Bitcoins - digital currency

Bitcoins - digital currency

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer digital currency. Peer-to-peer (P2P) means that there is no central authority to issue new money or keep track of transactions. Instead, these tasks are managed collectively by the nodes of the network. Advantages:

  • Bitcoins can be sent easily through the Internet, without having to trust middlemen.
  • Transactions are designed to be computationally prohibitive to reverse.
  • Be safe from instability caused by fractional reserve banking and central banks. The limited inflation of the Bitcoin system’s money supply is distributed evenly (by CPU power) throughout the network, not monopolized by banks.

Total size 5,811,700 BTC
or 4,585,431 USD
or 3,545,137 EUR
or 133,094,323 RUB
or 3,849 ounces of gold

Any value to this idea or will it never work?

) 22 Views 22
02 April 2011 at 02:44 AM

1361 Replies


by MSchu18 k

BTC is a 'hard asset'... what is the point of hard assets?

like real estate, art, classic cars, precious metals... what's the point?

the point is that they insulate you from the effects of inflation, and in some instances, governmental overreach.

how do you use a hard asset? you hold it... as soon as you revert it back to currency your barrier becomes null and void.

how do you spend hard assets? you sell them in proportion to what is needed, just as any other hard asset.

how else can hard assets be u

WTF? BTC is literally the opposite of a hard asset.

by ddmullet02 k

WTF? BTC is literally the opposite of a hard asset.

Bitcoin has been called many different things, but I don't think I've ever seen someone call it a soft liability.

by ddmullet02 k

WTF? BTC is literally the opposite of a hard asset.

You should learn what the definition of 'Hard' means in financial terms...
Your assumption is that hard means 'physical'... that is not the correct definition.
Hard means 'not part of the currency system'... as in 'insulated from'.
Money, as in fungible, is a hard asset... currency is not hard because it is subject to manipulation and dilution.

You would know this if you began looking at 'things' Denominated in Satoshi's as opposed to USD or any other currency. When you do this, you can clearly see that nearly all assets will trend towards zero, especially currencies... and this is why Bitcoin is so powerful.

ddmullet02 just got that street mentality is all. 'If I can't hold it in my hand, it ain't real, ya know what I'm saying cuz.'

Market is way overheated right now.

Plz keep going, but this has to be a good spot to take profits.

Also housenuts, serious question, are you a billionaire now?

There were random billionaires itt right?

by Go Get It k

Market is way overheated right now.

Plz keep going, but this has to be a good spot to take profits.

Also housenuts, serious question, are you a billionaire now?

There were random billionaires itt right?

No. But I wouldn't tell you if I was. But I'm not.

by MSchu18 k

You should learn what the definition of 'Hard' means in financial terms...
Your assumption is that hard means 'physical'... that is not the correct definition.
Hard means 'not part of the currency system'... as in 'insulated from'.
Money, as in fungible, is a hard asset... currency is not hard because it is subject to manipulation and dilution.

You would know this if you began looking at 'things' Denominated in Satoshi's as opposed to USD or any other currency. When you do this, you can clearly s

sure, pal

by Sheep86 k

Bitcoin has been called many different things, but I don't think I've ever seen someone call it a soft liability.

[quote=Claude]A hard asset is a physical or tangible asset that has intrinsic value due to its physical properties and natural scarcity. Common examples include:

Real estate (land and buildings)
Precious metals (gold, silver, platinum)
Commodities (oil, natural gas, timber)
Infrastructure (roads, bridges, utilities)
Equipment and machinery
Art and collectibles[/quote]

guess i can see different interpretations of 'hard asset' if you weight more toward one than the other, but i've always viewed the term more as physically tangible assets

by ddmullet02 k

WTF? BTC is literally the opposite of a hard asset.

Think of "hard" in this context as "hard to debase" or "impregnable to debasement."

Here's a short speech that Erik Voorhees gave 6 years ago that succinctly makes the case for Bitcoin being the hardest money ever created (and therefore rational actors are likely to gravitate to it over time; that's the fundamental investment thesis):

We flippin silver and ****.

by pnazari k

I have a question, it may sound like im trolling but im not. Whats the endgame if you have a bunch of btc?

Michael Saylor, cofounder and former CEO of MicroStrategy, whose company has accumulated nearly 280,000 BTC to date, was asked a similar question: What's your exit strategy? His answer: "Bitcoin is the exit strategy." In his view, it’s the apex commodity, so why would he ever sell it?

He likens Bitcoin to Manhattan real estate: If you had been able to buy a block of Manhattan real estate in 1776, when would have been the right time to sell? What if you had bought that block in 1876? Or in 1976? The answer is always never. Manhattan real estate developers have been "buying the top" for 300 years, and he plans to do the same with Bitcoin.

That is the Bitcoin maximalist view.

by pnazari k

I have a question, it may sound like im trolling but im not. Whats the endgame if you have a bunch of btc?

Lets say you have a bunch and it goes to 500k or 1M, you still have to cash it out in some currency to spend it no? Or is the solution something along the lines of should btc go to 1M the infrastructure will be there for you to spend it directly in btc without the need for a middleman currency?

Again, not trolling just curious.

Hodling Bitcoin gives you peace of mind. Collect the yield forever.

I'm thinking BTC is showing TSLA the way forward

by smartDFS k

guess i can see different interpretations of 'hard asset' if you weight more toward one than the other, but i've always viewed the term more as physically tangible assets

think of it as the energy required to produce it. the Bitcoin mining industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that expends a vast amount of physical resources to produce a block and receive the intangible asset of Bitcoin as the reward.

“hard assets” have some level of scarcity associated with them and are generally uncorrelated with financial markets.

gold, unique real estate, famous artwork = hard assets and natural inflation hedges, but inferior to Bitcoin due to their limitations regarding confiscation, storage/portability and/or insurance.

everything in life is moving from analog -> digital which made the “discovery” of the internet of money and digital scarcity a one-time phenomenon. as Saylor says, “there is no second best.”

by johnnyBuz k

think of it as the energy required to produce it. the Bitcoin mining industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that expends a vast amount of physical resources to produce a block and receive the intangible asset of Bitcoin as the reward.

“hard assets” have some level of scarcity associated with them and are generally uncorrelated with financial markets.

gold, unique real estate, famous artwork = hard assets and natural inflation hedges, but inferior to Bitcoin due to their limitations regarding

Well if that was all true it would mean the only thing where a human created something that evolution couldn’t do nothing about it was named bitcoin ?

Pretty big statement .
I’m bullish but I guess I’m not a maximalist.

by agamblerthen k

He likens Bitcoin to Manhattan real estate: If you had been able to buy a block of Manhattan real estate in 1776, when would have been the right time to sell? What if you had bought that block in 1876? Or in 1976? The answer is always never. Manhattan real estate developers have been "buying the top" for 300 years, and he plans to do the same with Bitcoin.

One of these needs to be better than the other.

Just absolutely ripped through 90, then straight to the cusp of 91 before resistance, then straight through 91 to the cusp of 92.

I, for one, just want to say "STOP! PLEASE! GO DOWN!"

Is this why? Even if not, legit jealous of holders living in the USA.

$100k < 10% away... Closing in on 2 Trillion Dollar Market Cap

I mean... it could even be by the end of the day

And DOWN goes 92.

I missed it going to $93k. I wanted to sell a bit there, but it didn't stay there long enough.

the difference between 93k and 91k is just about 2%...
