Sam Bankman-Fried

Sam Bankman-Fried

an interesting interview of SBF by Tucker Carlson today...

) 3 Views 3
06 March 2025 at 06:32 PM

34 Replies


by housenuts k

I haven't seen anyone in the space that thinks he should be released. Maybe some non-crypto maga ppl do?

Maybe I misunderstood the point of this thread but seems like it was “SBF - interesting dude, maybe not that bad?”.

Also, can’t be too surprised at anything that happens in a fed prison. They’re either run by PE-backed private contractors who squeeze every last dollar out of them or - even worse - lazy good for nothing federal employees.

by Tuma k

He really is the dumbest smart guy to ever grace this Earth.

I would agree, except for the smart guy part. He's really not a smart guy in any sense of the word. His math/trading/booksmarts have been way overrated the entire time. He knows a lot of math/probability lingo but doesn't fully understand the concepts or how to appropriately apply them to real life. I've never seen any evidence that he was a good trader or even a good player of his favorite video games. He's a rich kid who failed upward his entire life until he finally got caught being equally incompetent and scummy.

I would say he's the dumbest person to ever reach $1B net worth, although I'm open to being proven wrong.

There's definitely a greater than 0% chance he gets pardoned by Trump if he can lean hard enough into the "I'm a victim of the woke mob" story. The willingness of right wingers to eagerly supress common sense whenever the subject of "wokeness" comes up is one of the more peculiar phenomena of the 21st century.


by krunic k

There's definitely a greater than 0% chance he gets pardoned by Trump if he can lean hard enough into the "I'm a victim of the woke mob" story. The willingness of right wingers to eagerly supress common sense whenever the subject of "wokeness" comes up is one of the more peculiar phenomena of the 21st century.

This is more of an erratic Trump thing than a right wing thing. Again, no idea who wants him pardoned, left or right. But if he, or anyone imprisoned for that matter, plays their cards right, they could appeal to Trump's fetishes and get a pardon for *reasons*.

by Tuma k

He really is the dumbest smart guy to ever grace this Earth.

Maybe second. Musk is number one.

by MeleaB k

Maybe second. Musk is number one.

Musk still has billions .
It’s sbf the idiot by a millions miles ….

To be a billionaire and lose it all ?
Not only he lost all his money , his freedom too ….?
Biggest moron ever !

I'm curious how much he still has. He repeatedly says 0, or under 100,000 and what not. Assume he still has 8-9 figures in crypto squared away somewhere

by housenuts k

I'm curious how much he still has. He repeatedly says 0, or under 100,000 and what not. Assume he still has 8-9 figures in crypto squared away somewhere

Probably but still …
To screw this bad is almost unheard of .

WSJ is reporting that CZ angling for a pardon too, offering a piece of Binance to the “company” that runs Trump and Melanie coins.

Yay or nay?

by GTO2.0 k

WSJ is reporting that CZ angling for a pardon too, offering a piece of Binance to the “company” that runs Trump and Melanie coins.

Yay or nay?
