My poker story

My poker story

About me: I am 35. I have an okay job that pays about $70k a year in Wisconsin. Masters degree+, veteran. I work for schools so I get my summers off. I have decided to go to WSOP this summer.

My poker story isn’t all that exciting. Played some online, played some live, always been a fan of the game. Little successes here and there but never any huge scores. Took breaks, always came back. I think Im good, but most do, and if Im being completely honest with myself I don’t have any spreadsheets or whatever to back that up…just what I feel. I play $1/$3 NLHE at the Oneida Poker Room in Green Bay. Sometimes $2/$5. Not to suggest that means much it’s just what game I’m most familiar with.

Im going from about June 19th -July 13th and maybe a few weeks in August. Im going to play 12 hours a day each day. Cash games only no tournaments. Staying in a cheap place through Airbnb $800 for 27 nights or whatever it is. Hoping to get in about 400 hours at cash games this summer. Ill also post when I play sessions at my local room or other places. Sometimes I also play in Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and Chicago. Not to imply I’m a reg anywhere. Last few years was more interested in fantasy football and the stock market so have played little as in maybe monthly.

Ive created this thread as a journal for myself to help keep track of my losses/winnings and share with others who enjoy the game. I’ll post all sessions even if I lose big, or everything. My bankroll right now is about $30k but it’s not from poker. Sold a property. Never built a poker roll before, hadn’t ever tried too much. When I make money I spend it. Going to try and do it differently and keep things separated.

Bankroll: $30,000
Hours: 0
Hourly: $0/hour

) 18 Views 18
11 March 2024 at 02:14 AM

143 Replies


Lost $900 in $1/$3 . Ran like dogshit had like $180 left built it back up to $550 then ran like dog **** again got it in 60% all in with about a $300 stack for a $750 pot but missed my flush draw/gut shot straight draw. What else is expected when you start talking **** to the universe…but not chasing anything heading back home it was a frustrating session to say the least table was slow dealers kept making mistakes smelly table and ran like the inside of a sloppy toilet bbl

MSPT coming through Milwaukee this week/end, so lots of tournaments and cash game action. May head down there Friday night, but I feel the beginning of a cold coming on so depends how that pans out.

Ran up $1k in live craps to $5k in Milwaukee just threw 3 hards in a row and hopped the 4 5 for $100 on the way out and hit it. Gonna immediately register for the $1100 main event tomorrow for MSPT $500k gtd and chill in a $1/$3 game the rest of the night. I'm a bit sick so going to try to get some sleep tonight.

I was pretty sick so I decided not to register for the $1100 main event or play anymore cards. I went back to the hotel and sat in the hot tub and chilled the rest of the night. Put $300 on the Lakers ML didn't hit. Woke up ate some pancakes at IHOP then headed home, took some Nyquil and slept over 12 hours on and off. Have about 10k cash in the drawer right now so doing pretty good between everything. Have to pay some taxes (I think?) so may not be back for a bit gonna try and get the fitness up and focus on work stuff for a bit. Been a bit of a degenerate lately so may take a bit of a brief hiatus.

My Spring Back is from 03/22 - 03/30. I'm going to try and put in some hours someplace then. May depend how first few days go to see if I can run up a stack. Will likely stay around my area in Green Bay, Milwaukee, maybe Chicago. Friday, March 21st 8:00PM - Saturday, March 30th 10:00PM is the time frame I have.

This game has me interested at Rivers in Chicago. $25/$25 PLO/NLHE $1k-$5 buy in. May buy in for $1k weekend there and just see what happens. I don’t suck at PLO but find the counting out chips and keeping track of the pot sizing hard...I've had gl in PLO when I've played just nitting it up pre unless I have a suited ace but feel like I'd probably get demolished but whatever. This game could be sick if I could run good and spin up $1k. Depends how much snow we get this weekend in Midwest don’t want to drive to Chicago 4 hours in snowy weather so may wait until SB

Oh yeah won this on the SB put it in a fat stack in the nightstand


Played at Oneida Green Bay WI Friday night in $1/$3. Made about $130 or something in that game but had an epic run at Craps like 30 rolls or something. and then turned $100 to $600 in electronic roulette when I was waiting for a seat in poker game …I walked out up about $2.5k. Was going to go to Chicago to play but it was too snowy and roads were bad so just left casino at about 4am back to my place. This was what I had made from the $500i had. I have about $14k right now cash so building another roll up here quickly

Didn’t play poker more than an hour so sorta just hit and run had flipped $300to $550 in 2 orbits then lost a pot and then just left back to craps table. Made a nice bluff call vs Asian on left with bottom pair on a 10 3 4 4 9 board from the straddle with A3 which I raised pre, check check flop, bet call turn, and check call a river that missed a flush draw and then semi bluffed another guy with nut flush draw, then folded A4 on a A 3 3 5 4 on the river to a 30% raise to the same guy I called down but he slow played A 3. Feel my nlhe game is pretty good right now so looking for an opportunity on some time off to get into the HS $25/$25 at Rivers Chicago

Took the day off to take care of some personal stuff, mostly chores, mailing some packages, got my oil change/car washed, vacuumed it & washed the floor mats, did all the laundry. Feels good, and going into the weekend looks like no snowy roads. Gonna throw a bag in the back and head down to the poker room in Green Bay after Friday night work. Depending how that goes may hit up craps or head to Milwaukee or Chicago depending on the energy levels.

**** it - i'm going to play poker...Tonight.

Made $360 in about an hour at $1/$3. Took advantage of a tight table and then hit a straight. Creed - One Last Breath came on the radio just now as I'm making my way down to Milwaukee. That song got me feeling a certain way.

I'm going to be honest for a second. I hate my life. I hate my job. I hate the monotony of an 8-4. Am I lucky because I have a job? Yes. ..and I'm thankful for it, but I want more from my life and I hate the person I've become. I'm getting older and I feel like I should have more at this point in my life but I feel empty.

Poker is one of the few things in my life I always turn back to when I'm spiraling. Poker has always been so much more for me. It's been a road to somewhere else. That's what I mean when I say it's deep in my veins it's more than just a game to me. Starting playing at 16. Had to hide Super System under my mattress because my parents would have thrown it away had they found it (they did find it and did throw it away). 20 years later and who knows how many hundreds of thousands of I am, still thinking about the game, still thinking it's a road to somewhere. I ****ing love this game and always will, but I want to play high stakes and test myself against the best. I grabbed $10k and after a few hours in Milwaukee cash and a sleep, I think I may head to Rivers in Chicago for high stakes. It's time to go somewhere else with this game.

Drove down to Milwaukee. Was listening to that Creed song on repeat felt pretty shitty. I don't know why I was getting so emotional lol but hey nice to know I still can shed a tear randomly. Got down to Milwaukee Casino in a few hours and sat in a $1/$3 game for a couple hours before calling it a night. Won some loss some back breakeven session. Had some comps so was able to get a discounted room right at the casino. First time staying there so that was super helpful to be able to crash because I was absolutely wrecked by the time I got into bed which was about midnight . Woke up at 930am, showered, ate a free complimentary breakfast, then headed down to play some more poker. I made about $130 in 90 minutes at $1/$3. Nothing too much at the table other than just the typical stuff, attacking limpers, extracting value from any made hands, mixing in a few 3 bets with suited connectors....basic type $1/$3 stuff where people end up passing on their equity too often and 3bet wayyy too tight. Butt after that....I was hungry grabbed some taco's at the casino. Amazing tacos they had this spicy **** on them and made my taste buds pop, it hit the spot. I miss Vegas the most for that ONE reason ....not the weather not the crackheads or the homeless people or **** smell constantly permeating through the air but the Mexicans who were always there to clean your car for cheap at the Home Depot and who crushed homemade tacos.

After lunch I decided to go back and rack up and play some craps. Just to change it up a bit. I had $10k with me so I definitely didn't want to get into any holes. I used to tilt pretty bad when I much younger but I don't tilt as much like feel angry, but I do chase which I guess is a form of tilt, but didn't want to get stuck with a wad with me. My emotional tolerance for swings right now is about $2k, where if I lose that amount I'm able to shrug it off, doesn't feel great but it doesn't destroy my mood for a week but I know if I lost $10k in a day I'd be put off for a while so it was important I stayed level headed. Plus I was aiming for Chicago high stakes going into Friday afternoon/night so would much rather lose $5k in that game then at a craps table. But anyways - I got into a craps game and got stuck early. Ran $300 up to about $600 punted that off, punted off next $300 and then lost another $250 quickly, so I was in about $850 and starting to get to the point where things could turn. I took a walk around the casino for a bit. Milwaukee casino is very big and there's a lot of things to look at and it always has really positive energy imo so it's just a fun spot to walk around in and see what people are up to. I ended up probably walking about 3-4 miles Friday in steps which was really good because I need to move around more since I have a desk job. Also standing at craps I found my legs getting tired, so good for the fitness and just to take a breather.

After bumming around a bit and talking with this black dude about sport's betting as I was crushing more taco's ...I considered leaving then to Chicago, but I settled in another craps table upstairs and fired another $300. A chick went on a 40-50 bomb heater rolling all sorts of points and hards. Haven't been around craps for long since I just started playing this month really but best roll I've seen. Also I've been having some sick rolls too my set is 66 straight and I have been sticking my 6's. They say you can't fix the dice in craps but I've been wondering because I've been throwing some crazy **** at the table. They've actually been getting kinda pissy at me because I've only been barely tapping the back wall with one of the dice and you are supposed to hit the back wall each time with both dice. Was able to run up $300 to $2k so up about $1k at this point total. Decided to sit back down in poker had to charge my phone and my legs were hurting so played a bit more. Won $250 in first few orbits then punted back $200 and walked with $30 profit. At this point it was about 2am Friday Night/Sat morning and I was wrecked tired. I was going to stay in my room antother night but didn't want to pay full price for $100 more. I am so cheap when it comes to some of those basic expenses like hotels, but I'll gamble thousands of dollars so my brain must be broken. Thought about driving to Chicago but I was just too ****ing tired. Thought about playing until 3pm room check in for an Airbnb to crash until about 9pm then go to Chicago but didn't think I could last that long I was already falling asleep at the table. So with about $11.5k on me I figured I should get the hell home rather than go on an epic **** me session someplace when I might not even be in the best headspace. So I drove my ass home at 3am in the morning got back to Green Bay around 5am. Woke up today about 11am did some errands took care of healthy groceries took a clean shower. Now I'm just chillin but probably will take it easy the rest of the weekend.

Next weekend visiting family it's my brother's birthday so going to hang out with him & my Parents I think. Bbl but the 10k+ heater i'm on continues to be told. Through the years I've learned hard lessons, but one skill I have come away with that's been a tough thing to gain has been when to push and when to pull. My eyes are still very much on high stakes poker namely $25/$25 Chicago $1k-$5k buy in NLHE/PLO but waiting for the right moment. Head space just isn't quite the best right now mostly from work stress and just life ****, but Spring break is coming soon so I'll have a full 9 days then.

Change of plans....applied for a new position for next year that will hopefully pay me about 10k+ more in salary (so 70k to 80k+). I had interviewed earlier with them around Christmas but they took a bit to call me back. They did this week and they want to hire me but their HR is having me go through this background bullshit with fingerprinting & a notary signature. So I need to go to a bigger city than mine to get some of that taken care of this guess I'm not gonna visit Brother. Brother is falling off the deep end lately with mental health **** he's on some schizophrenic medication because he had some sort of psychotic episode and covered himself with flour or something. Don't want to get into too much personal life stuff but my brother is a little bit off his rockers and my mom has always been. Dad is grounded & a good man and I look up to him, but the rest of my family is toxic. Anyways gonna stick some cash in the glove box on the way to work tomorrow so can head south for the weekend to a place I can get my fingers prined & find some crackhead to notarize my bullshit. Maybe Milwaukee.

Got the new job $80k/year locked in with summers off + vacation + full benefits + retirement. Not bad for Wisconsin. I been losing in craps lately got toasted last weekend for a good $1k or so. When I was in High School I was obsessed with football. I was the captain on my varsity team at a high school with about 3k students. I played running back & outside linebacker. I was an absolute beast. Hit the weights daily. Was able to squat 500 lbs & bench 300 lbs in 12th grade and set some records. 4.6 40 yard dash, lean as ****. Well after high school I didn't play anymore and felt I lost a piece of myself. I didn't get into fitness that much until I decided to go back to graduate school at around 27. Then I got in elite elite elite TOP shape with cardio. Was able to run a mile at about a 5 min pace and was running 10 miles per day, swimming, eating perfect, etc. Well I injured my ankle and pulled it or something, then got into a car accident and totaled my car, and both those things put me off a nice fitness cycle. Now here I am at 36 and haven't gotten back into fitness much since. I'm going to buy a gym membership and hit the weights again. Maybe I buy a gym membership for myself and turn myself into a ****ing hulk bulldozer and try and become a jedi master, ripped as **** playing $25/$25 high stakes and setting myself financially free.

Went on a bit of a binge this weekend. Thursday after work went to Oneida, Green Bay to play craps, lost about $600. Went back Friday after work to play more craps, won about $2.3k. Saturday morning went back to play again made a quick $1.5k (they paid me on a bonus that I didn't have by mistake but I just took the blessing). Went to chill in a $1/$3 NLHE poker game. Only played for a short time. Bought in for $300 doubled up quickly to about $650. Some guy next to me sat down after I doubled and was talking about how Duke would cover a 9.5 spread. I believed him, so took my $650 stack put it on the Duke spread and that hit. Went back to craps made about $250 profit. So made a chunk this weekend ran really well. Put $500 today on the Detroit spread -2.5 vs Portland tonight for -110. Don't love this but just wanted some action tonight. I actually drove to Oneida wanting to bet the Michigan vs. Michigan State under but by the time I got there the game had already started so didn't want to bet the in game odds. Met up with this girl on the way there and thought game started later. Too bad because that game came in. While I was looking for something to bet I asked the dude next to me what he thought looked good and he picked out the Detroit spread. He was black & wearing a Kobe jersey so I said sure why not. Ran some errands bought some healthy groceries, did the laundry, cleaned the just laying in bed for the day chillin.

Didn't play in the poker game Saturday for anymore than about 30 mins, don't usually hit and run like that but whatever. I ran pretty well didn't need to make many bluffs, but did max my value on some made hands. Was playing aggressive had aces in the straddle so that helped, then hit a full house on the river to a guy who turned a flush. It's been a nice month for me. I got the new job for next year. Been crushing the gambling. I have about $15k right now & looking forward to spring break. I don't have much patience for $1/$3 right now so would like to get in something higher soon, but just don't usually want to drive to Milwaukee just to play $2/$5 and Chicago from where I'm at is a bit of haul so looking forward to Spring Break and having a week to navigate down there.

Let’s play a fun little game. Next 2 people who comment each get 10% of my action (profit) this Friday Night + all day Saturday in poker as a freeroll, so March 14th night - March 15th. Has to be sent through PayPal. Was thinking about putting in about 8 hours or so at Oneida $1/$3, maybe $2/$5 in Milwaukee but that depends on energy levels.

gl bro

Thanks. Next commenter also gets 10%. Will post an update before Sunday morning.

Dm me PayPal gl

by RoadtoPro k

gl bro

**** it you get 20% from + craps + sports betting profits Friday Night - Saturday. Nobody else commented so you win it all . Going straight to Milwaukee to play $2/$5, then going to run that **** up to the moon. Blasting off.

by pokerstudent#5004 k

**** it you get 20% from + craps + sports betting profits Friday Night - Saturday. Nobody else commented so you win it all . Going straight to Milwaukee to play $2/$5, then going to run that **** up to the moon. Blasting off.

haha thanks dude wish more regs did stuff like this. rooting for you

I’ll pm you. I’ve played higher than 25/25, which you mentioned was a goal of yours, and would love to talk hands/strategy whenever

Btw, just read this whole thread at work, great thread. Would it not be worth keeping actual records on each of your pursuits. So craps, slots, poker, sports bettings , electronic roulette just to see where you really winning and loosing. You obviously a good cash game player, to live mtts not interested you? Well done on the new job

by amatola k

Btw, just read this whole thread at work, great thread. Would it not be worth keeping actual records on each of your pursuits. So craps, slots, poker, sports bettings , electronic roulette just to see where you really winning and loosing. You obviously a good cash game player, to live mtts not interested you? Well done on the new job

Thanks bro! Probably would make sense to keep better accounting records, but I'm a bit of a degenerate and gamble partly just for the entertainment, so don't really break it down it for myself like that. Would have wished I kept better poker records in the thread though so I could see my hourly because I'm pretty sure I'm absolutely crushing cash games. The sports betting probably slightly above breakeven, the craps I'm up pretty big but that's just running good, the slots I'm down big, roulette probably down a bit...trying to cut out the slots. Slots are fun but they are such a scam lol

by RoadtoPro k

haha thanks dude wish more regs did stuff like this. rooting for you

I’ll pm you. I’ve played higher than 25/25, which you mentioned was a goal of yours, and would love to talk hands/strategy whenever

Yeah I read some of your thread and other stuff. With the amount I spew off in slots, craps, roulette, etc., I should really sit in a high stakes game for $5k or something at some point soon, and I plan on it, but just steadily building a nice roll up here so don't want to take a $5k swing quite yet. I play very aggressive in poker and if I sit in a high stakes game I'm just going to do my thing and not play tight, but attack. I'll tighten up slightly because those guys are smarter and won't just fold free equity but my style is more high variance.

by amatola k

Btw, just read this whole thread at work, great thread. Would it not be worth keeping actual records on each of your pursuits. So craps, slots, poker, sports bettings , electronic roulette just to see where you really winning and loosing. You obviously a good cash game player, to live mtts not interested you? Well done on the new job

**** it you get 10% of profits same timeframe Fri night - Sat. Not sure how much blasting off we'll be doing as I took that $800 I had from the duke spread and torched it in All Aboard last night but I'll be doing some light firing trying to get something going for sure...then maybe a blast off if I can juice that $2/$5 Milwaukee Friday. If not might be an early trip home. Message me your PP.

30% of profits to these two boys for the karma investment. Definitely not plus EV .

Cheers for that and certainly not expected. Best of luck for the weekend.

