Are you travelling to WSOP 25?

Are you travelling to WSOP 25?

I remember having a great first time last year and thought I could maybe plan a couple weeks every year if the schedule allows for it.

But to be honest, with the recent developments it's not looking too enticing anymore. I have even spoken to a cpl who have cancelled all plans for this year, citing either political reasons or just the fact that they are too shocked and disgusted with the way things are shaping up in the US.

Just wondering how other pros or rec players from outside the US, who would normally travel during WSOP are viewing the situation?
Would it even matter a lot to the WSOP if there's lesser participation from rest of the world??

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10 March 2025 at 07:12 PM

30 Replies


Well of course, where else can I get a deal like this?

Wait until you see the price of the egg sandwich

Would have been about 50-50 previously. Not to devolve into politics but like many Canadians - I'm not travelling to the USA any time in the near future for anything other than absolute required travel.

Honestly it sounds like recs will come and it will be great.

I'm leaning towards no. I've been there every wsop since covid for a couple of weeks and think the 5/5 to 10/25 plo games I play in are just not that good overall and a lot worse than vegas other times a year. Wait lists are also terrible (although last year got better at Aria because they had more tables than prior years), staff is stressed from working so much, it's hot as hell and it just hasn't been an enjoyable experience. I've also gone to vegas 3-4 times a year besides wsop each of those years, had way more fun and on average made more money than my wsop trips,even with a few losing trips mixed in.

I'm not a tournament person at all but on the small chance I decide to play a few tournaments or fire the main I might go for a week or so.
If I was a tournament grinder I'd absolutely be going.

I would love it to be there but its not in the cards unfortunately for this year

by NoPointBluffing k

I remember having a great first time last year and thought I could maybe plan a couple weeks every year if the schedule allows for it.

But to be honest, with the recent developments it's not looking too enticing anymore. I have even spoken to a cpl who have cancelled all plans for this year, citing either political reasons or just the fact that they are too shocked and disgusted with the way things are shaping up in the US.

Just wondering how other pros or rec players from outside the US, who wo

I am a rec player who is going for the first time ever to play WSOP (from abroad). And even if I would have gone regardless of who won in November, I was personally very happy with the election results. But since I am not American nor live in the US, it obviously doesn't impact my life too much.

In general though, this take is so *insert particular words here* that I have issues with understanding it. So you are gonna deprive yourself of all fun in a specific country just because you don't like the (overwhelmingly) elected political leader for a particular time period? Doesn't sound like a optimal way to live a life that is already short enough as it is.

by BigWhale k

I am a rec player who is going for the first time ever to play WSOP (from abroad). And even if I would have gone regardless of who won in November, I was personally very happy with the election results. But since I am not American nor live in the US, it obviously doesn't impact my life too much.

In general though, this take is so *insert particular words here* that I have issues with understanding it. So you are gonna deprive yourself of all fun in a specific country just because you don't like t

Some people place their own personal values & ethics above maximizing fun.

OP could also be part of a group facing persecution from current administration.

I have a 20-30 min drive to the strip so I think I'll be able to make it

by skiier04 k

Some people place their own personal values & ethics above maximizing fun.

OP could also be part of a group facing persecution from current administration.

I'd understand doing it bc you fear for your safety but depriving yourself fun bc you don't like the President is silly. It has nothing to do with ethics. Sure if you don't like Trump then don't stay at his hotels bc you don't want to give him money. If you think a business is unethical I understand not supporting them. But you're not punishing Trump by not going to WSOP. Life is short. Don't deprive yourself of something if all you're really doing is punishing yourself, not someone you dislike.

by borg23 k

I'd understand doing it bc you fear for your safety but depriving yourself fun bc you don't like the President is silly. It has nothing to do with ethics. Sure if you don't like Trump then don't stay at his hotels bc you don't want to give him money. If you think a business is unethical I understand not supporting them. But you're not punishing Trump by not going to WSOP. Life is short. Don't deprive yourself of something if all you're really doing is punishing yourself, not someone you dislik

I would guess for people choosing not to attend it has a lot to do with ethics. Confused why you are saying otherwise.

And of course, simplifying the situation to simply "not liking the President" is very reductive.

Choosing to not spend money in US clearly does have an effect on Trump and the country even it's small.

And maybe people find it more fulfilling to their long term happiness to stand for something instead of always making the more "fun" choice.

Curious to see which players would be more likely to boycott the WSOP because of Trump - good pros or recs? I know a lot of Europeans really hate America right now and they are quite good at the poker games. Hopefully all the good players boycott

by skiier04 k

I would guess for people choosing not to attend it has a lot to do with ethics. Confused why you are saying otherwise.

And of course, simplifying the situation to simply "not liking the President" is very reductive.

Choosing to not spend money in US clearly does have an effect on Trump and the country even it's small.

And maybe people find it more fulfilling to their long term happiness to stand for something instead of always making the more "fun" choice.

If anything effecting US citizens not Trump.

And let's be real we're all typing on devices made at best with sweatshop labor so whatever little boycott someone might make bc they don't like trump is virtue signaling.

I like going to Hawaii. Say they get a governor I hate and I'm in no actual danger by going there. I'm still gonna go. All me not going might to is punish the locals who depend on tourism not the governor.

by ejames209 k

Curious to see which players would be more likely to boycott the WSOP because of Trump - good pros or recs? I know a lot of Europeans really hate America right now and they are quite good at the poker games. Hopefully all the good players boycott

We also know the euros will be coming. They even managed to find their way in at the 2021 wsop.

by ProffesionalMalaka k

Well of course, where else can I get a deal like this?

10x costco and you don't even get a drink

If I was a pro from another country and had a problem with US citizens I would definitely go and help relieve them from their money. I'd be figuring to take out more than I spend. I couldn't care less who the president was.

If I was a break even player or worse and had a problem with the US then I might pass on the WSOP. Same if I had a problem with Caesars or GG. Again, I couldn't care less who the president was.

Being a Yank and figuring things are going to get worse before they get better, I'm more inclined to play more because there might be fewer opportunities in the months to follow if fewer people have disposable income. But not at the WSOP because of the reasons Borg stated--I'm not a tournament player and the cash games are worse then (and the damn wait lists).

Years ago many poker players wanted to boycott the Venetian because of Sheldon Adelson's stance against online poker. LOL. Organizing poker players is like trying to herd cats. Only the regulars who are in on the boycott and who are mostly winners would be boycotting, and the games at the Venetian would become very soft and be irresistible to the regulars. Also, winning poker players tend to be independent thinkers and they're always looking for an edge. Even if they were to initially agree to such a thing, as soon as they saw that increased edge they would pounce. That's why some games get away with absurdly high rakes--the fish don't understand and don't care, and the sharks follow the food source. So while some foreign players might boycott the WSOP this year, it figures to be minimal.

by BigWhale k

In general though, this take is so *insert particular words here* that I have issues with understanding it. So you are gonna deprive yourself of all fun in a specific country just because you don't like the (overwhelmingly) elected political leader for a particular time period? Doesn't sound like a optimal way to live a life that is already short enough as it is.

Again - I don't want to get too political here and I respect that everyone has their own view.

My view is that the President is actively trying to damage the Canadian economy. I don't believe the impetus for him to stop doing that can come from outside the USA via negotiation or counter measures; it must come from inside the USA. To do that, the USA economy must feel the pain of what he's doing.

Does my week of hotel and meals damage the US economy? Of course not. But that's why I'm doing it - with the hopes that if enough other Canadians do so, places like Las Vegas may start to feel a drop in tourism dollars and pressure the President to resolve the tariff battle (which he can do in 1 second by just saying "we will honor the existing trade deal that I negotiated."). Maybe they won't and I'm just taking a nonsensical stand with no impact. But I'll do it anyways.

The WSOP isn't all that much fun once you've been a few times anyways, Vegas is an overpriced tourist trap, and I'm not some high stakes killer who had big bracelet ambitions anyways. It's not some great sacrifice of a once in a lifetime experience.

Had kid #2 this year, and wife pressure campaigned me into not going, first time I'm missing since the pandy. Sad times.

by Punker k

Again - I don't want to get too political here and I respect that everyone has their own view.

My view is that the President is actively trying to damage the Canadian economy. I don't believe the impetus for him to stop doing that can come from outside the USA via negotiation or counter measures; it must come from inside the USA. To do that, the USA economy must feel the pain of what he's doing.

Does my week of hotel and meals damage the US economy? Of course not. But that's why I'm doing it - wi

So sounds more like you've been a few times, have other things you want to do and you can't stand what Trump is doing which is fine.

If you got gifted a main event seat would you go?

by Punker k

Would have been about 50-50 previously. Not to devolve into politics but like many Canadians - I'm not travelling to the USA any time in the near future for anything other than absolute required travel.

There will be a LOT fewer Canadians this year.


There will be a LOT fewer Canadians this year.

Canadians never seemed to care about having a huge amount of their winnings withheld. I don't think they care enough for a lot to be capitalized.

by Punker k

Again - I don't want to get too political here and I respect that everyone has their own view.

My view is that the President is actively trying to damage the Canadian economy. I don't believe the impetus for him to stop doing that can come from outside the USA via negotiation or counter measures; it must come from inside the USA. To do that, the USA economy must feel the pain of what he's doing.

Does my week of hotel and meals damage the US economy? Of course not. But that's why I'm doing it - wi

you are standing up for your beliefs and your country, and not just with empty words but actual consequences ... rare thing to see, bravo is all i can say!

I believe there's still a lot that remains to happen between now and then and I doubt any of it will be positive, although you never know.

Happy to be corrected here but if I was to divide the rest of the poker playing world into groups who usually would be going and also have an impact on WSOP say prior to 2025, in this likely order

1. Canada
2/3. South America
2/3. Western Europe and Britain
4. Eastern Europe and Russia
5. Rest of the world

I would say we will likely see this list reversed this year because there will certainly be players (both pros and recs) who will not separate politics and ethics from poker and end up not travelling. The numbers after the first couple weeks itself should confirm if it has had any effect at all.

Guess I may myself wait to see before making any bookings, it's also possible the premiums applicable later will not make it worth it 😞.

by borg23 k

So sounds more like you've been a few times, have other things you want to do and you can't stand what Trump is doing which is fine.

If you got gifted a main event seat would you go?

I'd like to confidently say no, but I can't. I think I would say no after a lot of internal debate, mostly because I'd feel like garbage for going given my current feelings and that's no condition under which to play well especially in a grind like the main event.

Hoewver, there might be a part of me that just can't resist the thought of "well if I could just run super super insanely hot for a week, your whole life could change".
