POG PUB 2025: About damn time. For a lot of things. But not everything.
Happy New Year, everyone.
I'll let you all mentally fill in the categories in the title.
I heard yelling last week and looked outside and my mailperson was yelling at my mailbox so I went out there and she said did ya hear me yellin and I was like yeah. She was frustrated trying to play Tetris with my various and often sundry items. When they don't fit, she has to get out of the truck and bring them up to the house.
So I went on Amazon and bought an extra large mailbox for her. I wasn't quite prepared for the size of this thing, two cats could live in it. Going to install it as soon
Told ya she'd be chuffed!!

bruh, put a rose in there for her and a post it note asking for the digits to meet up on friday
Everybody lies.
House is very wise.
Usually to yourself
I realized I don't even like gambling!
I thought I liked it, but the feeling I was interpreting as excitement was actually revulsion. If there's more than two hundred dollars in the pot my circuits melt. I HATE it.
There is a poker club within one mile of my house and I've never looked into it.
what???? less than a mile from a poker room?
but I'm with you on not enjoying gambling. I discovered this over 30 years ago. I was playing craps in Reno, and winning, and it wasn't fun at all.
but that's dice. gambling on other things, like sports, can be really fun. but even then it's not the gambling I enjoy, but the sports. the gambling just enhances the sports.
Yes. We had a pool for the Royal Rumble in the Wrestling forum last month that was fantastic. I got four entries for forty dollars and won sixty. That is my speed.
You aren't the only one.
I went to Vegas for six or seven years in a row back before Black Friday. Had a good time with friends, but mostly just played microstakes poker or pai gow to drink and not lose money. Realized that I didn't really enjoy gambling other than the social aspect.
Filthy, Time to submit a perfect bracket to SpaceX and escape this Republican hellhole!
Generous offer!
The odds are one in 9.2 quintillion.
Sounds like the Lotto.
cliché warning
So you're telling me I got a chance!
I hate documentaries. They're all the same.
(Documentary about tanks)
[dramatic music]
[dizzying reenactment footage]
Narrator: Tanks...
(Documentary on Butterflies)
[pastoral flute music]
[nature footage]
Narrator: Butterfies...
(Documentary on chairs)
[chair music]
[picture of a chair]
Narrator: Chairs...
Total value of all historical reenactments: 0
What do you think of that Americas show on NBC and Peacock?
I think the filming is great but Tom Hanks is no David Attenborough...
Never heard of it. I do subscribe to the cock for WWE content but I have never watched anything else on it other than the Olympics. Tom Hanks is like kissing your sister.
David Attenborough is like being kissed by your sister.
Idk what it means, I just post whatever the voices tell me.
Just ONCE I'd like to see a documentary about tanks playing butterfly music where they talk about chairs with just a black screen.