Bubble Situation.
Bubble Play
Blinds are 3k-6k-6k
2 tables left. 16 left. 15 paid
Hero has 50k. I am 15th. Everyone else has 100k-150k+ at least
I’m in the BB, 6k+6k So 38k behind. (16th) HJ shoves for 40k. The BTN calls , 200k stack
Hero dealt K5off in BB.
Do I call off hoping to knock out 16th?
If he doubles. I am very likely to bubble after my SB.
9 Replies
Trivial fold IMO
Might be interesting to construct a range that wouldn’t fold.
AQ+ JJ+ ?
Why would you call here? You should just stop playing if this is ever considered a call by hero.
Easiest fold ever. K5o is trash against 2 hands
I think this is a post hand issue. He would have won with K5o against the 16th place guy who doubled up...
There is no way I am calling with K5o here because HJ has a better hand and if he beats BTN we likely won't. At least after the HJ wins yes you will be short stack but you will have at least 7 hands to hit a decent hand and jam preflop.
3 players at the table told me I should have called any decent cards to try to bust 16th. Basically saying 2 hands vs 1. Said I had only 5bb and probably won’t cash
They're wrong.
Your stack still has some fold equity and you still have an orbit to buy you some time and see if someone else screws up.
It's not your responsibility to knock out other players at the table. The button has a strong enough hand to call the raise, so let him do it.
3 players at the table told me I should have called any decent cards to try to bust 16th. Basically saying 2 hands vs 1. Said I had only 5bb and probably won’t cash
Of course you shouldve called, if you call they are guaranteed to cash at no risk to them! Lol these dudes dgaf about you trust me.
Just to get some idea about how ridiculous calling K5o would be, here is a sim from GTOW. It is not like your spot, I just found something in the library vaguely similar. This spot is 200 player tournament, 30 are paid and now we got 33 left. Here CO jams only 4bb, BTN flats and this is how we play on BB. Even A9s and ATo are folding. And thats CO 4bb jam instead of HJ 6,6bb jam. (Making it 31 players left instead of 33 won't make any magical change in it)
And yeah obviously all other players want you to call so that they have higher chance of getting ITM.

Ok thanks. Will know for next time