Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

You gotta have dreams, right?


I'm 28, 5'9, and 67kg. Around 5 years ago, I was 77kg and pretty fat with very little muscle. I then cut on and off for 2 years, making tons of mistakes along the way. I got down to around 59kg, and realized I was way too small and weak. I then did SS, got too fat (ate way too much), then cut again. I then did Madcow 5x5, got too fat, and cut again. Next came 5/3/1, fatness, and another cut. Along the way I plugged many leaks. One of them was that I would count my calories diligently until dinner, and then eat whatever for dinner without going overboard. Looking back, that was a really dumb move because I ended up eating way too much on both cuts and bulks. My cuts were really slow and I put on weight way too quickly when bulking.

Once I figured this out (duh), my previous cut was the best ever and I was pretty easily able to lose weight. Now, I plan on going on a long, slow, bulk (300 calories above maintenance).

That was the introduction to my previous log 3 years ago. I'm now 31, still 5'9, and around 71kg. I did a few bulking and cutting cycles, but it was becoming really monotonous and I was taking a lot of mini breaks. Enter crossfit. I stumbled onto the website of one, signed up for an induction class, and was hooked after day 1. I liked the structure and the competitive nature of it. I also liked how you had to be good at everything to be good at crossfit.

Crossfit Journey

I started in October 2016 and until around December 2017, just did crossfit. I stayed around the same bodyweight, my lifts went up, my endurance improved, my gymnastics got better, I learned the olympic lifts, and I finally didn't have to deal with feeling fat and skinny from all the bulking/cutting cycles. Having said that, I think I've reached the point where I need to do less crossfit to become better at it.

After a year and a half, I think I'm finally a pretty average crossfitter. Here are some of my numbers:

Squat: 127.5
Front Squat: 115
Deadlift: 145
Bench Press: 84 (estimated)
Overhead Press: 62.5
C&J: 77.5
Snatch: 52.5 (a bit old, should be closer to 60)

5k run: 24:37
1k row: 3:40

Jackie: 10:03
Fight Gone Bad: 225
Crossfit Open 2017: 28th percentile
Crossfit Open 2018: 45th percentile

Strict Pullups: 13
Muscle Ups: 1
Handstand Pushups: 14

What I'm doing now

My gymnastics is relatively stronger than my strength and endurance, and my weightlifting is pretty rubbish. Here is a rough weekly plan for the next couple of months.

5/3/1 - 2 sessions a week (combining BS and BP in one session, DL and OHP in the other)
Pete's plan beginner - 3 a week (it's a rowing program, to get a solid aerobic base)
Olympic lifting class - 1/2 a week
Crossfit class - 1/2 a week
Run - 1 a week (I wish I could run more, but it destroys my legs)

The End Goal

The goal is to just become as good at crossfit as I can and to keep getting better. I turn 40 in 2027 and there is a 40-45 division at the Crossfit Games, see you there.

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12 April 2018 at 05:36 PM

385 Replies


Crossfit - Open Gym

Bench Press: 70x5x5 (every 2 minutes)

5 rounds at an easy pace:
1000m row
60 double unders
15 v-ups

36:15 - ave HR 160, max 187


My shoulder felt tweaky for all the warmup sets plus the first working set. I was stubborn and then it went away. I'll keep an eye on it to see if it feels worse now.

I wanted to do strict toes to bar, but my shoulder definitely didn't like the eccentric portion of that, so I was sensible. Double unders felt horrible and spiked my HR. I tried to do all sets unbroken, but the furthest I got was 53m which is when my HR hit 187.

Today was 5x5 squats and another interval session. I'm too old for that after 5x5 deadlifts and an intense metcon yesterday.

Crossfit - Open Gym

54 minute bike at easy pace
every 3 minutes (starting at 0:00) - 13 push ups

19490m, ave HR 157, max 174


Body still feels a bit fatigued from 5x5 deadlifts, so I did another long and easy day with some pushing. I surprised myself by keeping all push ups unbroken. HR would spike 15 beats after the push ups and then I would try and bring it down. It was a nice way to pass the time.

Open Gym and Crossfit

Front Squat: 87.5x5x5 (every 2:30)

Teams of 2:
15 Rounds (each)
Partner 1:
3 pull ups
2 Wall Walks
Partner 2:
10 Calorie Row
-Both athletes work at the same time. Switch when both are completed-

23:07 - 2 strict pull-ups instead of 3 pull-ups - ave HR 181, max 194

For time:
Unbroken bar muscle ups



Amazing day. I went early and squatted. The partner workout was truly brutal as I was with a very fit person and got 0 rest. I didn't kip because my shoulder hurt 4 days ago during a very slow and controlled eccentric portion of a strict toes to bar.

So then it obviously would hurt during the more violet kip of a muscle up, you would think. But it has felt good for a few days now and I went for it and 0 pain! The set of 5 was so easy and this was after a long metcon with lots of pulling. There were 4 of us sharing a bar, so the time was a lot slower than it could have been. But if I can do 10 muscle ups unbroken under fatigue (which I think was doable today), then bring on the Open!


Metcon 1
For time:
100 Single Unders
30 Sit Ups
100 Single Unders
30 V-Ups
100 Single Unders
30 Stick Sit Ups
100 Single Unders

8:33 - ave HR 164, max 181

Metcon 2
3 Sets:
400m hard row
500m easy row
*45 Sec rest between sets.

13:18 - ave HR 170, max 183

10 minute EMOM - 20 crossovers


I love double cardio Sundays. The first bit was fine. One of the cheaters logged an impressive 6:03. I took 1-2 seconds between big sets of single unders and very little rest in the last 2 sit up rounds so 6:03 is definitely something to strive for. Perhaps I should kip my sit ups.

Loved the rowing intervals. I did the hard bits at 1:58, 1:55, and then 1:50, but I definitely did them too slow as my max HR only hit 183.



Front Squat: 90x5x5 (every 2 minutes)

5 rounds for time: (16 minute cap)
10 Lateral Burpee Over Dumbbell
50ft Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge, 22.5kg
20 Calorie Row

14:44 - 15kg DB - ave HR 182, max 192


Fun. Squats are starting to feel solid again. I think I have 130 in me.

I over-respected the metcon and went too light on the DB. Round times were 2:39, 2:58, 3:04, 3:18, 2:39. This would be a pretty good test of cardio. I went at like 95%, but 100% would be hell with having to row much faster.

by feel wrath k


I'm on team high HR


Bench Press: 72.5x5x5 (every 2 minutes)

10x50ft Shuttle Runs
5 Wall Walks
10x50ft Shuttle Runs
15 Deadlifts, 82.5kg

4+1 - 7 shuttle runs, 4 wall walks, 70kg DLs


I realized I made a dumb mistake yesterday. My default thinking for lunges was 2 dumbbells. So I thought using 22.5s would be hard and I scaled heavily to 15s. But it was just 1, and the difference between a 22.5 and a 15 isn't that much. Oh well.

Today was good. Bench was RPE 8.5. I heavily scaled the metcon to get to the recommended rounds of 4. I could have easily done Rx and done maybe 3 and a bit rounds, but that would have missed the point of it. 2 hard days in a row, I am definitely getting too old for this. Shuttle runs were shuttle walks/crawls at the end. Round times 3:09, 3:41, 4:04, 4:01. DLs unbroken.

Crossfit - Open Gym

At easy pace:
5000m bike
25 strict pull-ups
5000m bike
40 pistol squats
5000m bike
25 strict pull-ups
5000m bike

1:01:07 - ave HR 151, max 166


I came up with this. I basically wanted an hour of easy cardio with some stuff I have missed last week. It is way more enjoyable than just an hour on a machine.

C2 bike pace was 2:25.5. Strict pull-ups were in 3:20 and 2:50. Pistols took 5:20. I wasn't warm at all for the first set of pull-ups, so the second set was actually faster!

Weightlifting and Open Gym

Snatch: 45, 45, 45, 45, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 50, 50, 50, 50 (EMOM
Clean and Jerk: 50, quit

C2 bike: 60 minutes, 25198m, 2:22.9, ave HR 144


Well ****. I thought my shoulder was healing up, but it seems like weightlifting is the only thing I can't do. Quite annoying. It hurt when receiving snatches. One good thing from today is that I learned how to brace while catching it because that lessened the pain. I should be doing that anyway. Bike was bike.


Metcon 1
EMOM 15:
Minute 1: 10 Stick Sit Ups
Minute 2: 10 Kettlebell Swings, 32kg
Minute 3: 10 Deficit Push Ups, 4"

I think I did 6" deficit push ups and still too easy

Metcon 2
1600m row at moderate-hard pace
1 minute rest
800m row at hard pace
2 minutes rest
8x50m row spring, 30 seconds at easy pace

18:18 - 1600m row at 2:08, 800m row at 1:58, sprints hit 1:29


Loving double cardio Sundays.


Front Squat: 97.5x3x5 (every 2 mintues)

For time: (16 minute cap)
15 Calorie Row
15 Toes to Bar
100ft Front Rack Carry, 2x32kg KBs
5 Bar Muscle Ups

16:00 - 12 toes to bar, 22.5kg DBs, 5/4/4/2 BMU


Front squats felt strong. I've been doing this entire cycle 5% below the percentages prescribed though, so that may be why ha.

The metcon was so disappointing. I did the first set of MU unbroken and then just fell apart. I did 2+2 in the second round, then failed 1 and did 2+2 again in round 3 that I have no idea how I did. I did 2, then failed a couple after the time cap. They felt so good the other day, but I guess this workout was very grippy. Still, the others who did muscle ups didn't seem to face this problem. Blah.

I feel something in my right bicep as well after Sunday. The only thing it could possibly be from was the rowing sprints. It certainly isn't from push-ups and kettlebell swings. So I am fat, a few niggles, and the Open is coming up.


Bench Press: 77.5x3x5 (every 2 minutes)

5 sets: (18 minute cap)
5 Shuttle Runs
1 Handstand Walk (25ft) (or 2 Wall Walks)
5 Shuttle Runs
1 Handstand Walk (25ft) (or 2 Wall Walks)
5 Shuttle Runs
-rest 1:1 between sets-
* Each shuttle run is 25 feet down + 25 feet back (50 feet total)

16:58 - 4 shuttle runs per round, 2 wall walks


Pretty fun day. Bench felt really strong and was RPE 8.5 in the last set.

The metcon was brutal, proper intervals. My first round was in 1:42 and then it got slower to 1:58.

Crossfit/Open Gym

Deadlift: 125x3x5 (every 2:30-3:00)

For Time:
75 Air Squats
25 Push Ups
50 Wall Balls, 9kg
25 Push Ups
75 Air Squats

8:55 (did this last year with a 12kg WB in 10:39)


Really, really good day. I think one of the reasons for my overall fatigue is that I snore a LOT. My ex was a deep, deep, sleeper and had no clue. My current gf complained on day 1. I've downloaded apps that record myself, and am trying lots of different things and it's become better. All the research seems to say that snoring impacts your sleep a lot even if you think you sleep well. I've had 3 days of good sleep now (with better snore scores) and my RHR is down a bit. Let's see what happens.

Deadlifts were fine. I nearly used a 12kg WB to compare my time from last year, but this metcon was intended to be a sprint and 9kg seemed better. I think I would be a minute slower MAXIMUM, so still nice gains.

Air squats were in 2:01 and 2:32. Push ups in 0:33 and 1:29. Wall balls in 2:19.

New shoes warrants a video after a while.


C2 Bike: 40 minutes, 16415m, 2:26.2, ave HR 138


First ever average HR in the 130s. Although that's because I decided to go super slow as I've just done 3 hard days in a row. Pleasant.


AMRAP 30: (In Teams of 2)
150 Double Unders (Split)
100ft Walking Lunge (Together)
50 Alt Dumbbell Snatches (22.5kg) (Split)
25 Bar Muscle Ups (Split)

Did 2 muscle ups in the 4th round - 17.5kg DB, 8 muscle ups per round

EMOM 7: 10 crossovers and 7 ring rows every minute


One of the better days for 2 reasons. My muscle ups are back. I just need to remember to do the fast sit up earlier. The 8 I did in the 3rd round were at a HR of 185+ with very little rest. No singles. It was either 3+3+2 or 4+2+2.

The second reason is that I absolutely died today. I am sure I hit 190 after 2 rounds. But because it was a partner workout and the rest was basically 1:1, I managed to keep going. If this was an individual workout, I wouldn't have done this much. Sometimes it's good to be pushed beyond what you think your limits are. I am putting today's pain in the memory bank for the Open.

Crossfit - Open Gym

1 Snatch with the empty bar and stopped

OHP: 50x5x5 (every 3 minutes)

Assault Bike: 60 minutes, 490 cal, ave HR 147


I still can't snatch because of my shoulder. I am going to forget about it until the Open and just see what I can do. OHP was low RPE.

Crossfit and Bike

Bench Press: 82.5x2x5 (every 2 minutes)

Every 3:00 (5 sets)
10 Calorie Air Bike/Row/Ski
20 Wall Balls, 9kg
50 Double Unders

1:41, 1:43, 1:41, 1:35, 1:34 - 8 cal row, 16 WBs, 35 DU

C2 Bike: 30 minutes, 12360m, 2:25.7, ave HR 146


Fun day. I might have overscaled the metcon because the rounds were supposed to take 2 minutes. I don't think I was warm enough as well because the last round felt easier. Double unders were unbroken in the last 2 rounds. Still, this RPE is a lot better than when I kill myself.

I was meant to bike in the evening, but went home and did it 45 minutes later.


Front Squat: 105x2x5

Kettlebell Swings (American), 24kg
Kettlebell Box Step Ups, 24kg, 20"

14:33 - 20kg KB - ave HR 178, max 191


Another good day. Squats felt both hard and easy at the same time. The second rep in most sets were a struggle, but never in doubt. I am unsure if I will hit new PRs in squat and bench in a couple of weeks, but that's fine since I've upped the cardio and am very very marginally leaner.

The metcon was a grind.


Metcon - 20.1
10 rounds for time: (15 minute cap)
8 Ground-to-Overhead, 43kg
10 Bar Facing Burpees

7+2 (128 reps, +9 reps vs 2019) - ave HR 184, max 192

Incline DB Bench: 20sx10, 22.5sx10x2
Band Chest Fly: 3x12
Double DB Skull Crushers: 10sx10x3


That was no fun. I picked this day to go close to 100% to see where my fitness is at. +9 reps vs 4 years ago isn't really great. The Open is in 2 weeks. BUT, I think I go faster on game day with the additional motivation. And, I couldn't drop the bar here and I could drop it last time. It feels like 8 rounds is doable.

Dropping the bar and singles in everything is a cheat code in crossfit. 8 singles probably takes 4-5 seconds less vs touch n go. And you end up with a much lower HR and way less fatigue on your body by not lowering the bar 56 times.

Round times were 1:34, 1:50, 1:58, 2:07, 2:26, 2:33, 2:19. I just lost motivation in the middle. It was mostly 4+4 clean and jerks. I did a few snatches in the second round and the last 2 reps were snatches. Snatches were pain free until I had to drop a bit deeper to catch it.


Teams of 2
5 sets (each/1:1)
2:00 AMRAP
15m Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge, 22.5kg
12 Toes to Bar
Max Calorie Echo Bike in the remaining time

R1 - 13 - ave HR 166, max 177
R2 - 13 - ave HR 173, max 181
R3 - 12 - ave HR 175, max 182
R4 - 10 - ave HR 176, max 184
R5 - 4 - ave HR 177, max 184

Minute 0-2: Max Kipping Handstand Push Ups
Minute 3: REST
Minute 4: Max Strict Handstand Push Ups
Minute 5: REST
Minute 6: Max Push Ups

18, 5, 26


Another fun day. My goal was unbroken toes to bar and I did it for 4 rounds. The last round was 6 and 6 singles. So close! But still promising. I didn't really go too hard on the bike as my max HR shows.

The little finisher at the end was pretty nice. I might do that more often as a fun way of getting more pressing.


C2 Bike: 60 minutes, 25259m, 2:22.5, ave HR 139


Lowest ever HR for an hour and pace is decent. Started really slowly again because old. First 5 minute split was 2:33 and the last was 2:17


Bench Press: 67.5x3x10 (EMOM)

4 sets:
500m Row
Max Bar Muscle Ups
-rest 1:00 between sets-

23 - 5/7/5/6


Really good day. This week is a bit of a lighter week before testing 1RMs next week. Bench was super easy.

BMU are back for good. I just need to always remember the fast sit up at the end. I did the first set 3+2 on a lower bar, then moved to a better one and did the last 3 sets unbroken!!! The row was at a strategic slow 2:10.


30 minutes, 12658m, 2:22.2, ave HR 139


2/24 in today's metcon. Although it was a metcon that was 95% gymnastics and 5% cardio.

Double session today, 30 minutes seems a breeze after the hour+ ones.

The Open is in 10 days. I'm in a good place with training. I'm down 1-2kg and all the extra cardio seems to be kicking in.


Front Squat: 85x3x10 (EMOM)

14 Alternating Hang Dumbbell Clean and Jerk, 22.5kg
12 Burpee Over Dumbbell
10 Toes to Bar

6+1 - 17.5kg DB - ave HR 180, max 192 (+3 reps vs last year)


I felt fresh going into today, but it was a bit disappointing overall. Front Squats felt heavy and not fun.

I wanted to get 6.5 rounds but just about beat my score from last year. It's time to accept that my cardio just isn't improving as fast as my strength/gymnastics. Round times were 2:16, 2:34, 2:44, 2:44, 2:52, and 2:50. Toes to bar were all 6+4, except the last round was 7,1,1,1.


C2 Bike: 60 minutes, 25036m, 2:23.8, ave HR 141


Grinding away. Tomorrow is 15.5. Let's see if I can do somewhat decently. After that, I'll lower volume for a week before the Open. I probably need a lighter week anyway.
