Bitcoins - digital currency

Bitcoins - digital currency

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer digital currency. Peer-to-peer (P2P) means that there is no central authority to issue new money or keep track of transactions. Instead, these tasks are managed collectively by the nodes of the network. Advantages:

  • Bitcoins can be sent easily through the Internet, without having to trust middlemen.
  • Transactions are designed to be computationally prohibitive to reverse.
  • Be safe from instability caused by fractional reserve banking and central banks. The limited inflation of the Bitcoin system’s money supply is distributed evenly (by CPU power) throughout the network, not monopolized by banks.

Total size 5,811,700 BTC
or 4,585,431 USD
or 3,545,137 EUR
or 133,094,323 RUB
or 3,849 ounces of gold

Any value to this idea or will it never work?

) 22 Views 22
02 April 2011 at 02:44 AM

1373 Replies


That was a real rough 90mins. Thought it was all over.

Anyone know the implied valuation of MSTR's core business separate from its crypto portfolio? Isn't it bubbling hard? Why are people paying a premium for MSTR owning crypto on their behalf?

by crawfurd k

The odds of a friend asking in 2024 "how should I store my coins?" getting successfully social engineered out of your Coinbase money is so much lower than the odds of him doing something stupid and losing the coins in his wallet. It's like the stat about how your handgun is way more likely to kill you than anyone else.

I agree, but at 0.20% you're probably better off just paying the ETF management fee.

by crawfurd k

Anyone know the implied valuation of MSTR's core business separate from its crypto portfolio? Isn't it bubbling hard? Why are people paying a premium for MSTR owning crypto on their behalf?

I honestly don't know the details of that, but I do know every time btc goes up 1k MSTR makes around 30 years of its current yearly revenue. Which is insane.

Saylor is leveraging money-printing into hard btc and he wins whether btc goes up or down. He also end-arounds the SEC's ability to stop trading like GME, leaving all the shorts to get absolutely obliterated when btc rips when market is down. Also, when btc dips, MSTR rips and he buys more btc. Apex chad sh*t.

Edit: and this pops up moments later:

by hansmolman k

That was a real rough 90mins. Thought it was all over.

To thread:

What do we think the yearly low will be for this year? Did we hit it already?

What do we think the new low will be after expected halving bull run and before the next cycle?

And what does RCYFD mean?

what does social engineered out of your coins on CB even mean?

like scammed?

by Onlydo2days k

what does social engineered out of your coins on CB even mean?

like scammed?

Hello, this is the coinbase password manager calling to confirm that you haven’t forgotten your password.

by Onlydo2days k

what does social engineered out of your coins on CB even mean?

like scammed?

Hi Verizon, this is onlydo2days, I got a new phone. Can you switch my number to this sim.

Verizon: sure no problem

Go to gmail forgot password.

Gmail: we need to text you to verify its you. Please input the 6 digits.

OK you're verified. Welcome back to your account.

Go to coinbase forgot password.

Coinbase: we will email you a password reset link.

OK please input a new password for your Coinbase account.

Your coin withdrawal has been initiated.

people are incredibly dumb. People get fished on reddit all the time. I never ever click links through email or texts anymore. I go straight to the website usually.

One guy on reddit somehow copy pasted a spoofed address or something to his ledger so when he was transferring back to CB he actually sent the coins to the phishing address instead of his wallet.

by TeflonDawg k

To thread:

What do we think the yearly low will be for this year? Did we hit it already?

What do we think the new low will be after expected halving bull run and before the next cycle?

And what does RCYFD mean?

Random speculation:

Yearly low (39.5k?) is in. Think we could pull back to mid-40's worst-case scenario (or best-case for dip-buying I suppose). I don't think it's likely we go down that far in 2024 but I don't think the probability is that low either. If the current pullback goes to around 61-62k I'll probably add more there personally.

For new low before next cycle, I think we don't see sub-30k BTC again.

RCYFD is an old oot thing: reading comprehension you freaking dildo. in bold red.

by 27offsuit k

RCYFD is an old oot thing: reading comprehension you freaking dildo. in bold red.

ha, i don't remember that. just noticed we both joined 2p2 july 2004. coming up on 20 year anniversary!

any data on people getting socially engineered? that seems brutal

i do keep my coins in CB

by ThePLOGrinder k

All the bullish sentiment means now is the time to sell.

Buy again after the crash when everyone says it sucks.

I think I was right. Maybe this is the start of the crash. Hope it goes low, I will pile in next time.

by ThePLOGrinder k

I think I was right. Maybe this is the start of the crash. Hope it goes low, I will pile in next time.

by housenuts k

ha, i don't remember that. just noticed we both joined 2p2 july 2004. coming up on 20 year anniversary!

2004 is a top 2p2 vintage imho 😀

I was just ignoring it as some sort of hfsp nonsense but damn, i guess ima dildo

by TeflonDawg k

To thread:

What do we think the yearly low will be for this year? Did we hit it already?

What do we think the new low will be after expected halving bull run and before the next cycle?

2024 low is in.

Next bear market low 50-60k with my money on 60k.

but how much did you win?

Are we there yet ?!

I just read a very good article explaining how bitcon works. It is the biggest scam of all time. When it collapses with will be very fast. Good luck.
I also saw this....

Anyone who reads articles written by Nathan J. Robinson has more patience/time to waste than most people. So I guess RedOak is probably right, it's over.

At least he wished us good luck.

by RedOak k

I also saw this....

Seems legitimate and it's a very convincing argument, especially being so colourful. You also posted it before, back in 2021.

by RedOak k

Fair enough. People here have their minds made up and don't seem to want to see the truth. I will stop posting here until bitcon gets back under $30,000 when I will check-in to see if people got out in time. Good luck to all!!!

And welcome back.

btc downnnnnnnnnn
