POG PUB 2025: About damn time. For a lot of things. But not everything.

POG PUB 2025: About damn time. For a lot of things. But not everything.

Happy New Year, everyone.

I'll let you all mentally fill in the categories in the title.

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01 January 2025 at 11:50 PM

571 Replies


I'm thinking none at all, except maybe your own. I don't know what I'm at, it's at least 8 days.

by TBobLP k

What's the longest y'all have gone without hearing another human voice?

Do recordings count? Music?

The wilderness trips have been sometimes several days without seeing anyone, but I listen to music… The goal is always no people though. Sick of people, to be honest.

I'm kinda more interested in hearing the 'no voice recorded or live' numbers. I'm similar to you in that I usually listen to music when alone in the wilderness, but if that doesn't count it'd be more than double the days...at least 18. Probably several long periods when I've been at home as well...but music and YouTube and stuff.

Jealous of a life where you can disappear for that long. Must have been heaven

Or maybe not? What was your experience?

by TBobLP k

I'm thinking none at all, except maybe your own. I don't know what I'm at, it's at least 8 days.

I would be very surprised if mine was much over 2 days. Pretty much always have music or TV on, don't really do solo trips anywhere remote or with quiet an intentional thing. Interesting question to think about!

Yeah, if music or tv count, I might have to go with never.

I had no internet for over a week.

I thought I craved it. I wanted connection. I wanted to ask things like my elevation, and weather forecast, and where the nearest card room was. I wanted to text/ talk with my friends. I wanted to watch shows and YouTube, and shoot the **** in the pub

but now that I sort of have it again... I just have all these bills to catch up on, and organize bullshit... just shitty chores I have to do online

with no internet, I went hiking alone for the first time. I'd often take long walks alone in the city, and parks... but hiking on a trail, I only ever did with a friend, or friends. I LOVED HIKING ALONE!!! I was just focused on my beautiful surroundings, and my own thoughts.

I mean I love hiking with friends too, and our conversations. but I didn't realize how great it would be to hike alone too. and I was shocked at the conversations i'd hear other hikers have when i'd very rarely see them(the trails are empty yay!)... like the inanity. they were so trivial, they were offensive. like we were in this beautiful, glorious, nature, and this guy is telling his friend about catching the train from queens to Manhattan and how long it takes.... like bro... who ****ing cares! shut the **** up!!! jfc man! look around you!

and then I realized I might say some **** like that to my friend on a trail too. or they might say something like that to me, and i'd enjoy it. then I was thinking conversation is like sex, with the wrong person, it's just disgusting.

but yeah, I really like hiking alone. gonna do it a lot more now.

also gonna be off line a lot more too.... I think.

mark would probably be freaking out at my internet/phone plan. I finally got rid of the $6 tello he got me.

I'm still paying $70 for ATT internet that isn't working cuz of the move. they said I could just bring my equipment and turn it on. but that didn't work. they said they'd send someone out if it didn't work. but then they said there is an outage in my area so they won't send anyone out lol

so meanwhile I'm losing my mind with no internet, so I just got a new iPhone with hotspot and paying a million dollars a month for it, and still paying for ATT too lol

I was thinking I could probably pay Mark 500 to do it for me, and still save money. but no way to reach him without internet.

my gf said I should get starlink, then I probably over reacted with disgust for Elon musk, and she backed away

I probably went a month with no live human voice during the pandemic. but no voice at all... less than 2 days max

I did go to a 10 day vapanassa.. that's like the meditation thing amp was talking about. no talking. no eye contact. but I started to lose my mind and had to escape. they told me I couldn't leave!!!!!! cuz we were in the mountains, and there was a storm and all the roads were closed!!!

so I was trapped in total silence with nothing. I couldn't read or write or listen to anything... I had to just sit there in silence as I was losing my mind! I thought about jumping off a low roof to break my leg and get helicoptered out, or attacking someone with a fork so they'd have to take me out of there.

but the roads cleared and my mom came and got me. my friend drove me up there, and I didn't want to ask her to take me home.

I also had constant escape fantasies & would sit there meditating & absolutely seething with craziness & rage.

It all boiled off around day 5 for me.

by Crossnerd k

Some of us have always chosen the bear

I was explaining where a store is to my brother and it turns out we both navigate by what was there 40 years ago.

-Is it by where the Speedway used to be?
-No, by where the UDF used to be.

by amplify k

I also had constant escape fantasies & would sit there meditating & absolutely seething with craziness & rage.

It all boiled off around day 5 for me.

interesting. I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one.

this kinda reminds me of cold plunging(which I highly recommend, if you can stand it). cuz at first it's intense suffering, agony really. but then it goes away, and it's euphoric.

Filthy wtf???

Do you have At&t wireless internet? (I didn't know this was a thing) Or just an At&t data modem? You need to work with AT&T to fix that stuff. Shouldn't be hard. Just make sure AT&T offers the service in your area.

You bought a new iphone? With a service plan? Any contract? Ugh. How much was everything?

Why not walk in a Walmart and buy something cheap?

I've so many questions...

as filthy's lawyer I advise him to answer no questions and drive at top speed

by well named k

Me: I think I'm a drop by the POG pub thread and see what's happening in there, randomly

Me: **** yeah it's an amplify post. And he's talking about chthonic entities and the detritus of america's psyche! This is exactly what I wanted to see in a pub post.

*listens to banger*


P.S. Man we're still using BBCODE around here instead of markdown that's like a whole vibe.

Seems like the time to forget about the terrible politics subforum and come back to POG?

by Mark_K k

Filthy wtf???

Do you have At&t wireless internet? (I didn't know this was a thing) Or just an At&t data modem? You need to work with AT&T to fix that stuff. Shouldn't be hard. Just make sure AT&T offers the service in your area.

You bought a new iphone? With a service plan? Any contract? Ugh. How much was everything?

Why not walk in a Walmart and buy something cheap?

I've so many questions...

I just have ATT internet... I mean I'm paying for it, but not currently getting anything for it lol... they do have service in my area. I might fix it with them. I probably will.

my gf just did it all for me. she added me on her plan. she picked the phone. an iPhone15. I guess that's the new one? idk. she said the phone should cost me $4 a month.

but I think she said everything is returnable/cancelable if I change my mind.

idk how to use the phone really. I'm using it right now to hotspot so I can be on my Chromebook and post in the pub.

my neighbor told me how we can see space x launches from our homes sometimes. he expected me to be excited by that.

by amplify k

as filthy's lawyer I advise him to answer no questions and drive at top speed

ah, I didnt' see this post before I answered. I switched to 10 posts per page to save data, so this post was a new page 😊 😆

being back online I was like "hey, let me check crypto prices...."

then I was like "hey, let me check the news...."


by filthyvermin k

being back online I was like "hey, let me check crypto prices...."

then I was like "hey, let me check the news...."


I understand, it is sad to see $TRUMP under $18...

by A missread issue k

Seems like the time to forget about the terrible politics subforum and come back to POG?

Won’t be an issue soon hopefully

For every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root.


by A missread issue k

Seems like the time to forget about the terrible politics subforum and come back to POG?

Oh, I haven't really read/posted in any 2p2 forum for a few years, including politics. I popped back in to have a look recently because I heard that things were getting a bit spicy, and I had slightly too much free time.

My sympathies go out to all politics forum moderators and participants 😉
