Doug Polk 100k challenge

Doug Polk 100k challenge

Doug Polk is going to try to make 100k in a month one tabling mid stakes (3/6) poker on ClubWPT. Can he do it?



) 33 Views 33
03 March 2025 at 10:07 PM

82 Replies


by MastaAces k

what? he plays full ring all of the time.

You talkin bout live?

i think currently he is down someone in the region of 25 x buyins somewhere around 15k

thing is hes playing one table its clunky software and stakes are low

Also its all different people coming n going if it was one player all the time he would surely win (but 100k at the handrate would still be a miracle even if had no losing sessions)

He's playing FR now. Given up playing heads up for now.

It's quite amusing how he started off talking about how the site was full of fish and he'd make $100k in a month and has been well and truly humbled.

by Masq k

He's playing FR now. Given up playing heads up for now.

It's quite amusing how he started off talking about how the site was full of fish and he'd make $100k in a month and has been well and truly humbled.

Think it's hilarious he switched to FR after getting rekt in HU.

by b1ochemical k

Think it's hilarious he switched to FR after getting rekt in HU.

It doesn't look like it's going much better in FR either.

Was Doug's AA vs 33 floating 4JK rainbow and rivering the 3 the equitable distribution kicking in?

i know a lot of profit just comes from bum hunting, so heads up seems like a bad idea

maybe try playing at weird hours when bads get off work? i know weekends are supposed to be softer

How's his game looked? Just running bad or also playing bad?

I’ve seen a few punts but it’s mostly running bad

so the dreams dead then?

seems he can play nl2k now so not dead

Streams have been super fun.

Poker would be so dull without a personality like Doug's.

Yeah very entertaining and loving the storytelling from the past.

The poker has been brutal, but Polk has always been a quality streamer. He's actually one of the best out there, dude is funny and entertaining and plays to the chat no matter how memey or trolly it gets. Kinda sux because I was wanting to watch one of the best HU players ever dismantle mid stakes HU but it's been a blood bath. He actually seems a little steamy in some cases and chasing losses but what do I know.... Move up to where they respect your raises I guess...

Yea, he is a little steamy. This was last night live. lol

So let me get this straight. It started as a 100k challenge at NL600 HU, he fell behind the pace and was down over 10k, so he added FR to the mix and now he is playing 2k and possibly higher?

by b1ochemical k

So let me get this straight. It started as a 100k challenge at NL600 HU, he fell behind the pace and was down over 10k, so he added FR to the mix and now he is playing 2k and possibly higher?

Something like that yeah. But does it really matter? Dude is entertaining and I gues he is trying to hit that goal any way possible and that's fine for me atleast.

Right now Doug is thinking *&!#@$ I knew I should have just done a micro stakes challenge instead.

I'm a fan of Doug but this is pretty disappointing from him, he has a HUNL 'End Boss' system course and can't even beat 3/6 on a fairly fishy site... not good optics.

I've followed him since ~2013, I'm convinced his natural ability and adjusting on the fly is pretty average (might even be below average). However, his ability to analyse player stats post session and come up with strategies to counter and implement as well as his ability to memorise psuedo GTO strategies is elite.

No hand histories and HUDs with high rake just plays into his weaknesses too heavily. The same thing happened with his microstakes challenge, from memory he was down in micro cash games and only survived on MTTs, WSOP site being a similar situation to ClubWPT.

I'd say the streams are more interesting though without the challenge, he's more relaxed and happy to just entertain.

I guess playing in high stakes, soft as **** curated private game in Texas really doesn’t prepare you to play against anyone.

Woulda thought Doug could at least take on these vlog watchers but he’s fallen a lot farther than we thought. At least he’s rich.

Anyone know where WPT points to information about their RNG?

He's not doing a very good job of advertising based on what I've seen. Constantly complaining about "bad software", "high rake", etc.

Only a room temp IQ would make conclusions after a week of 1 tabling.

by TheDonnyyQuixteyy k

No hand histories and HUDs with high rake just plays into his weaknesses too heavily. The same thing happened with his microstakes challenge, from memory he was down in micro cash games and only survived on MTTs, WSOP site being a similar situation to ClubWPT.

It was a long time ago but what I remember the challenge took ages and in the end he just decided to grind it and basically destroyed the games playing super agro br management and finished it. Didn't even remember him playing mtts.

by ImePaskaa k

It was a long time ago but what I remember the challenge took ages and in the end he just decided to grind it and basically destroyed the games playing super agro br management and finished it. Didn't even remember him playing mtts.

This is exactly the opposite of what I remember. He was going nowhere in cash, then started firing MTTs where he did all his climbing. But it was along time ago.

by DrDanimal k

This is exactly the opposite of what I remember. He was going nowhere in cash, then started firing MTTs where he did all his climbing. But it was along time ago.

You might be true about the mtts but he ended it playing cash after a long break. When he hit the goal they had a real gringe celebration with the wifey.
