2p2 data breach/security exploit

2p2 data breach/security exploit

Still not sure where the correct place should be but was recommended to post here:

by Videopro k

If it's pertaining an existing thread, otherwise ATF is the better spot.

Are the moderators going to let the players know about what happened, there could be the possibility then of responsible disclosure rather than just a pure data dump.

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28 June 2024 at 08:59 PM

930 Replies


by d2_e4 k

Man, I can only imagine the conversations you had with your backer.

Boink bink.

Well my reputation was destroyed here you see, so it was just my words and his misunderstanding of the math. There more to the whole backing staking thing, this actually set off A LOT of the new theory for poker as I begin to consider the effects of the hidden rake standard on short term and longer term poker contracts etc.

This was part of Ideal Money/Poker....there is no translation between the two:

[QUOTE=Ideal Money/Poker]Money, Utility, and Game Theory

In the sort of game theory that is studied and applied by economists the concept of “utility” is very fundamental and essential. Von Neumann and Morgenstern give a notably good and thorough treatment of utility in their book (on game theory and economic behavior). The concept of utility (mathematical) does indeed predate the book of Von Neumann and Morgenstern. And for example, as a concept, mathematical utility can be traced back to a paper published in 1886 in Pisa by G. B. Antonelli.

When one studies what are called “cooperative games”, which in economic terms include mergers and acquisitions or cartel formation, it is found to be appropriate and is standard to form two basic classifications:

(1): Games with transferable utility.


(2): Games without transferable utility (or “NTU” games).

In the world of practical realities it is money which typically causes the existence of a game of type (1) rather than of type (2); money is the “lubrication” which enables the efficient “transfer of utility”. And generally if games can be transformed from type (2) to type (1) there is a gain, on average, to all the players in terms of whatever might be expected to be the outcome.

But this function of money in generally facilitating the transfer of utility would seem to be as well performed by the currency of Thailand as by that of Switzerland. Or the question can be asked “How do ‘good money’ and ‘bad money’ differ, if at all, for the valuable function 2 of facilitating utility transfer?”. But if we consider contracts having a relatively long time axis then the difference can be seen clearly.[/QUOTE]

by jbouton k

It rigs the effective/hidden rake DUCY?

no, i dncy. ducy?

you quote a lot of stuff from nash, but don't explain what it is you understand of it at all. i could copy paste **** from his talk as well. it doesn't mean i understand **** all about what is is about.

by jbouton k

2p2 advertisers don't want the decentralized poker thread floating to the top everyday. They don't want poker players to learn about the idea. They don't want the players to get excited about security solutions that allow them to control their own game...

2+2 has no advertisers, and hasn't since new ownership took over. I don't think they even charge people for coaching or software threads any more.

And if you mean previously, the evidence I saw would indicate they either didn't know, or didn't care, about decentralized poker threads or any other conversation about Nash, Ideal Poker, or anything else you carried on about. My evidence being that as the main advertising contact here for 10+ years I received exactly zero feedback about those threads. I was never asked or even encouraged to do anything about any of your posts by any advertiser, ever.

You had accounts banned and your site name censored because you were spamming links, derailing threads, and constantly discussing things in the same way you've been doing here. Whatever a person might like to call it - circular, esoteric, incomprehensible - it's always been the same with you, and I expect it always will be. The reason you have difficulty posting what you want to where you want to is not everyone else, it's you.

Is everyone else blameless? Of course not. Sometimes people get impatient with talking in circles with you, and aren't as kind as they could be. I've certainly been guilty of this. But when you keep repeating the same behaviour over and over and over and over again, always with the same result, it's probably time to look in the mirror rather than blame it on some far-reaching conspiracy against you and poker players in general. It's a shame you're so unable to see this, because it's not like you don't have any valid points to make or aren't capable of interesting conversation, because you do and you are. You might even have amazing solutions for the issue of high rake, but you're unable or unwilling to articulate it in a manner most people can understand. You seem to have plunged down some deep dark rabbit hole that no one but you can pull yourself out of. Hopefully, for your sake, you manage that some day.

by rickroll k

if you're going to insist on moderating this - a good place to start would be to hand out temp bans to any mods actively trolling and insulting OP in the thread

they are not above the rules

I think she's made it pretty clear she's not a moderator of this forum and therefore can't moderate this thread. Her posts seem pretty clearly to be what she views as good suggestions.

by Bobo Fett k

2+2 has no advertisers, and hasn't since new ownership took over. I don't think they even charge people for coaching or software threads any more.

And if you mean previously, the evidence I saw would indicate they either didn't know, or didn't care, about decentralized poker threads or any other conversation about Nash, Ideal Poker, or anything else you carried on about. My evidence being that as the main advertising contact here for 10+ years I received exactly zero feedback about those threads.

We already proved this untrue in this thread, you obviously have read any of it.

Is everyone else blameless? Of course not. Sometimes people get impatient with talking in circles with you, and aren't as kind as they could be. I've certainly been guilty of this. But when you keep repeating the same behaviour over and over and over and over again, always with the same result, it's probably time to look in the mirror rather than blame it on some far-reaching conspiracy against you and poker players in general

You were part an parcel in this. I'm supposed to blame myself for the old guard hiding the truth? I don't think thats believable given the circumstance and unfolding evidence.

It's a shame you're so unable to see this, because it's not like you don't have any valid points to make or aren't capable of interesting conversation, because you do and you are. You might even have amazing solutions for the issue of high rake, but you're unable or unwilling to articulate it in a manner most people can understand..

Is it a shame? Because I have valid points?

I'm not unable to articulate it, you guys would let me because it would have fix the game that 2p2 rigged.

You seem to have plunged down some deep dark rabbit hole that no one but you can pull yourself out of. Hopefully, for your sake, you manage that some day.

Whos the community manager here? They are doing **** job. Everyone knows it.

by d2_e4 k

Oh boy. Pandora's box got nothing on what you've just unleashed.

Panda's box

by Victor k

Panda's box

Right he missed an easy one I got distracted. I'll define pandas soon also.

Bobo Fett learn the subject please and then comment. Your comments didn't speak to what everyone knows now. Anyone could read your post and figure out you don't know whats been revealed here.

by jmitchell42 k

no, i dncy. ducy?

For this particular point you asked about I had pointed out you can structure the stakes level between two ways right....you can make them HELPFUL for players moving up with their bankrolls or NOT helpful.

Obviously players want sites to structure things so its helpful and possible to move up. But if the jumps are too big compared to the number of games...then you CAN'T move up reasonably etc.

We don't have anything that measure this or that we use to talk about this concept. What I called "effective rake" includes this consideration, sites that screw the players with these structures should be considered AS IF they have higher rake.

As we understand what I'm pointing at, we can then talk about how I solve the problem of lack of transparency in this regard.

by jmitchell42 k

you quote a lot of stuff from nash, but don't explain what it is you understand of it at all. i could copy paste **** from his talk as well. it doesn't mean i understand **** all about what is is about.

Nash uses a definition for "Keynesians' That way throughout his argument he can refer to them without re-explaining what he means. Are you follow my words and not first figuring out WHO the Keynesians are? Can I assume ur watching the clips?

Can anyone explain to jmitch who are the Keynesians?

[QUOTE=Ideal Money]So let us define "Keynesian" to be descriptive of a "school of thought" that originated at the time of the devaluations of the pound and the dollar in the early 30's of the 20th century. Then, more specifically, a "Keynesian" would favor the existence of a "manipulative" state establishment of central bank and treasury which would continuously seek to achieve "economic welfare" objectives with comparatively little regard for the long term reputation of the national currency[/QUOTE]

Once you understand who the keynesians are I think it will be easier to put in its context.

by jbouton k

Bobo Fett learn the subject please and then comment. Your comments didn't speak to what everyone knows now. Anyone could read your post and figure out you don't know whats been revealed here.

I think you must have not been following along with your own train of thought. The square root of **** all has been revealed here, because you can't reveal anything yet, remember?

by jbouton k

We already proved this untrue in this thread, you obviously have read any of it.

I've read the entire thread. First off, there is no "we" in this, as usual. And no, you have proved no such thing. I know whereof what I speak, as I was present for a number of those bans and know exactly why they happened, and I'm pretty sure I added your site name to the censor. If you're trying to suggest that none of your accounts were banned because of your disruptive behaviour or that you never fail to articulate yourself clearly, all I can say is that you are wrong. If you're disputing that you were never shut down at the behest of an advertiser, you are wrong.

I want to show that calvin ayre DOES have Satoshi private key and how every poker players crypto is in trouble because of a long player protocol hack.

Its going to take a little nuance and time but I'm hoping for players with technical knowledge on the subject to come by and VET what I'm saying. Remember bluegrassplayer won't let me post this in the bitcoin thread.

Its a security leak for EVERYONE...EVERYONE needs to understand the hack thats going on with bitcoin.

by d2_e4 k

I think you must have not been following along with your own train of thought. The square root of **** all has been revealed here, because you can't reveal anything yet, remember?

Yes we are understanding how the entire industry is rigged. And how 2p2 was used as a hub to do that.

by jbouton k

Yes we are understanding how the entire industry is rigged. And how 2p2 was used as a hub to do that.

Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together.
"shall we have a drink?"
used in formal contexts for or by a royal person, or by a writer or editor, to refer to himself or herself.
"in this section we discuss the reasons"

I guess it's the royal we.

by Bobo Fett k

I've read the entire thread. First off, there is no "we" in this, as usual. And no, you have proved no such thing. I know whereof what I speak, as I was present for a number of those bans and know exactly why they happened, and I'm pretty sure I added your site name to the censor. If you're trying to suggest that none of your accounts were banned because of your disruptive behaviour or that you never fail to articulate yourself clearly, all I can say is that you are wrong. If you're disputing th

Do you believe that the US government ie FBI etc. forced big tech to hold social media sites to project a false narrative about covid science?

If they DID do such a thing, do you believe its a breach of the constitution for the FBI to do this?


by Bobo Fett k

I think she's made it pretty clear she's not a moderator of this forum and therefore can't moderate this thread. Her posts seem pretty clearly to be what she views as good suggestions.

so then mods can actively continue to troll and antagonize op without consequence, thanks for clearing that up

by jbouton k

Do you believe that the US government ie FBI etc. forced big tech to hold social media sites to project a false narrative about covid science?

If they DID do such a thing, do you believe its a breach of the constitution for the FBI to do this?


I'm not following you down your silly rabbit holes. I said what I said, you said it was proven untrue (without explaining what you meant, of course), and I explained that you're wrong. That's it. If you have something more to say about that, I'll reply if it seems appropriate, but I'm not going off on some Covid tangent. Maybe d2 or someone else would like to play along.

by rickroll k

so then mods can actively continue to troll and antagonize op without consequence, thanks for clearing that up

To use a phrase of yours, you're better than this. You know who the mods of this forum are, and you know how to let them know about posts you think are inappropriate. Whether mods of this forum will agree or not, I couldn't say, which is why I didn't.

by Bobo Fett k

I guess it's the royal we.

Perfect Bobo. I don't have records or evidence of you doing this otherwise from the past... But I did want to point this out about you. You have a history with me of calling attention to the way I use pronouns.

You see a long time ago I thought it was unfair that we always say "he" and "him" especially if its anonymous (ie Satoshi), so I started experiment with calling people "they". This was a long time ago and I felt was more accommodative, and in fact I started that HERE.

And isn't it strange then that your trans thread, that the community manager manages, won't let me in because I don't respect this kind of thing?

And all the while you won't stop picking on me for how I choose to use my word in this regard?

I just started copying Nash, who use 'we' often' and sometimes he uses he/she etc.

Why is it a problem with you that WE don't use pronouns the way you demand of me?

by Bobo Fett k

I'm not following you down your silly rabbit holes. I said what I said, you said it was proven untrue (without explaining what you meant, of course), and I explained that you're wrong. That's it. If you have something more to say about that, I'll reply if it seems appropriate, but I'm not going off on some Covid tangent. Maybe d2 or someone else would like to play along.

The FBIDOJ FORCED all the social medias to hold a FALSE narrative of science and our rights and got CAUGHT breaking the constitution.

This is DOCUMENTED, its not a rabbit hole. And I have accused 2p2 of ALSO breaking the constitution in the same manner DUCY?

Its not because you locked the covid thread recently. Thats not why.

Who are the keynesians?


by rickroll k

so then mods can actively continue to troll and antagonize op without consequence, thanks for clearing that up

Don't worry the community manager will fix things for us. Its not a real forum rickroll

by rickroll k

so then mods can actively continue to troll and antagonize op without consequence, thanks for clearing that up

Did you forget how to report a post?

by jbouton k

Perfect Bobo. I don't have records or evidence of you doing this otherwise from the past... But I did want to point this out about you. You have a history with me of calling attention to the way I use pronouns.

You see a long time ago I thought it was unfair that we always say "he" and "him" especially if its anonymous (ie Satoshi), so I started experiment with calling people "they". This was a long time ago and I felt was more accommodative, and in fact I started that HERE.

And isn't it stran

The reason I mentioned this, and I've mentioned it before, is because you use "we" in a way that appears to be nothing more than an attempt to improperly lend credibility to posts. I make a careful post, ensuring what I've posted is accurate, and you hand wave away the heart of it with "We already proved this untrue in this thread, you obviously have read any of it." There is no "we" here. No one has agreed with you on this. The closest thing you had to an ally or at least a sympathetic ear, you accused of being part of the conspiracy. Using "we" is misleading.

by Bobo Fett k

To use a phrase of yours, you're better than this. You know who the mods of this forum are, and you know how to let them know about posts you think are inappropriate. Whether mods of this forum will agree or not, I couldn't say, which is why I didn't.


I was in the back room remember. The mods aren't responding to these things. It would be helpful to explain it a little but basically from a normal posters view, you kinda think like when the mods get a report it goes to a thread which they all frequent and then they all would talk about it etc. and it would bubble around a hierarchy blah blah blah.

rick roll when you report something, it damn near goes unnoticed. Certainly tons of stuff gets unnoticed by tons of mods, not just reports, but anything. Thats nothing new or revealing from the moderation standpoint...like its not a huge reveal...

its just a helpful paradigm to understand. Less frustrating. Your reports are going to go unheeded here, you just need to understand that, and don't let bobo fool you when they say 'just report youre a big boy'.

by jbouton k

And I have accused 2p2 of ALSO breaking the constitution in the same manner DUCY?

Minor technical point, but private citizens and private companies can't "break the constitution". The constitution applies only to government entities and their enforcement arms.
