Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
How does an Irish person and an Italian have such hard-ons to kick Mexicans out of the USA?
Just finished watching this actually. I don't like Trump but Oliver is a bit disingenuous and it's not the first time either. He mentions migrant families being persecuted or terrorised by ICE, neglecting to mention that it's illegal migrants. Words and tone have meaning and there's a strong implication that innocent terrified vulnerable migrants are being terrorised by jack booted thugs, simply because they're migrants. This isn't true. They're illegal. Yes there's a human aspect here, especial
i loved john oliver when he first came out but he went off the deep end long ago
find an episode where he covers a topic you know deeply and it'll suddenly become obvious how much dishonest framing he does to better paint the picture he wishes to portray - he'll even outright lie and make things up where he just sees some nonsense written on reddit and retells it like it's undisputed fact and not some random reddit troll shitposting nonsense
ie he had an entire episode dedicated to winnie the pooh being outlawed in china, which while you'll find randos saying that a lot on social media, it's not even remotely true, winnie the pooh is a fairly popular title there and you'll find the books in every book store, the movies and tv shows on all streaming sites, etc
they will censor memes where xi's faint is put on top of winnie the pooh, but winnie himself is a-ok but it's a far grander and sensationalized story if you pretend like the government outlawed a popular children's story because of a single meme
can't stand him now even though we agree on 99% of the stuff, i just can't respect the way he goes about it
john stewart on the other hand is a saint and i'll die for that man
How does an Irish person and an Italian have such hard-ons to kick Mexicans out of the USA?
I haven't said anything about kicking Mexicans outa anywhere, I was accurately pointing out how Oliver was being disingenuous.
Personally, I'm ultimately apathetic about US domestic policy on immigration. Whether Trump continues the way he's going, or indeed abruptly, apropos of nothing decides to give all migrants an amnesty (fat chance I know but purely for the sake of argument), it would be no skin off my nose, doesn't have any effect on my life. To clarify, I could certainly understand the arguments for giving some illegal migrants amnesty and legal residency, if not citizenship, and if such moves were to be beneficial to America then I'd fail to see what the fuss was about in this regard.
But again, I have neither a desire or opposition to "kick Mexicans outa the USA", as again it's none of my biz.
Maybe you guys shoulda y'know voted more in greater numbers and turnout and so forth, if feelings of chagrin at the current admin's migration policy ensue.
I suspect many legal migrants are trepidatious about the trajectory of what's going on.
Why? America was built on immigration and I'd imagine legal migrants would have their paperwork handy. There's a lot of context and nuance regarding mass migration (in this context re illegal migration) and while some are against such things simply due to xenophobia, I'm not sure if xenophobia is the sole cause for it being an issue.
Ron DeSantis
The Justice Department is not “independent” of the elected chief executive but is constitutionally accountable to him.
The cries of “independence” from the left/media are rooted in their desire to have a “heads I win, tails you lose” scenario where the bureaucracy exists to facilitate a leftist administration but to frustrate a conservative administration, election results notwithstanding.
That is not how the Constitution is structured or how our government is supposed to function.
Ron DeSantis
The Justice Department is not “independent” of the elected chief executive but is constitutionally accountable to him.
The cries of “independence” from the left/media are rooted in their desire to have a “heads I win, tails you lose” scenario where the bureaucracy exists to facilitate a leftist administration but to frustrate a conservative administration, election results notwithstanding.
That is not how the Constitution is structured or how our government is supposed
Well, if we somehow avoid a fascist dictatorship, I imagine Congress will see how bad this is and fixes it.
The reports of what trump demanding from Ukraine is quite troubling. Its probably more then what Russia is demanding at this point. You guys are truly going to get the isolation you guys want. I truly don't believe your doing enough as left wing americans
I haven't said anything about kicking Mexicans outa anywhere, I was accurately pointing out how Oliver was being disingenuous.
Personally, I'm ultimately apathetic about US domestic policy on immigration. Whether Trump continues the way he's going, or indeed abruptly, apropos of nothing decides to give all migrants an amnesty (fat chance I know but purely for the sake of argument), it would be no skin off my nose, doesn't have any effect on my life. To clarify, I could certainly understand the a
Cool. Sorry.
As far as voting, despite what the Trumpers believe, I only got one vote, and not being in a swing state, it didn't matter at all.
77 million people aren't in your cult. You have a few million idiots and you managed to lie enough about eggs and gas prices to trick just enough gullible ignorant voters to side with you. The number of people regretting that vote grows by the hour.
The reports of what trump demanding from Ukraine is quite troubling. Its probably more then what Russia is demanding at this point. You guys are truly going to get the isolation you guys want. I truly don't believe your doing enough as left wing americans
So Trump sayeth.
Nothing can be done at this point. People will have to have their life materially affected to change their mind. Many are riding a euphoric high. They won! Their team won! It is a very emotional and personal thing for them. Trump says Russia good? They're good! I love Russia! The Cold War was woke marxist nonsense perpetrated by the hippies to undermine American Greatness™! USAid was spreading woke western degeneracy! Canada and Mexico are bad? You're right, I've always hated them both. Some Canadians even decided they hated themselves after Trump told them they should.
Its truly a wonder to behold
Trump wins the popular vote with less than 50% of the vote
So Trump sayeth.
Nothing can be done at this point. People will have to have their life materially affected to change their mind.
This is it. Once Trumpers lose their farms, social security, supplemental security, grocery bills increase 50%, lose their marketplace health insurance, lose consumer protections that affect them and so on, they'll come around.
Not come around to the degree of regretting their vote (that would be admitting that the warnings were correct), but just say that it's not what they voted for.
This is it. Once Trumpers lose their farms, social security, supplemental security, grocery bills increase 50%, lose their marketplace health insurance, lose consumer protections that affect them and so on, they'll come around.
Not come around to the degree of regretting their vote (that would be admitting that the warnings were correct), but just say that it's not what they voted for.
I think you are absolutely correct here.
I'd add, Trump and friends will continue creating fears and scapegoats to keep the Trumpers distracted.
The reports of what trump demanding from Ukraine is quite troubling. Its probably more then what Russia is demanding at this point. You guys are truly going to get the isolation you guys want. I truly don't believe your doing enough as left wing americans
yes but it's all irrelevant, let's wait for the end deal then comment that.
It could be even worse than what is discussed now, or not, and Trump famously has 0 interest in consistency of claims.
This is it. Once Trumpers lose their farms, social security, supplemental security, grocery bills increase 50%, lose their marketplace health insurance, lose consumer protections that affect them and so on, they'll come around.
Not come around to the degree of regretting their vote (that would be admitting that the warnings were correct), but just say that it's not what they voted for.
I understand you deeply desire trump to fail spectacularly, but you are projecting your wishes and not predicting things rationally.
Markets do predict things rationally, follow them not your "heart" to try to analyze what trump policies will achieve or not in the economy (and i am not talking equity markets)
A lot will depend on what SCOTUS will say about executive powers, delegation and so on.
I assume several cases about those topics will reach SCOTUS in the following 4-5 years
My guess is he wins the next case. I don't have a problem with that. Presidents have always fired people.
If he wins the 14th amendment case we're toast.
Also remember, he can just have the justice department put the liberal justices behind bars. I mean, this might likely come down to a hostile takeover circumventing the entire justice system.
I don't know how much the American Imperialism period of 1890-1910 is taught in schools anywhere, but it is a fascinating time period which both fans and opponents of the current's administration's idea of annexing territory would do well to learn.
Basically, the justification used by the American government at the time was rooted in bringing freedom to their conquests and to benefit their own industry. I realize as I write this, that plenty of socialists froth at the mouths to explain how littl
I think the danger is the old british style imperialism whcih was by it's own terms somewhat succesful. Areas accepted british protection or faced the french. Later that transitioned easily into empire. Russia and china are the new french in this analogy. Ukraine is already facing the price put on defense from russia. If the EU doesn't seriously step up then Greenland may find the usa by far the most attractive of it real options.
(Just as a side note it may well have been the defeat of the french in canada under Wolfe that freed america from needed the british and so created the conditions for independence to look attractive).
My guess is he wins the next case. I don't have a problem with that. Presidents have always fired people.
If he wins the 14th amendment case we're toast.
Also remember, he can just have the justice department put the liberal justices behind bars. I mean, this might likely come down to a hostile takeover circumventing the entire justice system.
If you mean the birthright case, he 95% won't win it, and if he wins it (very improbable) it will be only for children of 2 illegal immigrants.
One of the most important case(s) will be impounding. Can POTUS simply refuse to spend appropriated money? i think the answer will be very dependant on the exact appropriation method and at which point in the disbursement phase POTUS decides to stop it. It will be a very technical and boring decision that doesn't necessarily generalizes but will allow more impounding than what some people believe, but not carte blanche.
But RDS tweet was about DOJ independence. I suppose SCOTUS will have to hear cases about unitary executive theory. If they do and subscribe to the "strict" version of it, congress *is not allowed to make agencies independent from POTUS" in hiring and firing of agency heads.
As for firing of other employees it's not obvious at all that labour laws don't apply. Federal employees get hired with a contract. A contract that becomes a US government obligation. POTUS can't disregard US government obligations and this SCOTUS i don't think is very keen to allow POTUS to disregard them.
So a very possible outcome will be that POTUS can indeed commandeer the DOJ at the high level as much as he wants and congress can't pass any law to prevent it, but rank and file employees in the federal government are far harder to fire than people think
I understand you deeply desire trump to fail spectacularly, but you are projecting your wishes and not predicting things rationally.
Markets do predict things rationally, follow them not your "heart" to try to analyze what trump policies will achieve or not in the economy (and i am not talking equity markets)
Hey bro, you know that you don't have to insert your 2c to every post made, especially when it's just you talking out your ass?
Trump's first presidency was a fail and he's doing absolutely ******ed shiit to start his first one, so I'm not predicting anything. When you cut people's protections, they tend to get fukked because they were there for a reason to begin with.
Hey bro, you know that you don't have to insert your 2c to every post made, especially when it's just you talking out your ass?
Trump's first presidency was a fail and he's doing absolutely ******ed shiit to start his first one, so I'm not predicting anything. When you cut people's protections, they tend to get fukked because they were there for a reason to begin with.
A fail? now i know you are a bad faith lier. Everything was very smooth for americans and exclusively covid created problems. I know you bad faith leftists think that POTUS could have managed covid "better" for the economy but that's a very sad topic to relitigate.
By all accounts the Obama-Trump economy was a smooth sailing improvement on the quality of life of everyone, with Trump term seeing stuff like the best black unemployment rate in generations pre-covid (normal: the worse off catch up last, not blaming Obama for it).
And SS wasn't touched at all.
You are a bad faith dishonest intelocutor if you deny that.
A fail? now i know you are a bad faith lier. Everything was very smooth for americans and exclusively covid created problems. I know you bad faith leftists think that POTUS could have managed covid "better" for the economy but that's a very sad topic to relitigate.
By all accounts the Obama-Trump economy was a smooth sailing improvement on the quality of life of everyone, with Trump term seeing stuff like the best black unemployment rate in generations pre-covid.
And SS wasn't touched at all.
You a
Oh, the old "he was a great president if you just erase covid."
Well, sorry, son, but a president has to deal with everything that comes his way during his term, and he failed hard.