

2-3-5 PLO. V in bb is on nuclear tilt, 3b every hand and usually ending up all in and losing to weak hands. 500 eff

Hero in HJ with AQ98ds good suits.

Pre: Hero open 15, co btn call, V pots to 80, hero pots to 275, just V calls

Flop (585) : 722r bdnfd
V checks

) 5 Views 5
08 March 2025 at 08:13 PM

31 Replies



Fold to XR.

Turns depends on card either check or jam.


lol just realized stack sizes. I mean I prolly just jam and live with it. Chances are A and Q are both live.

I should have pointed out the flop spr is about 1/2.

very standard shove


Maybe bet 10% or so intending to not fold? Gives you more chances to get it in good than shoving. With AA a tiny bet is also good.

Just gii. Not much else you can do.

by Javanewt k

Just gii. Not much else you can do.

Yup, surely can't read the better suggestion right above your meaningless post.

by amok k

Yup, surely can't read the better suggestion right above your meaningless post.

If I had seen a better suggestion, I'm sure I would have noticed it. Oh, wait, I did, the two above yours. From better players, too.

Who is better is totally irrelevant, so let's not get into that. You can also freely ignore any advice you get here, nobody is force feeding you anything. But parroting people who you presume are great thinkers won't get you anywhere. You need to think.

Okay grandpa, let's get you to bed

At least we have you to say the prayers.

wazz and monikrazy, not sure why you guys were spared and amok decided to attack me, but it feels like little fish tickling my toes. You should try it.

BTW, my thoughts were my own. I shove here. I'm glad players like wazz and monikrazy agree.

Betting 10%, not folding, but that "gives you more chances to get it in good"? Huh?

Because you were parroting the same thing, thus your post was pointless. You also said "Not much else you can do" which is either a lie or just stupidity.

by Javanewt k

Betting 10%, not folding, but that "gives you more chances to get it in good"

i.e. you didn't even understand my point? Next time consider asking if you don't understand.

So, if we have the same opinion as other posters we shouldn't post?

I did understand your post, but you just keep contradicting yourself. Why didn't you attack wazz? He wrote, "Shove'n'pray, " directly after someone else wrote "very standard shove." Just like writing, "Maybe bet 10% or so intending to not fold? Gives you more chances to get it in good than shoving." The best chance to gii good is on the flop. At least three of us understand that.

And it does matter who the better player is. Thank goodness my opinion aligns with monikrazy's and wazz's and not yours.

by Javanewt k

So, if we have the same opinion as other posters we shouldn't post

What is the purpose? There is a possibility to react to do the same. And you added "not much else you can do", when an alternative was given (one that you still haven't understood, but that is beside the point).

by Javanewt k

I did understand your post, but you just keep contradicting yourself. Why didn't you attack wazz He wrote, "Shove'n'pray, " directly after someone else wrote "very standard shove." Just like writing, "Maybe bet 10% or so intending to not fold Gives you more chances to get it in good than shoving." The best chance to gii good is on the flop. At least three of us understand that.

And it does matter who the better player is. Thank goodness my opinion aligns with monikrazy's and wazz's and not yours.

You sure love to embarrass yourself. I never attacked anyone. You are correct that wazz's post was kind of pointless and I doubt the praying part helps. Monikrazy I've schooled for 15 years in the hilo-section. For free.

You said my post was meaningless, which feels like an attack and was completely unnecessary. You should be embarrassed.

You do realize there is $225 behind and the pot is $585? So, you bet $60 (LOL), he calls, turn is a K, J, T, etc., V shoves -- are we still gii good? (Not that it matters, because, as I said, there's not much else you can do.)

And I really hope if you bet $60 your intention is not to fold!

I love the irony of being attacked for saying something pointless given what's been going on itt since

For either of you, has this strategy of telling your debating partner they've embarrassed themselves ever actually borne any fruit? Does that work? Does the other side ever go 'yes, you're right, I SHOULD be embarrassed! My bad!' Does it work for shame too?

If you think $60 is too much, bet less. Like I said, the intention is not to fold. Is there any way it can be worse than shipping the flop, when villain is kind of forced to play correctly? You think one is automatic and the other is ridiculous, when in reality the difference is not very big.

Consider also how your range wants to play. Is it possible that betting tiny is higher EV with many hands in your AA-heavy range? No need to answer, just food for thought.

@wazz I knew you wanted to participate! Unfortunately your post is pointless and you should be embarrassed. Move on.

Oof! There was part of me, before posting that, where I knew i shouldn't have posted it, because I was embarrassed and ashamed of it. Yes, I knew my post was pointless and shouldn't have done it. Thanks for helping me improve my behaviour! I'll move on now.

Having said that, some actual poker:

'V in bb is on nuclear tilt'

The pot is 585 and we have 225 back

-> this is effectively a shove for value. everything else is fps.

I agree with the post above this one.

by wazz k

Having said that, some actual poker:

'V in bb is on nuclear tilt'

The pot is 585 and we have 225 back

-> this is effectively a shove for value. everything else is fps.

I don't understand. Why can't you also check for value? Or a tiny bet as I suggested? If villain always gets everything in (as perhaps a nuclear tilter does), it doesn't matter what action we choose, so why are all the great players insisting on one line? I'm not saying that it's not standard, I'm wondering why the experts see no alternatives.

As I guessed, nobody even comments on range considerations. Of course you are able to ship every hand you have, but is it really highest EV against some monkeyball? I'm not really expecting this to turn into a real discussion though.

I think most of us don't think there is a discussion to be had. Maybe somebody else will chime in who agrees with you or has some other option.

Can you imagine betting $30 to $60 on the flop, having him call, having an ace hit the turn, and then having him fold?

I disagree with everyone's take here. This is a clear open fold. It obvious Villain flopped quads. No one else picked up on that?
