President Donald J. Trump (for Trumper supporters)

President Donald J. Trump (for Trumper supporters)

I was able to fix the thread title by creating a new thread. Howboudat

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21 January 2025 at 02:54 AM

453 Replies


by housenuts k

Yup too bad for Ukraine that their fearless leader lil z couldn't do that.

Right. Had z brought some useless trinket along with empty platitudes, Ukraine would be in saved - it's his fault and definitely not the narcissist's fault.

by Land O Lakes k

Right. Had z brought some useless trinket along with empty platitudes, Ukraine would be in saved - it's his fault and definitely not the narcissist's fault.

Correct. This person agrees with you.

by Land O Lakes k

People have called him Hitler and got high-level jobs in his administration. All Zelensky had to do was come with some ass kissing shiit and Trump would have been clay in his hands.

by housenuts k

Yup too bad for Ukraine that their fearless leader lil z couldn't do that.

Yes, he couldn't sign a deal without security guarantees. He wouldn't be a president for long if he did that.

by Gorgonian k

For parasites.

There is no evidence ivermectin improves outcomes significantly for covid patients. None. Anecdotes are not evidence.

by BGnight k

India begs to differ.

"Ivermectin and HCQ were dropped from the clinical guidance after studies found that these drugs have little to no effect on Covid-related mortality or clinical recovery of the patient."

by BGnight k

Leftists are going to start more mass shootings. It's funny that most the mass shootings lately are transformers. Who would have thought people that want to cut their johnsons and tatas off would be mentally unstable and violent.

Hey, maybe after the 18th time it's been conclusively demonstrated that citizens on the right in America commit far more politically motivated killings than citizens on the left, you'll stop saying this dumb ****! Just messing with you. I know that's not how this works.

Cool stuff about "transformers". Conservatives can't even breathe without punching down.

I'm sure that "most the mass shootings lately are trans" is a lie, although I know there have been a couple. More importantly, when people face overwhelming and CONSTANT hatred and marginalization from family, schoolmates, creeps like you, religious fascists, and society at large, some of those people are gonna get angry to the point where they do something about it. Trans people are far more likely to commit violence against themselves than others, largely because of great despair they feel from having to deal with the unfortunate existence of all the BGnight type-people in their world.

You do everything you can to deny a person's identity, harass them, bully them, pass laws which do nothing except humiliate them... and then get all indignant when .5% of them react violently.

I like how conservatives talk about liberals hating guns, wanting to take everyone's guns, trampling over the 2nd Amendment, quoting some dumb **** from, like, Thomas Jefferson on the issue, etc... then claim that liberals do more mass shootings than conservatives. Where are these woke libs getting the guns from? Which group has more guns laying around the house and doesn't have to take the 5-day waiting period (assuming the GOP didn't have that removed, don't remember)?

I also like how they swore for every single day of his 8 years that Obama was gonna take their guns any second now. He's now been out of office for 9 years, they still all have a thousand guns each, but SOMEHOW there was no reflection here amongst the Neanderthals. Getting pretty outside of the scope of the thread now, though.

by BGnight k

Leftists are going to start more mass shootings. It's funny that most the mass shootings lately are transformers.

They aren't (even assuming you don't mean imaginary killer robots disguised as muscle cars). You may be thinking of a stupid thing Trump Jr said a couple of years ago, and you may also be forgetting just how many mass shootings there are in the US and how few involve trans-identified perpetrators.

This is the WaPo, which presumably you don't like, but there we are:--

Who would have thought people that want to cut their johnsons and tatas off would be mentally unstable and violent.

They mostly don't go that route and favour 'social transition' (often temporarily and then reverting). It may be true that people with serious mental problems will adopt a social presentation that they think makes them cool and OK, but then people without serious mental problems do that as well.

by ecriture d'adulte k

"Ivermectin and HCQ were dropped from the clinical guidance after studies found that these drugs have little to no effect on Covid-related mortality or clinical recovery of the patient."

Ivermectin was taken preventively and not for recovery and there's so many studies out there showing the opposite. Anecdotal, but many nurses and doctors in hospitals where I live were ordering ivermectin from India and taking it regularly during covid. India gave it out like candy early in the scamdemic and while being one of the dirtiest **** holes on earth managed to have a death rate 1/7th of the U.S.

I took it, my wife took it and my elderly mother in law took it. We all got covid and were fine. They also tried banning NAC during covid but I took that too. You don't understand that the medical establishment wants you sick.

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

You do everything you can to deny a person's identity, harass them, bully them, pass laws which do nothing except humiliate them... and then get all indignant when .5% of them react violently.

You're simply wrong. The left is more violent than the right and will be in the near future. Period. Remember the "summer of love"? Billions in damage, a LITERAL insurrection on the White House in MAY 2020 that forced Trump into his bunker, and the blatant unprovoked murder of a Trump supporter in Portland as well as murders in CHAZ.


As far as transformers, no one ever gave a flying **** about them until the NGO's started inserting them into every aspect of our culture. For about the last 10 years they've been the most protected and celebrated class of people in our country. The desire to cut off your genitals stems from trauma and mental illness and should be treated with empathy as a disease, not celebrated. Then the left made up a completely bogus narrative that trans people were being persecuted and murdered when the exact opposite was true. They were being propped up as royalty in an effort to degrade our country's culture.

by BGnight k

Ivermectin was taken preventively and not for recovery and there's so many studies out there showing the opposite. Anecdotal, but many nurses and doctors in hospitals where I live were ordering ivermectin from India and taking it regularly during covid. India gave it out like candy early in the scamdemic and while being one of the dirtiest **** holes on earth managed to have a death rate 1/7th of the U.S.

I took it, my wife took it and my elderly mother in law took it. We all got covid and were

Yes. Anecdotal. The actual data is clear and it has no impact despite the far right lying about it to con rubes. It's not just the medical establishment, you can ssk the American Mathematical Society, American Statistical Association etc and they will tell you the same thing. But no right winger is going to be convinced by math.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Yes. Anecdotal. The actual data is clear and it has no impact despite the far right lying about it to con rubes. It's not just the medical establishment, you can ssk the American Mathematical Society, American Statistical Association etc and they will tell you the same thing. But no right winger is going to be convinced by math.

Then leave us alone and let us take it. You can dose yourself with spike proteins all you want. Have fun with those long term side effects.

I like how every MAGA-supporter after nearly a decade of Trump as their ideological leader still goes "Leftists blablablabla", as if it is somehow only leftists who think Trump is useless and incompetent.

by BGnight k

I took it, my wife took it and my elderly mother in law took it. We all got covid and were fine.

My entire family ate apples during the pandemic. We all got COVID. None of us took ivermectin. No one in my family died. Checkmate, right? It must be the apples.

by BGnight k

Then leave us alone and let us take it. You can dose yourself with spike proteins all you want. Have fun with those long term side effects.

I was only correcting your lies. Obviously you’re free to practice your form of astrology. I’m under no delusions about my abilities to teach rurals and magas jr high science.

by BGnight k

Then leave us alone and let us take it. You can dose yourself with spike proteins all you want. Have fun with those long term side effects.

I don't care what you take.

But your guy is about to take our flu shots away, so I guess, checkmate you.

by Rococo k

My entire family ate apples during the pandemic. We all got COVID. None of us took ivermectin. No one in my family died. Checkmate, right? It must be the apples.

I eat 3-4 apples a week, am I sufficiently protected?

by BGnight k

Then leave us alone and let us take it. You can dose yourself with spike proteins all you want. Have fun with those long term side effects.

Good thing there are no long-term side effects from COVID itself!

by BGnight k

You're simply wrong. The left is more violent than the right and will be in the near future. Period. Remember the "summer of love"? Billions in damage, a LITERAL insurrection on the White House in MAY 2020 that forced Trump into his bunker, and the blatant unprovoked murder of a Trump supporter in Portland as well as murders in CHAZ.

I remember a bunch of property getting destroyed and watching conservatives pathetically weep for all the Starbucks' windows of the world. However, I'm more concerned with violence upon actual humans. After checking out a few sources, including FOX, the number of deaths in the US during the George Floyd protests was topping out around 20; a number of them with murky details around them and it's not clear they were victims of politically motivated violence, and if so, in what way.

On the other hand, we have ONE SINGLE DUDE murdering 23 Wal-Mart shoppers in 2019, and, you may be stunned to learn, he had written a deeply racist, far-right manifesto rationalizing his actions. A mere one of DOZENS of similar incidents.

I don't recall, at all, this "insurrection on the White House in MAY 2020 that forced Trump into his bunker". Apparently one of the George Floyd protests was at the White House, and all of the dozens of armed security guards, gates, walls, and locked doors wasn't enough to keep Donny from getting scared and fleeing to his bunker. How pathetic!! At least the Jan 6 dorks got INSIDE some of the buildings...

So, on one hand, Donny gets scared at mean Liz Warren flying sarcastically-worded banners outside the White House gates. On the other, far-right terrorist Timothy McVeigh bombed 167 people to death in 1995. LOL.

So, am I to believe that the most-protected human on Earth who got so scared of some hippies outside the gates that he fled to his bunker is THE SAME GUY who jumped up and pumped his fist and yelled like Rambo after his super-duper-real assassination attempt?

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

So, am I to believe that the most-protected human on Earth who got so scared of some hippies outside the gates that he fled to his bunker is THE SAME GUY who jumped up and pumped his fist and yelled like Rambo after his super-duper-real assassination attempt?

That whole thing happening and basically never getting mentioned again is pretty wild. I think it was similar with Reagan though

by coordi k

That whole thing happening and basically never getting mentioned again is pretty wild. I think it was similar with Reagan though

the media was still entirely pro democrats (except fox) and if they decide to completly bury something they can manage to do it.

polls showed Americans *loved* trump reaction to the leftist assassination attempt and democrat controlled media reasonably decided the best way to control damage for their party was to fully bury it.

by Luciom k

the media was still entirely pro democrats (except fox) and if they decide to completly bury something they can manage to do it.

polls showed Americans *loved* trump reaction to the leftist assassination attempt and democrat controlled media reasonably decided the best way to control damage for their party was to fully bury it.

Media hasn't been pro Democrat in about 20 years. You continue to push delusional fantasies that are easily disproven

by AquaSwing k

I eat 3-4 apples a week, am I sufficiently protected?

You have to eat 30+ a week to get maximum protection.

by coordi k

That whole thing happening and basically never getting mentioned again is pretty wild. I think it was similar with Reagan though

by Luciom k

the media was still entirely pro democrats (except fox) and if they decide to completly bury something they can manage to do it.

polls showed Americans *loved* trump reaction to the leftist assassination attempt and democrat controlled media reasonably decided the best way to control damage for their party was to fully bury it.

What are you guys talking about? It was all over all media for weeks.

by Didace k

What are you guys talking about? It was all over all media for weeks.

I feel like it was "Who is this guy?" "What team does he play for?"

Then it just fizzled out into nothing after going nowhere

by Didace k

What are you guys talking about? It was all over all media for weeks.

it was in the media for less than a week, an event which could have easily covered months and would have in another political era/media landscape .

it would have been talked as the most important event every day till the elections
