Tourettes: Can I have a special don't ban rule for my account please?
I have tourettes and so once in awhile a mod of the day feels my posting style misaligns with 2p2 policy or the associated subforum etc. and I get reprimanded for it.
But I seem to be under a heavy hand here because my punishments are often not justly scoped to my infractions I think.
Yet I don't seek to bypass/evade the restrictions and I think I have shown history of that.
Since its clear I have sincere intention to participate in the forum is there any way instead of continually increasing my ban time for similar infractions that we could instead just change it to cool down periods and a note that says 'don't ban otherwise'?
(also, its a little awkward because this isn't the sub most familiar with my account)
Just did some checking. Tourette's would apply as a disability under the Accessible Canada Act. If OP has a legitimate need for accommodations to make the site usable by someone with his condition, this is a slam dunk.
You are definitely going to have to show your work on this slam dunk conclusion.
I sat patiently through a two month ban for swearing while the pandas erased the existence of an entire entirely fabricated political narrative:
The pandas are DESTROYING the west at game theory on this forum and in global warfare ldo.
You got your answer multiple times (no), so your fifteen minutes are up, and it's time to move on.
Edit/MH: jbouton admits he doesn't really suffer from Post Tourette's: