President Donald J. Trump (for Trumper supporters)
I was able to fix the thread title by creating a new thread. Howboudat
Proved my point because no one watches CNN and MSNBC. They're being propped up by tax dollars. Their ad revenue doesn't come close to covering the contracts of their hosts.
Nobody watches FOX either, that is, nobody under about 70 years old. I mean, nobody under maybe 60 even watches television AT ALL anymore, at least not in a way that is captured by the ancient measures of popularity like Nielsen ratings which with Trump and other 80-year-old news queens are obsessively stuck-in-time. (to be fair, you bring up a similar point about streaming and podcasts)
lol at anybody, ever, watching a 24-hour cable news channel. Only Lozen-style maniacs could ever stomach that for any length of time.
Edit: also noticed your ignoring of my post in which I obliterated your false claims regarding the frequency of right-wing vs. left-wing domestic terrorism events
Weird how the guys who all get their talking points through well oiled media pipelines think the deck is fully stacked against them while Kamala couldn't get any coverage to show her competence out of one debate where she destroyed Trump so Trump tapped out and refused to do another.
She was even shunned by Rogan who very well may be the biggest main stream media stooge in the entire world
Weird how the guys who all get their talking points through well oiled media pipelines think the deck is fully stacked against them while Kamala couldn't get any coverage to show her competence out of one debate where she destroyed Trump so Trump tapped out and refused to do another.
She was even shunned by Rogan who very well may be the biggest main stream media stooge in the entire world
WTF. Are you serious?
Those drugs must be pretty good dude. People were begging Kamala to come on their shows and do interviews.
She refused most of them.
Joe Rogan for one, and others.
So is Trump folding to Trudeau again? It sure sounds like it, but tune in tomorrow
Joe Rogan for one, and others.
lol anyone quoting the Daily Mail about anything for some sort of proof is comedy gold.
lol anyone quoting the Daily Mail about anything for some sort of proof is comedy gold.
BJ is one of Rupert Murdoch's most simpering slaves. I've seen him quote the New York Post, too, both of which Murdoch owned. (Fox too, of course, although he recently stepped down and gave it to his son -- great coincidence that his own son happened to be the most qualified person around to run a cable network!) It's funny, they talk about how Democrats control media at the same time that a right-wing oligarch runs the biggest news channel in the country and some of the planet's biggest papers. And then, of course, there's Sinclair, the right-of-Fox group that controls practically every local news network in the country. And then there's talk radio...
It's ALMOST like Republicans actually have a huge share of news media and the constant claims about Democrats having a monopoly on news distribution are immediately disprovable!
In before Lozen tells me I'm crazy because former Republican congressman Joe Scarbro and his annoying wife are paid by George Soros to spread communism on TV.
I just watched Elissa Slotkin's response to the idiot in chief. Man oh man, she kicked ass. I'd vote for her in a heartbeat.
she definitely should have gone on Joe Rogan, though, despite the fact that Joe pretty much only brings on rightwing cranks and health/workout cranks these days, according to what I've heard
One of the good things about Joe is that the particular ways in which he is dumb as hell actually lend itself towards him being an excellent interviewer. He definitely would have allowed her to speak freely with few challenging comebacks about anything.
The dude endorsed Bernie in 2020, seemingly solely because Bernie went on his show not too long before then and Joe fell under the sway of a far more intelligent person and speaker, as is his wont. Joe is an idiot with the biggest podcast in the world. They should have seen him as a real opportunity. It was completely ridiculous of them to not go on Rogan.
I just watched Elissa Slotkin's response to the idiot in chief. Man oh man, she kicked ass. I'd vote for her in a heartbeat.
Ugh. I hate this lady. First of all, she's LITERALLY (former) CIA. Big time NatSec, warhawk, right-wing Democrat that essentially acts as paper opposition to the Republicans' agenda.
“After the spectacle that just took place in the Oval Office last week, Reagan must be rolling in his grave,” Slotkin, referring to Trump’s unexpectedly contentious meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy last week, said in her response to the joint address to Congress.
Big tell what kind of Democrat you're dealing with when they lionize Ronald Reagan, one of the most repellant creeps in American political history who would have agreed with 95+% of Donald Trump's policies and, at least to this point in their presidencies, was far more interested in sending American troops overseas to die than Trump has been.
Ugh. I hate this lady. First of all, she's LITERALLY (former) CIA. Big time NatSec, warhawk, right-wing Democrat that essentially act as paper opposition to the Republicans' agenda.
Big tell what kind of Democrat you're dealing with when they lionize Ronald Reagan, one of the most repellant creeps in American political history who would have agreed with 95+% of Donald Trump's policies and, at least to this point in their presidencies, was far more interested in sending American troops overseas
Bigger doesn't care about any of that stuff he just wants a president to have some class.
Bigger doesn't care about any of that stuff he just wants a president to have some class.
I despise war. I hate this whole Ukraine thing.
Imagine what any person living in America would think if Mexico and Canada invaded. Yeah, it's not even a remote possibility. I get that. But I guarantee every person here would be on board to defend our country. It's a no-brainer.
Why should we feel any different about Ukrainians doing the same thing? I don't support sending troops there at all, but I do support giving them a fighting chance.
And, by the way, it was butt ugly but guess who got our troops out of Afghanistan? Wasn't republicans.
Another Good Human Moment for the Trump Administration:
Imagine what any person living in America would think if Mexico and Canada invaded. Yeah, it's not even a remote possibility. I get that. But I guarantee every person here would be on board to defend our country. It's a no-brainer.
This "guarantee" certainly doesn't apply to me! I'd be getting the **** out of the entire Western Hemisphere. Catch me in New Zealand or some ****.
Reverend Wright said it better than I could: "They say God Bless America. Nahhhh! God DAMN America!"
Literally the ONLY time Democrats clapped in unison was when Trump mentioned Ukraine. These people HATE America.
I'm sure I'll get push back for saying this, but relegating the black people to feel good props that you trot out on the big screen for your really old white person convention is incredibly sinical and borderline repugnant
Or he genuinely cares about them. It's blatantly racist to assume he only did it cuz he's black. He honored a lot of people of all races that night. You're disgusting.
Democrats have be using black people as feel good props for decades. You started the KKK and abortion clinics who's sole purpose was to eradicate brown people.
"Ahh," the veteran asked, "is that a leopard eating my face?"
Meanwhile, the Veterans Affairs (VA) department is planning lay off as many as 83,000 workers by the end of 2025, according to an internal memo obtained by the Government Executive, a news outlet covering the executive branch.
The leaked memo sent to senior staff on Tuesday said the VA would work with Musk’s Doge to slash its workforce to 2019 levels – which is before millions of veterans became newly eligible for care. The cuts will be sweeping and spare no part of the department, wrote the VA chief of staff, Christopher Syrek, in the memo.
More than one in four VA employees are veterans.
Or he genuinely cares about them. It's blatantly racist to assume he only did it cuz he's black. He honored a lot of people of all races that night. You're disgusting.
Democrats have be using black people as feel good props for decades. You started the KKK and abortion clinics who's sole purpose was to eradicate brown people.

Maybe if this were a vacuum you would have a point, but we have 40 years of history on my side