Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

15053 Replies


by Deuces McKracken k

If I had to put it in one word I would say Americans are the descendants of the greedy, excepting out American Indians and the descendants of slaves of course. A lot of immigrants in the past were mostly fine where they were. They came to America because they want more materially and the class system where they were was holding them back from fulfilling their greed. That's the ugly truth. It explains a lot of American behavior which is based on the central dogma of taking stuff and then being al

overwhelming majority of americans have zero descendants from that era

it would be rather surprising if anyone here is more than 4th or 5th generation

i myself am third gen and that probably represents the meat of the bell curve on this forum

furthermore, your post lacks context

at the time slavery was a global institution

and the struggle with the natives was not a one sided situation - it became one once we mobilized armies against them, but up until the point at which we formed those armies, it was very much a dog eat dog world that was incredibly unsafe

literally every single town in new england had been raided by natives at some point in colonial history (and many raided many times) the city of providence was completely destroyed in one raid where it was burnt down and many of the inhabitants were either killed or put into slavery

even once the east was pacified the rest was still highly dangerous to go to, early east coast ships which traveled to china to get tea, chinaware, & clothing (most clothes were made in china even back then) used to stop around puget sound area to trade for otter and beaver pelts which the chinese wanted but they stopped doing that once the pacific northwest tribes figured out they could just sneak attack the ships at night and get everything and keep the pelts - so they diverted to the south pacific and wiped out the seal population - which is why today you associate seals as cold water species is because traders desperate for pelts to trade for the chines basically wiped out all the warm water ones because again, it was far too dangerous to trade with the west coast tribes and easier to stop at various islands in the middle of the ocean and spend a few months hunting seals and then processing the pelts before continuing the voyage to china

This sort of disinformation (lying) is why we are in the crapper right now.

4.5 million views on this outright lie. Pretty good illustration of why Elon wants to get rid of added context stuff.

by Gorgonian k

This sort of disinformation (lying) is why we are in the crapper right now.

4.5 million views on this outright lie. Pretty good illustration of why Elon wants to get rid of added context stuff.

A few hours ago the MAGA guy in the group chat of my friends sent that tweet (before a community note was added) and this was how that went

This is why it’ll never matter. Even when faced with the actual truth, reality will be denied in favor of the narrative they want

There’s your Trumpism

They blame it on all kinds of things, but Trump got elected and our country is f'ed because people are stupid, ignorant, and gullible, and the oligarchs are evil and know their audience.

by rickroll k

jd vance >>>>>>> trump

intelligent, thoughtful, not a buffoon

so that's a net positive for everyone - can't imagine anyone who isn't a diehard trumper wouldn't prefer vance anyway

Those qualities would normally be good to have but combining them with the quality of “willing to do whatever it takes to get power” is not good.

by FreakDaddy k

This is literally brainwashing.

Can you answer one question.... let's assume what you said is true. What exactly do you see right now that is blocking them from earning more money? Let's say we're talking about people who have $500+million in capital. What's their current obstacle to creating more wealth for society or themselves?

Go look at how people who have a net worth over 500M in the USA created that wealth. That is the answer to your question. The more capital available to them the more wealth they create. It isn’t some big accident that people who create 500M in wealth also improved the lives of a **** load of people along the way.

by ecriture d'adulte k

It’s 100% ideology. There is never a time when you can ever admit Trumps policies didn’t grow the economy because 30 years from now you’ll still have excuses or immeasurable counterfactuals. Will you say growth was low under Trump because of Reagan or Bush policies? Of course not, it’s ideological not data based. There’s always the jokes and stereotypes about dumb illiterate conservatives but you’re literally making the straw man arguments I would assign t

I have said trumps idea of deporting as many people as he wants & tariffs are bad for economic growth.

Tax cuts and deregulation from where we currently are will never be bad for economic growth.

Also, keep in mind when I say trump is better for growth than current dems that is a very low bar considering dems just fought for shutting down parts of the economy for as long as they could and increased incentives for people to not work. For Gods sake Harris was campaigning on price controls on groceries. Our govt is spending at a % of GDP we’ve never seen outside of times of war or a recession.

by checkraisdraw k

Those qualities would normally be good to have but combining them with the quality of “willing to do whatever it takes to get power” is not good.

but with trump dead he would then have the power

by rickroll k

but with trump dead he would then have the power

Being president you can always get more powerful as long as your party isn’t willing to hold you accountable. And of course that doesn’t just apply to Trump but has applied to past presidents like Andrew Jackson and FDR.

by bahbahmickey k

I have said trumps idea of deporting as many people as he wants & tariffs are bad for economic growth.

Tax cuts and deregulation from where we currently are will never be bad for economic growth.

Also, keep in mind when I say trump is better for growth than current dems that is a very low bar considering dems just fought for shutting down parts of the economy for as long as they could and increased incentives for people to not work. For Gods sake Harris was campaigning on price controls on groce

Whose fault is it ?
I suggest you look at the last 10 years of this graph

And remember during trump 1st term, he was running a strange deficit to gdp during a non recession era where trump claim it was the best economy ever ….
Talk about spending.

by bahbahmickey k

Yeah, I'm not sure why a crypto fan would vote for trump over kamala. Nearly all of Trump's economic policies are about growing the size of the US economy and a strong US economy is good for the USD. Crypto is far better off with a weakening USD - in the same way most businesses are better off with less competition.

Inflation is extremely likely to be lower over the next 20, 50 and 100 years if we have 4 years of trump than it would have been with 4 years of kamala if we can assume she wasn't ly

But under Biden the stock market exploded higher ….
So if the economy drop a lot the next 4 years who will u blame ?

Seem Biden give trump a great economy on platter then ?

by bahbahmickey k

Go look at how people who have a net worth over 500M in the USA created that wealth. That is the answer to your question. The more capital available to them the more wealth they create. It isn’t some big accident that people who create 500M in wealth also improved the lives of a **** load of people along the way.

Again it just create more wealth to them , not for the poor.
Please explain to us how the net worth of billionaires going higher because stock prices go higher help the poor , thx.

I see that blight on humanity Andrew Tate just got a get out of jail free card from Trump.

by bahbahmickey k

I have said trumps idea of deporting as many people as he wants & tariffs are bad for economic growth.

Tax cuts and deregulation from where we currently are will never be bad for economic growth.

Also, keep in mind when I say trump is better for growth than current dems that is a very low bar considering dems just fought for shutting down parts of the economy for as long as they could and increased incentives for people to not work. For Gods sake Harris was campaigning on price controls on groce

You keep agreeing with me but aren’t able to realize it. All I’m saying is what you’re saying. You’re not a data, number or logic guy. You’re an ideology guy. That’s fine, nobody would ever expect you to justify your positions like we would a normal person. You think Trump is better for growth and you don’t need actual data to support that to believe it. My argument is Trump was bad for growth because growth was low under his policies and projections of future growth due to his policies are not high either.

We probably need a scotus thread, except that maybe it goes in the trump thread since they are in the process of making him their king.

Chief Justice John Roberts on Wednesday paused a court-imposed midnight deadline that would have required the Trump administration to release $2 billion in frozen foreign aid, a goal that the government has claimed it is unable to meet.

by biggerboat k

We probably need a scotus thread, except that maybe it goes in the trump thread since they are in the process of making him their king.

there is the scotus thread

by ecriture d'adulte k

You keep agreeing with me but aren’t able to realize it. All I’m saying is what you’re saying. You’re not a data, number or logic guy. You’re an ideology guy. That’s fine, nobody would ever expect you to justify your positions like we would a normal person. You think Trump is better for growth and you don’t need actual data to support that to believe it. My argument is Trump was bad for growth because growth was low under his policies and projections of future growth due to his policies are no

It sounds like you are having trouble understanding the benefits of tax cuts and deregulation and understanding that many policies that effect the economy aren’t always felt immediately and almost all of those policies aren’t felt in their entirety for decades.

If a president changes a policy that ultimately leads to company A building a 2nd factory you want to look at the immediate investment and say that is the only impact that policy had on the economy. I’m simply pointing out that the new factory hired 1,000 workers plus they may hire another 500 in 5 years but over the next 25 years these workers paid for 100k haircuts, 1.2M beers on their way home from work and home builders built an extra 500 new homes they otherwise wouldn’t. All of those transactions should be attributed to a tax cut over a decade ago.

The opposite is also true, so when dems fought their asses off to encourage people not to work after Covid and to shut down the economy for as long as possible - the damage those policies are having on the economy won’t be fully felt for decades.

by bahbahmickey k

Go look at how people who have a net worth over 500M in the USA created that wealth. That is the answer to your question. The more capital available to them the more wealth they create. It isn’t some big accident that people who create 500M in wealth also improved the lives of a **** load of people along the way.

You completely dodged my question.

by bahbahmickey k

It sounds like you are having trouble understanding the benefits of tax cuts and deregulation and understanding that many policies that effect the economy aren’t always felt immediately and almost all of those policies aren’t felt in their entirety for decades.

If a president changes a policy that ultimately leads to company A building a 2nd factory you want to look at the immediate investment and say that is the only impact that policy had on the economy. I’m simply pointing o

These policies have never worked anywhere though. They've created more business friendly conditions, at the expense of the local environment, and the working class. I've asked for models of this in the past, and I believe Lucicom could only mention one failed south American country.

And that's not true that they don't often have immediate impact. The most recent and clearest example of conservative economic policies in action is Kansas under Governor Sam Brownback (2011–2018). Brownback promised that aggressive tax cuts, deregulation, and government downsizing would boost economic growth, create jobs, and balance the budget.

Instead, it led to economic disaster.

Kansas’ Economic Decline Under Brownback
Slower Growth, Fewer Jobs
From 2013–2016 (when Brownback’s tax cuts took effect), Kansas’ GDP grew only 3.8%, about half the national rate of 7%.

Job creation stalled: Employment grew just 2.6%, compared to 6.5% nationwide.

Private-sector job growth in Kansas was only 3.5%, while the rest of the U.S. saw 7.6% growth.

Budget Crisis and Credit Downgrades
Kansas’ tax revenues plummeted due to deep tax cuts.

The state faced nine rounds of budget cuts just to stay afloat.

Kansas began 2017 with a $350 million budget deficit.

The state’s bond rating was downgraded twice due to its financial instability.

Public Services Collapsed
Schools closed early in 2015 due to lack of funding.

Higher education took a hit: tuition at Kansas public colleges rose 21% under Brownback.

Infrastructure suffered as road maintenance budgets were gutted.

Medicaid delays skyrocketed, leaving low-income residents waiting months for approval.

The tax cuts were so disastrous that in 2017, a Republican-led legislature overrode Brownback’s veto to repeal most of them. Voters rebelled and swiftly kicked him out.

There's a reason that red states in America are more business friendly, but create worse outcomes for the working class. If all you cared about is making money, your model would be great... but is that all you care about? What if I told you it's possible to do both? 😀

The chart speaks for itself. 17 of the top 20 states with the best working class conditions, are blue states.

There are plenty of models of left policies that work in other countries, especially Scandinavian countries, which top the happiness index charts.

Shouldn't you be looking at how these policies actually work in real life?

by thethethe k

Elon was so funny when he said yesterday that they accidentally fired the entire Ebola prevention team... opps, that silly guy. Don't worry... they re-hired most of them once they figured out what they did.

I had my first near midair collision last week flying domestically into Phoenix. I'm not even sure how close we got, but we had to climb rapidly and turn at some bad angles, and I could see the jet stream of the other plane in my window. Never had anything like this before, where the pilot had to do evasive maneuvers to avoid another commercial airliner. Made many people on the plane sick... I got pretty nauseous, but didn't have to use the barf bag. 😀

Good times.

by thethethe k

I'd say scum of the earth, but that's not low enough.

fyi: FAA employees != air traffic controllers

by diebitter k

I'd say scum of the earth, but that's not low enough.

Ya, these are not good people with good intentions.

Isn't that what we're really concerned about here? That something so obvious isn't clear to so many of their followers?

Someone like Trump has been a facade his whole life. I mean the guy even used to call in to news agencies and magazines under a pseudonym to lie about his wealth, and his playboy lifestyle.

Who does that if they are legit good at business? Nobody.

And as Mark Cuban has pointed out many times... where are the people Trump has mentored? There are none, because nobody would want to be mentored by him. And even if you want to say, he's actually a good businessman, and didn't make his wealth by doing things most decent people would never do... not having any people you've mentored indicates extreme selfishness. Trump was even mentored by Cohen. Who has stepped up and said they were mentored by Trump? Nobody.

by housenuts k

fyi: FAA employees != air traffic controllers

At least read the headline homie.
