POG PUB 2025: About damn time. For a lot of things. But not everything.
Happy New Year, everyone.
I'll let you all mentally fill in the categories in the title.
I really like possums too, though I haven't seen any of them lately either. Getting close to that time of year though.
GOAT possum:
watching that video, i fell in love with her, and then fell out of love with her. it was a one sided 45 second relationship. pretty standard for my love life really.
im also high af right now. decided to just check out for the day. take a one day break from stress! woo hoo!!!
but for whatever twisted as reason, im gonna watch an incredibly stressful show "the pitt". it's a scripted drama about a day in pittsburgh ER
when she was snapping for apple is when I lost that lovin' feelin'
it was nice while it lasted though
yesterday when I was sober, watching the Pitt.... it seemed like great craftsmanship! really talented people working hard and competently on making some art/entertainment, and just doing a really, really good job!
now when I'm high, the whole thing seems completely absurd lmao! just people literally putting on costumes and doing vocal warm ups, and then going out and acting incredibly serious and important! lmao
and the writers just making some **** up in their head like "oh hey let me make this fake ass abortion story, cuz I think that's sooooooo important to put out in the world"
and I'm sorry! I really should temp ban myself from posting when high 😊
averting eyes and loins for decades
in weedo veritas
The Pitt is very entertaining. I don't think it's high art or anything, but I've really enjoyed it so far
Saturday night my wife & I went to WWE Elimination Chamber, and I've never been so entertained by anything in my life. Great matches, fun storyline twists, John Cena and the Rock being dirty bastards together.
Cows sleep 4 hours a day
Horses sleep 3 hours a day
What are horses doing the other 21 hours?
Horsing around obv
lol excellent!
Pitt is good but dramaticized obv. Also makes doctors and nurses seem way better at their jobs than they are. Does make them seem like ****s with the casual inappropriate conversations they have in front of patients.
"This guy lost his finger, cool for me!" Right in front of him.
i was rewatching some "house", and he is supposed to be like this unbelievably great doctor, but he pretty regularly gives patients incorrecte diagnosies and treatments that really ****e them up. like he does it multiple times, every episode! and he treats them while high as ****
House is a terrible doctor, and a brilliant diagnostician.