President Donald J. Trump (for Trumper supporters)
I was able to fix the thread title by creating a new thread. Howboudat
The first amendment doesn't distinguish between citizens and non citizens. Previous precedent would imply that it extends to non citizens as well though I'm not sure if a specific challenge has come up.
A case will probably come up soon and if it goes to the supreme court they will likely make it explicitly not apply to non citizens
how can something go against the "values" of the 1a and not be a violation of it?
the 1a is a list of what the government can't do regarding some topics (free speech and others).
you either attempt to do something prohibited by the 1a as the government, or you don't.
The first amendment doesn't distinguish between citizens and non citizens. Previous precedent would imply that it extends to non citizens as well though I'm not sure if a specific challenge has come up.
A case will probably come up soon and if it goes to the supreme court they will likely make it explicitly not apply to non citizens
according to precedents aliens residing in the USA are covered but not as much as citizens