Peace, Prosperity, and Pot-Limit Omaha
hey guys!
It's been a while, where are we at?
I'm 24 years old, and I'm currently playing PLO online. Finished up school, focusing on building up the roll and moving up stakes.
Have had a few rough downswings lately, but keeping my head up and putting in volume has been working nicely. I'm excited to see where things will take us in 6 months or so!
We are currently living with gf, got a nice place we're happy with, where we are able to entertain guests (really big plus, throwing parties is AWESOME). Hitting the gym a ton lately, eating healthy, sleeping well etc. Life is good.
I'm a bit rusty on the technical side of things these days, as my approach is quite different now. Focusing on putting in volume with a good mental game has led me to a significantly higher hourly than I previously had. Will be getting back into studying, hopefully can have some interesting discussions regarding strategy itt. Generally we are playing 10-12 tables, with very little game selection.
Still nursing an injury, have an MRI scheduled for May. Have learned some stuff about controlling certain parts of the movement that have made things much more effective for me. Would love to post some milestones as I reach them.
I don't see poker being fulfilling to me as a career, it is just a profitable job for the foreseeable future. Rap has always been a passion of mine, and I decided to make it my career. I don't mind if I am a big artist or not, I would be more than happy just being able to keep the lights on. I'm excited to post pictures and stuff from shows I'm doing as I document the journey! I am currently renting out a studio that I record at ~daily, to practice and improve.
I've had a few interesting discussions surrounding poker, ethics, life, and human nature lately. If anyone has any interesting topics to discuss, please, let's discuss them!
Currently, my goals are to move up and settle in around 500PLO for a while, continue honing and developing my sound for my music, and maintain a peaceful and serene existence.
Hell ya buddy, where you firing 500plo at? Youre in US or can play ROW?
Dang throwing parties nowadays seems super high risk, do you mostly know everyone that comes or not really a sketch pool of ppl whod come to begin with?
At 24 you've got endless options for how to tackle life. Any broader financial goals looking 3,5,10 yrs from now? glgl
hey guys!
It's been a while, where are we at?
I'm 24 years old, and I'm currently playing PLO online. Finished up school, focusing on building up the roll and moving up stakes.
Have had a few rough downswings lately, but keeping my head up and putting in volume has been working nicely. I'm excited to see where things will take us in 6 months or so!
We are currently living with gf, got a nice place we're happy with, where we are able to entertain guests (really big plus, throwing parties is AWE
I'm interested in philosophy and ethics. Any particular schools of thought that you follow or that inspired you?
Hell ya buddy, where you firing 500plo at? Youre in US or can play ROW?
Dang throwing parties nowadays seems super high risk, do you mostly know everyone that comes or not really a sketch pool of ppl whod come to begin with?
At 24 you've got endless options for how to tackle life. Any broader financial goals looking 3,5,10 yrs from now? glgl
Hey man!
Just spreading balance across US and ROW sites so I can play whatever mostly. Not quite at 500PLO yet, shotting 200s atm.
The parties are relatively small, around 20 people I know personally. Have an event suite I run the events in.
To be honest, I haven’t thought about it that much. I would be more than happy to be working 10 years from now, if I’m doing something I love. So until then, stability is the key for me.
I'm interested in philosophy and ethics. Any particular schools of thought that you follow or that inspired you?
Absolutely! I actually run a book club these days. In the past 6 months, we read a couple of relevant books.
-Ego is the Enemy
-The Undiscovered Self
-The Courage to be Disliked
Out of these, I found the undiscovered self to be the most interesting, and we collectively agreed it predicted many issues we face today regarding for example social media usage.
Wasn’t a huge fan of the other two personally.
We’re delving into fiction and poetry next.
Broadly, I find Nietzsche to be interesting and I’d guess my personal philosophy most closely aligns with his work.
I'm a bit rusty on the technical side of things these days, as my approach is quite different now. Focusing on putting in volume with a good mental game has led me to a significantly higher hourly than I previously had. Will be getting back into studying, hopefully can have some interesting discussions regarding strategy itt. Generally we are playing 10-12 tables, with very little game selection.
Buddy, you just finished scamming your backer for $34k. If you're still playing poker, why don't you pay him back the makeup first?
And how can you say your "new technical approach" improves your hourly? You are a long-term losing player. Post your lifetime graph.
Buddy, you just finished scamming your backer for $34k. If you're still playing poker, why don't you pay him back the makeup first?
And how can you say your "new technical approach" improves your hourly? You are a long-term losing player. Post your lifetime graph.
It seems like you struggle with some reading comprehension. I totally get it, I knew people in high-school who also had a hard time making sense of the world.
They dropped me, when I requested mediation, because they didn't want their shady practices to be uncovered. As per industry standard, I owe zero makeup, and did not scam them.
You should pay attention to the stuff I say, you might gain a few brain cells.
Yesterday was crazy, was in the studio all day working on some tracks collaborating with some other local artists. Not actual songs, just cypher type things.
After that, I threw a party at my place, was great. We ended up going swimming for a while, which was sick. But then one of the girls got groped in the showers, by some dirtbag that was previously suspected of putting phones underneath the changing stalls and taking pictures of women. Police got involved, but not enough evidence of anything to press charges. Apparently since it's an apartment and he's a resident, there's some weird laws about using camera footage. Really disgusting guy, I don't know what I can do at this point. Was the angriest I've been in years.
Overall it was a good day for me, but really upsetting incident, especially when I was the one throwing the party.
It seems like you struggle with some reading comprehension. I totally get it, I knew people in high-school who also had a hard time making sense of the world.
They dropped me, when I requested mediation, because they didn't want their shady practices to be uncovered. As per industry standard, I owe zero makeup, and did not scam them.
You should pay attention to the stuff I say, you might gain a few brain cells.
Here are the facts for everyone to know:
(1) You punted 100 buyins ($45k USD in EV) in just 30k hands.
(2) You owe $34k USD in makeup.
(3) Your backer moved you down to PLO200 to prove you can beat the game. (This is fully within their rights).
(4) You quit because you didn't want to move down in stakes.
You are a loser in poker and a loser in life.
What makes you think you have a positive winrate when you have never beaten this game in your life?
Post your graph. You are a scammer and a long-term loser.
Postponing 200s shots for a bit would prefer to get more balance onto various sites and get a really sick 100s hourly. No strong preferences for sites atm, will be avoiding GG though.
Postponing 200s shots for a bit would prefer to get more balance onto various sites and get a really sick 100s hourly. No strong preferences for sites atm, will be avoiding GG though.
What is a "sick hourly"? You have never made money playing poker in your life. You are a net loser in the long-run.
I can't tell whether you are this delusional, or living in a fantasy world.
You just scammed your backer $34,000 because you couldn't beat online poker.
Why aren't major alarm bells going off in your head that you need to find a real job?
What gives you the right to masquerade as a poker professional when the only money you've ever made is from scamming your backers?
Mega, there's a thread about the backer stuff. Take it there please. You've made your point, stop repeating the same **** over and over. This is Knox's blog and he wants you to stop posting here, so please do.
Based on your last thread and the backer thread, it does seem like your mental game is extraordinarily weak. It seems like you already have one foot out the door with poker, maybe take some time to consider if the money you're making is worth the stress it's causing you?
Based on your last thread and the backer thread, it does seem like your mental game is extraordinarily weak. It seems like you already have one foot out the door with poker, maybe take some time to consider if the money you're making is worth the stress it's causing you?
A lot changed between my last thread and now! I’d say my mental game is now above average for ms regs. Is the money worth the stress? Probably not, if I had no plan with it. But overall I have a solid idea of where I want to take things, it’s a conscious decision to continue playing poker for the time being while I work towards my goals.
What specifically changed about my mental game? I’d say it’s ultimately changing how I see some things.
-first, poker requires confidence. Why is this? Because variance exists. If you make decisions about what site to play, a read, how many tables to play, how much to study, etc. Without confidence, you’re at the mercy of how your next few sessions go, to reinforce or refute that decision. With confidence, you can make decisions, get wrecked, and still be happy that you made a long term +ev move.
For example, when I realized my edge over my Ls/ms opponents is that I can play 12, maybe even more tables while losing minimal bb/100, I immediately lost 10bi in an hour. Definitely tilting, but I had confidence that playing more tables would make me more money long term. So I stuck with it, and things are going much better now.
How to develop confidence? All you have to do is work hard. If you’re working hard and doing the best you can do, then your doubts will vanish. At least, that’s my experience.
-Poker rewards people who really don’t give a ****, imo. About the money especially. I’ve found the secret to caring less, is to have a rock solid moral code that you follow. The money might go up or down, you might move up or down stakes, but when you know that you’re doing the right thing, your partner has your back, your friends have your back etc. how bad can life really get?
This one is relatively recent, after pokerninjas started smearing my name out of spite. Some people will perceive you in a negative light, but if you KNOW what you’re doing is right, really who cares?
-Poker rewards people who are in tune with their body. You gotta listen to your cues, man. Feeling hungry? Tired? You need to recognize these things before they cost money on the table, or before you have a meltdown. I love hitting the gym these days, and it makes me way more connected with myself.
-In life as a poker pro, you really gotta just do what you want. Forcing yourself to do anything doesn’t work. Why? This is not discipline, this is wasting your willpower (finite resource). Discipline is reframing how you see things. For example, if I am deciding if I want to play TFT (video game) or go to the gym.
Previously, I’d just force myself to go to the gym, because it’s the “right” decision. The issue with this approach as a poker pro, is that poker is gambling. And there’s rewards for winning big. So you do need to use some willpower to not chase draws, move up stakes, play loose preflop etc. because it is human nature to do so, this is why this game is profitable in the first place.
If you use your willpower doing stuff like eating healthy, working out, putting in volume, staying away from drugs etc. You will run out at some point, and be incapable of playing high level poker.
The solution? Reframing. What do you really want? When I am deciding between TFT and gym, I know I have a decision. So I think through it. What do I want in 6 months? Do I want to be jacked? Or do I want to be a better TFT player. When I frame things in this way, thinking to myself about my future goals, the decision is easy. I can just do whatever I want, and move towards the future I want at the same time.
This post was a little longer than I hoped. But I have picked up some other tricks that made me a significantly more dangerous player. As like you said, I’m one foot out the door with poker, so I’m pretty willing to share these things with aspiring pros.
This post was a little longer than I hoped. But I have picked up some other tricks that made me a significantly more dangerous player. As like you said, I’m one foot out the door with poker, so I’m pretty willing to share these things with aspiring pros.
Honestly, that read like cope/random psychobabble, but if it works for you, that's the most important thing. Got any graphs?
Honestly, that read like cope/random psychobabble, but if it works for you, that's the most important thing. Got any graphs?
I’ve been playing exclusively untracked, but the last 80k hands have been a breeze. I’m not sure what you mean by cope, or if you’re saying that in good faith. But yeah it does work for me, and it works for others as well. If you have any questions about it, I’d be more than happy to answer them.
Oh, one other thing that was crucial was letting go of any attachment to a particular winrate. And focusing more on what works for me, what works for my hourly etc. Instead of aiming to be x bb/100 winner, or putting self worth in my winrate, just chilling tf out.
Absolutely! I actually run a book club these days. In the past 6 months, we read a couple of relevant books.
-Ego is the Enemy
-The Undiscovered Self
-The Courage to be Disliked
Out of these, I found the undiscovered self to be the most interesting, and we collectively agreed it predicted many issues we face today regarding for example social media usage.
Wasn’t a huge fan of the other two personally.
We’re delving into fiction and poetry next.
Broadly, I find Nietzsche to be interesting and I’d guess
Does your philosophy influence your poker game? How?
How are these dudes finding backers for 45k i couldnt find one for 2k x) lmao please coach and back me for plo20
Absolutely yeah. I’d say it most greatly influences my game relating to hard work.
It’s a fairly common belief that being lazy is a neutral trait. It might be unattractive, but it’s not good or bad. I was kinda surprised by this tbh.
For me, I believe that being hard working is part of a virtuous life.
If a person is to grow to their potential, hard work is required. None of us naturally grow into the best versions of ourselves. Like nobody naturally is jacked, you gotta go to the gym and build yourself up.
If a person is wasting their potential by being lazy in life, I view this as hurting their future self. And for the same reasons something like self harm is wrong, I’d say that it’s not just a personal choice, but a wrong one.
I understand, but I'd also make an argument for lazyness, as it can help you find the most efficient way to do things: the best result with the minimal effort, or no unnecessary effort. Being hardworking can be bad when you try to solve problems with brute force when what you needed was to work smarter, not harder. So I believe there is a balance to be found.
I understand, but I'd also make an argument for lazyness, as it can help you find the most efficient way to do things: the best result with the minimal effort, or no unnecessary effort. Being hardworking can be bad when you try to solve problems with brute force when what you needed was to work smarter, not harder. So I believe there is a balance to be found.
Yeah I kind of agree with this, but the question is how to not turn into someone who is constantly seeking shortcuts?
Moving off global for the next little while, games seem to have dried up a bit at my stakes. Think I can find some better hourly elsewhere until things recover.
Hey! It sounds like you've been living life to the fullest and making some solid strides in multiple areas. I can feel the balance you’ve got between poker, the gym, and your music career. That’s a really healthy approach, both mentally and physically.
I see you're grinding the PLO tables, focusing on volume and mental game — that's awesome. It sounds like you’re being strategic about the long term and adjusting your focus to fit your goals. Poker can definitely have its rough patches, but the mindset of just continuing to grind through the downswings and learning along the way is key.
The whole balance between poker and rap is fascinating. It’s awesome to hear you’re using poker as a stepping stone while also putting effort into your music. Being able to practice in a studio daily is a solid investment. You might not be after the "big artist" title, but just having the chance to create and make a living from it is the dream for a lot of people. Are you working on any specific projects right now?
Also, your approach to life with the gym, injury recovery, and maintaining a peaceful state of mind sounds pretty solid. It's nice to see someone balancing work, passion, and wellness all at once.
And yeah, philosophy can definitely lead to some interesting discussions — what kind of topics or ideas have you been diving into lately? Would love to hear more about that.
Sounds like you’ve got an exciting year ahead. Keep at it, and I’m sure things will keep falling into place!