Bitcoins - digital currency

Bitcoins - digital currency

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer digital currency. Peer-to-peer (P2P) means that there is no central authority to issue new money or keep track of transactions. Instead, these tasks are managed collectively by the nodes of the network. Advantages:

  • Bitcoins can be sent easily through the Internet, without having to trust middlemen.
  • Transactions are designed to be computationally prohibitive to reverse.
  • Be safe from instability caused by fractional reserve banking and central banks. The limited inflation of the Bitcoin system’s money supply is distributed evenly (by CPU power) throughout the network, not monopolized by banks.

Total size 5,811,700 BTC
or 4,585,431 USD
or 3,545,137 EUR
or 133,094,323 RUB
or 3,849 ounces of gold

Any value to this idea or will it never work?

) 22 Views 22
02 April 2011 at 02:44 AM

1370 Replies


Trump stands between a couple guys making a lightning transaction and 100% didn't pay for any of those burgers, story at 11.

Defund the Media

by 167-169 k

Gotta buy! No place better than BTC park $

It's about to go to 100K

by Alrighty Roo k

I feel bad that I missed out on the real chance to make some money, especially since I've been aware of their existence for a couple of years (but never really looked into them until recently). For people looking to get really rich off these things, that ship has sailed but the concept of a decentralized electronic currency is a spectacular one and I think the signs are there that it has every chance of being a semi-permanent and 'legitimate' currency. It's quite likely that there will be a cras

Just poking around the early days of this thread, it’s fun coming across posts like this one from March 2013.

by Pasghettos k

Just poking around the early days of this thread, it’s fun coming across posts like this one from March 2013.

I’ve had page one open as a tab on my phone for like three years but haven’t gotten around to reading from beginning to end. I also found out about it in 2013 on a freestyle skiing website of all places which is generally like 17-22 year old stoners which I always thought was pretty funny.

But 11 years on from this guy’s post, we’re still “early” in the grand scheme of adoption. This 2024 lull is basically a carbon copy of post-2020 halving and I imagine the market starts heating up within the next month or two (already seeing early signs now).

by johnnyBuz k

But 11 years on from this guy’s post, we’re still “early” in the grand scheme of adoption. This 2024 lull is basically a carbon copy of post-2020 halving and I imagine the market starts heating up within the next month or two (already seeing early signs now).

Bracing for Uptober

while adoption helps... supply shock is the reason for the cyclic behavior and is the fuse for the investment.

by Brokenstars k

My prediction of 80-150k high range feels a bit on the low side given all this immediate price action... Guess we'll see.

Any new guesses for cycle high + timing?

by Brokenstars k

Any new guesses for cycle high + timing?

240k Sep/Oct 2025

So KuCoin is going to permanently close down access for US customers so I have to move all my coins off exchange. I happen to have a small amount of BSV coin. Anyone know of anywhere I can get rid of this? It seems it is delisted on a lot of exchanges.

Sell for USDT. Buy Bitcoin. Transfer off exchange.

Unfortunately, I can't sell on the exchange since I'm from US. I can only withdraw. :'(

Ah. Just look up on CoinGecko which other exchanges it trades on and find one you can make an account on. Why were you holding BSV in the first place?

That's a really good question, but it just kind of happened somehow.

BSV forked off BTC around 2018/19 kinda time. Trezor users didnt get an easy procedure to get it like they did BCH due to replay protection not being implemented properly (I think). However some exchanges did credit people who held BTC with them at the time. It likely came from there.

I could very well be wrong.

P.S. Hope the chop chop chop chop chop seemingly forever is finally over, even if we go down I just want to feel something.

I just used SimpleSwap to exchange my BSV. Hopefully it goes through.

In the meantime, I was using Coinbase Learn and Earn and need to add a friend on the Element wallet so I can get the $3. Anyone have a username there?

For something not impacted by the election, this thing sure looks like it's waiting for the outcome of the election?

What do we think about this Satoshi documentary coming out on HBO? Who the heck is Len Sassaman, the current polymarket front runner to be named Satoshi? I saw a tweet that disqualified this guy because he was presenting at a conference in when Satoshi posted on Bitcoin Talk but didn't look into it.

by BradleyT k

What do we think about this Satoshi documentary coming out on HBO? Who the heck is Len Sassaman, the current polymarket front runner to be named Satoshi? I saw a tweet that disqualified this guy because he was presenting at a conference in when Satoshi posted on Bitcoin Talk but didn't look into it.

There will be nothing new in the documentary

The only way it’ll be proven at this point is if the real Satoshi is alive and comes forward with proof of access to their coins. Seems highly unlikely.

I think the most likely explanation is a team effort from Len, Hal, and/or the early pioneers where they’re all either dead, or if alive, will never come forward.

The Satoshi secrecy is part of the appeal, especially with the assumption the coins in their possession will likely never be moved.

In my mind, Satoshi will never be revealed. The million coins will not be touched. Only way it gets moved is if someday in the future a super quant scary computer that can hack into anything it wants to.

HBOs claim is that


Peter Todd

Is satoshi.

Pretty lame. Seems irresponsible. The qanon doc was way better

by coordi k

HBOs claim is that


Peter Todd

Is satoshi.

Pretty lame. Seems irresponsible. The qanon doc was way better

Yup very lame. What a baseless doc.

So not worthy to watch it. ?

by Montrealcorp k

So not worthy to watch it. ?

I found it interesting but the conclusion is extremely lazy
