this morning and close to the bubble got sat at one of the bot/collusion tables. You can see from the picture that the player numbers are consecutive (regged at same time in order to be sat at same table) and all of them waited the entire time bank before folding. Has anyone had luck reporting this to support? Wondering if it’s even worth it.

I just made an account on here so I could post this

Literally just happened to me but in the $500 super high roller players 133-140 (138,139 got moved but 140 was in on it Im sure they were too) all on the same table all running time bank every hand. They will call 1 BB and then stall every action until the river. Then 1 guy will bet and rest will fold and dump the chips to him. It was to the point where 1 bot//colluder was forced All in every hand so whoever had the most chips would just call 1 BB. When 1 was forced to go all in... on another hand on the stone bubble 1 Bot//Colluder whatever the **** these things are with 1.2 BB he flatted with 1 BB .... 3 colluders were in the hand 1 was forced all in 1 had .2 BB left(after he flatted) and other had 4 BB left they stalled all the way to the river. the bot//colluder with .2 BB goes all in the 4 BB bot///colluder magically disconnected now and folds.... the guy with .2 BB HAD ****ING 7 2 ON THE STONE BUBBLE OF THE $500 AND FLATS PREFLOP ???? The Bot//Colluder that was forced all in ends up winning the hand with 10 high and the 72 Bot got some chips back. I ****ing tell you I have never been so tilted seeing this blatant collusion or whatever the **** is going on for months now in these tournaments and not a single thing is being done. I ended up bubbling this tournament because of this **** when I shouldnt have. It took 10 minutes for 1 hand for this table. At least 6 of them were in on it together. Players 133-140 of the $500 super high roller

Unreal Just checked 2 of them are on the final table and 1 is in 3rd place.... MUST BE PRETTY ****ING EASY WHEN YOU KNOW OTHER CARDS IN PLAY

by chinacatsunflowerr k

I just made an account on here so I could post this

Literally just happened to me but in the $500 super high roller players 133-140 (138,139 got moved but 140 was in on it Im sure they were too) all on the same table all running time bank every hand. They will call 1 BB and then stall every action until the river. Then 1 guy will bet and rest will fold and dump the chips to him. It was to the point where 1 bot//colluder was forced All in every hand so whoever had the most chips

-> I Know You Rider 😎

I played for a couple hours yesterday from 15:30est - 17:30est was disconnected once (running both Jurojin and DriveHUD)

Yesterday was another fiasco of DC'ing but ultimately I wasn't even able to back into the software. Just a black screen when I open it. Even right now I'm not even able to get into the client. Are there any possible fixes for this on my end?

Not really... you can try clearing your internet DNS cache... or deleting the Ignition "Roaming Data" folder's contents if you are using Windows... CS will tell you to also to clear your browsing cache as well if you play through a browser

by Sheggy1377 k

Yesterday was another fiasco of DC'ing but ultimately I wasn't even able to back into the software. Just a black screen when I open it. Even right now I'm not even able to get into the client. Are there any possible fixes for this on my end?

Re-install ignition.

Good news update is we think we have a fix for the disconnects w/ DH/ICC. They are still testing as this issue is so erratic. There likely won't be an update until tomorrow.

- Looks like these DC's can happen w/ no software running.
- Definitely any injection software that is used can exasperate the issue. I won't list the full list of names here, but this is effecting all software that does any kind of injecting from the testing we did.
- It's really difficult to isolate and often it usually follows a pattern of one DC, and then everything is fine, or several DC's. Meaning you're either getting one and it's ok or many... not 2 or 3.

I promised to update in here, so just wanted to let everyone know. We'll post updates in the software forums, and our sites, tomorrow (most likely).

by FreakDaddy k

Good news update is we think we have a fix for the disconnects w/ DH/ICC. They are still testing as this issue is so erratic. There likely won't be an update until tomorrow.

- Looks like these DC's can happen w/ no software running.
- Definitely any injection software that is used can exasperate the issue. I won't list the full list of names here, but this is effecting all software that does any kind of injecting from the testing we did.
- It's really difficult to isolate and often it usually foll

Hopefully this will help, too

so far seems to be improved....

We have Ignition Card Catcher and Drivehud 2 fixes for those using them. It seems Ignition also updated their servers, so these two things combined, it should eleviate the disconnects. We only had about 1 1/2 days of testing on this, but not DC's in that time.

Drivehud 2 update:

Ignition Card Catcher update:

I get this error when I try to update.

by ShadowFiend k

I get this error when I try to update.

Most likely your virus scanner / firewall are blocking it. Temp turn it off and re-install ICC.

Watched the video, lol player numbers. I don't play on this site, could someone clarify when you play in an MTT on Ignition all you see is player numbers? Is that correct?

The next few weeks should be fun in any case, 2025 so far hasn't been lacking entertainment on twoplustwo.

Yeah, the player pool has been “anonymous” for years. Player number is assigned based on reg order.

The videos Hastings posted are really bad. I figured either he was the poster on the last page or knows the poster.

by MarkDavis k

Watched the video, lol player numbers. I don't play on this site, could someone clarify when you play in an MTT on Ignition all you see is player numbers? Is that correct?

The next few weeks should be fun in any case, 2025 so far hasn't been lacking entertainment on twoplustwo.

yea the site is anonymous to protect the fish from getting preyed on but in reality it is a cheaters paradise

I think that wraps up my play on ignition for good. It is now so blatant that there is zero chance the site cares at all....along with the technical issues. I know there is cheating on all sites but this is just a whole new level of right in your face and nothing you can do about it

you guys are still playing and giving them your money??? LOL
