Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games
You gotta have dreams, right?
I'm 28, 5'9, and 67kg. Around 5 years ago, I was 77kg and pretty fat with very little muscle. I then cut on and off for 2 years, making tons of mistakes along the way. I got down to around 59kg, and realized I was way too small and weak. I then did SS, got too fat (ate way too much), then cut again. I then did Madcow 5x5, got too fat, and cut again. Next came 5/3/1, fatness, and another cut. Along the way I plugged many leaks. One of them was that I would count my calories diligently until dinner, and then eat whatever for dinner without going overboard. Looking back, that was a really dumb move because I ended up eating way too much on both cuts and bulks. My cuts were really slow and I put on weight way too quickly when bulking.
Once I figured this out (duh), my previous cut was the best ever and I was pretty easily able to lose weight. Now, I plan on going on a long, slow, bulk (300 calories above maintenance).
That was the introduction to my previous log 3 years ago. I'm now 31, still 5'9, and around 71kg. I did a few bulking and cutting cycles, but it was becoming really monotonous and I was taking a lot of mini breaks. Enter crossfit. I stumbled onto the website of one, signed up for an induction class, and was hooked after day 1. I liked the structure and the competitive nature of it. I also liked how you had to be good at everything to be good at crossfit.
Crossfit Journey
I started in October 2016 and until around December 2017, just did crossfit. I stayed around the same bodyweight, my lifts went up, my endurance improved, my gymnastics got better, I learned the olympic lifts, and I finally didn't have to deal with feeling fat and skinny from all the bulking/cutting cycles. Having said that, I think I've reached the point where I need to do less crossfit to become better at it.
After a year and a half, I think I'm finally a pretty average crossfitter. Here are some of my numbers:
Squat: 127.5
Front Squat: 115
Deadlift: 145
Bench Press: 84 (estimated)
Overhead Press: 62.5
C&J: 77.5
Snatch: 52.5 (a bit old, should be closer to 60)
5k run: 24:37
1k row: 3:40
Jackie: 10:03
Fight Gone Bad: 225
Crossfit Open 2017: 28th percentile
Crossfit Open 2018: 45th percentile
Strict Pullups: 13
Muscle Ups: 1
Handstand Pushups: 14
What I'm doing now
My gymnastics is relatively stronger than my strength and endurance, and my weightlifting is pretty rubbish. Here is a rough weekly plan for the next couple of months.
5/3/1 - 2 sessions a week (combining BS and BP in one session, DL and OHP in the other)
Pete's plan beginner - 3 a week (it's a rowing program, to get a solid aerobic base)
Olympic lifting class - 1/2 a week
Crossfit class - 1/2 a week
Run - 1 a week (I wish I could run more, but it destroys my legs)
The End Goal
The goal is to just become as good at crossfit as I can and to keep getting better. I turn 40 in 2027 and there is a 40-45 division at the Crossfit Games, see you there.
Teams of 2
2000m Row
200 Wall Balls, 9kg
2000m Row
100 Dumbbell Box Step Ups, 22.5s/24"
2000m Row
IDK time (35 something?), did 50 lunges with 17.5s
Fun partner workout. We split the row up into 500m sections and I kept it around 1:57. I did lunges to be careful with my knee, but the pain seems to be gone.
12 min AMRAP:
200m Run
10 Strict Pull-Ups
-Rest 2 Min-
12 min AMRAP:
200m Run
20 Push-Ups
-Rest 2 Min-
12 min AMRAP:
200m Run
30 Air Squats
5+13 - 5+run+5/5+150m run/5+50m run
I weighed in the 76s today, from the 78s 3 weeks ago. Progress. I am quite pleased with today. I was about 20-30s faster than last year on the first bit and then just hung on. It's not a big improvement at all, but I was a lot lighter last year and this is all bodyweight.
12 min AMRAP:
200m Run
10 Strict Pull-Ups
-Rest 2 Min-
12 min AMRAP:
200m Run
20 Push-Ups
-Rest 2 Min-
12 min AMRAP:
200m Run
30 Air Squats
5+run+1 pull-up, 5+150m run, 5+100m run
I loved today. 36 minutes of cardio, and a bit of an upper body pump. My push ups are as strong as ever - it must be because my bench has gone from 87.5 to 95.
3 Clean Grip Deadlifts + 2 Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Push Jerk: 55, 60, 65, 70, 75
For Time: (Partition as desired)
100 Calorie Assault Bike
100 Calorie Row
15:48 - 100 row/85 assault bike/15 echo bike
I think those are my heaviest clean and jerks in 4 months. Shoulder is 100%. The metcon was a bit of a logisitics nightmare. I did 2:00 row/2:00 AB/2:00 row/2:00 AB/2:25 row (to finish)/some echo/finished the assault bike. Fun
Open Gym
Front Squat: 70x5, 80x5, 90x5, 70x5x5
Bench Press: 52.5x5, 60x5, 70x5, 52.5x5x10
Single Arm DB Row: 22.5x10x4
Every 1:00
5 Power Snatch (50-55%) - 35kg
-rest 1:00-
Every 1:00 (5:00)
3 Power Snatch (60-65%) - 42.5kg
-rest 1:00-
Every 30-seconds (5:00)
1 Power Snatch - 50kg
Tabata (20 secs on/10 secs off)
100 Back Squats, 42.5kg
100 Abmat Sit Ups
* The sit-ups are not a tabata.
10:47 - 20kg OHP
My shoulder is 100%. Cannot wait to get back into weightlifting properly. I subbed out the back squats for OHP because my knee is bothering me. 8 days off now and I hope I come back with no niggles.
too far forward at the catch?
I'm sure it's because it's light and you're so keen to drop it on the mat in front of you but you're missing that forward if that's your catch position with a heavier one
Open Gym
Front Squat: 70x5, 80x5, 90x5
Bench Press: 50x5, 60x5, 70x5
Deadlift: 90x5, 102.5x5, 115x5
Strict Pull-ups: 3x10 (super setted throughout)
Nice way to ease back into things after 7 days off. Body feels great!
We went to an incredible all inclusive resort. The food was amazing and I stuffed myself. I somehow weigh the same. I think I lost 1kg of muscle and put on 1kg of fat. That's my theory. Because I am blobby.
I did one pilates session and then got pretty into swimming. I was swimming 40 minutes every day. Rubbish technique, but I kept moving.
too far forward at the catch?
I'm sure it's because it's light and you're so keen to drop it on the mat in front of you but you're missing that forward if that's your catch position with a heavier one
I am a bit far forward, but I think that's a symptom of something that has happened before. I am not sure what.
Burpee to Bar (6in)
50 Single Unders after each set
Extensive warmup, very enjoyable to just focus on one thing. I actually feel pretty good cardio wise after a week off. The swimming must have helped.
Metcon - Barbara
5 rounds for time: (42 minute cap)
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Air Squats
3:00 rest between rounds
33:20 - 3:57, 3:56, 4:20, 4:36, 4:30 (16/24/32/40 reps of each)
Really happy with this and being nearly a minute faster than last year. I was scared going into it after a holiday and being fat, but I guess my cardio and push ups are better. Pull-ups were 4x4 in 45-60 seconds and no push up set was more than 3. Quick breaks. Quite tired now.
Metcon - Barbara
5 rounds for time: (35 minute cap)
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Air Squats
3:00 rest between rounds
34:09 - 16/24/32/40 reps of each
Phew, this was no fun with hayfever. I did it RX while doing Linchpin, but scaled it perfectly to get in under the timecap. My pull-up technique is bad again, sigh. They were in 3-4 sets. Pushups started off in quick 4s, and then down to singles at the end. My first round was in 3:36, second ~ 4, third ~ 4:15,
In 15:00:
2000m Row
-in the remaining time, build to Heavy Single Clean and Jerk
Row in 8:15 at 2:03.5
80, 85, 90, 95f, 95 (after time was up)
3 rounds of DB Good morning, DB 1.5 Goblet Squats, Calf Raises
SO FUN. Instructions for the row was to go at 75%. I was quite pleased with 2:03 being relatively fine. It was my first heavy clean and jerks in 5 months and I got to within 1kg of my PR!!! The jerks are so ugly though. But so promising.
3 sets:
3 Rounds (in each set):
10 Bench Press, 60kg
20 Bent Over Banded Rows
-rest 1:1 between sets-
16:46 - 2:57, 3:35, 3:36
4 sets
15 Seated Dumbbell Curls (light/moderate)
15 Seated Double Dumbbell Tricep Extensions (light/moderate)
7.5kg and 7.5kgs
Today was bodybuilding disguised as crossfit. I loved it. I feel huge right now.
I can't stress enough how great the one week off was. There are no niggles, my tennis elbow has disappeared. I think I was in a constant state of overtraining before. I really should have done 50kg for bench, although 90 reps was a lot.
My stomach issues have also vanished. I suspect it was eating undercooked chickpeas 5 days a week for 2 years staight. I forgot to buy them one week and then it vanished. Sometimes I'm an idiot.
800m Run
Heavy Double Power Snatch
800m Run
55, 60, 62.5f (failed the 2nd)
Bulgarian Split Squat: 10sx10x3
Plate Front Raise: 15x10x3
I'm just going head first into heavy weightlifting, just to see where I'm at. My snatch form is probably the worst it's been. It's time to start grinding weightlifting again. I'm down to 75.5kg now from 78.5. I have been trading crypto every waking hour for a month (more than before) and just don't have the time to be hungry.
40 Min (Zone 2 Pace)
Buy In: 1 mile run
AMRAP in remaining time:
1,000m Row/Ski
100ft Dual Kettlebell Overhead Carry, 2x20kg
2,000m Bike Erg
30 Sec Supinated Passive Hang
Did 3 rounds in 42:33 - row/ski, row/bike, row/bike
Zone 2 in crossfit! I love it. Althoguh I think I was the only one going at an easy pace.
Open Gym + Crossfit
Front Squat: 80x5, 90x5, 100x5
2x800m Run
-rest 2:00 after each set-
3 Sets:
20 Pull-ups
40 Push-ups
60 Air Squats
-rest 2:00 between sets-
32:10 - (3:33, 3:25) --- (4:53, 5:48, 6:28)
One of the harder sessions. I think the combination of going in the afternoon (the heat), cycling there, extra front squats, just killed me. I still hung on pretty well. The runs were decent and the last set in 6:28 isn't the worst. It's Murph next week and I think I'm going to do it unpartitioned for the first time. Anything under an hour is fine.
100x5 front squats were really heavy. I am not at my strongest. The week off + losing a bit of weight will do that.
6 rounds:
12 Calorie Air Bike
12 Overhead Squats, 35kg
7:43 - C2 bike, 25kg
4 sets:
15 Strict Toes to Bar
30yd Single DB Overhead Carry (Left– as heavy as possible)
30yd Single DB Overhead Carry (Right – as heavy as possible)
:30 sec Side Plank on Forearm (each side)
*Rest 2:00 b/t sets
Toes to bar - 10,8,8,8
OH carries - 17.5, 17.5, 20, 20
LOVED today. I had 30kg on the bar and changed last minute to 25 and it was subtle, but made all the difference. This was meant to be a 7-9 minute sprint and was meant to feel like a 2k row. If I had gone 30 or even 35, I would have biked slowly to recover a bit more for the squats and it wouldn't have felt like a 2k row. But going lighter meant I pushed the pace on the bike, and I hit the stimulus. And less wear and tear on the body. Round times were 1:04, 1:13, 1:20, 1:23, 1:21, 1:19.
Grace tomorrow, Murph on Monday. Training is going well, diet is going well. Work is going well. Relationship is going well. It is a start contrast to a year ago which was the lowest point in my life. I hope I didn't just jinx it.
Build to a heavy Power Clean: 90, 95, 100 (=PB)
Hang Muscle Cleans: 40x8x3 (sandbagged this to get ready for Grace)
Metcon - Grace
For time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 61kg
4:28 with 55kg
12/07/2018 - 5:22, 40kg
10/05/2022 - 4:57, 52.5kg
*****Today - 4:28, 55kg
Pretty amazing. Training is going so well. 100 power clean was pretty comfortable. I dabbled with doing Grace Rx, but decided to go heavier and faster than last time. I paced it pretty well and almost overpaced it. I did 3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/1/1/2/2. Not being able to drop the bar was again a massive headache. I think I could do this same time with 30 singles at 61kg.
Congrats re the pr and it looks like you had more in you
Re Grace, I can’t imagine how annoying it would be not to be able to dump the bar. iirc my pr attempts I would touch and go about 10-11 reps and then a short rest, do a few doubles and then singles all the way with a dump and re-set. It’s only really the grip and forearms that are a problem with doing a load of touch and go to start it off
It’s such a fun wod though. Probably my favourite
Your footwork on power cleans looks a lot better from that angle. Looks like you're doing less starfishing on the catch.
Congrats re the pr and it looks like you had more in you
Re Grace, I can’t imagine how annoying it would be not to be able to dump the bar. iirc my pr attempts I would touch and go about 10-11 reps and then a short rest, do a few doubles and then singles all the way with a dump and re-set. It’s only really the grip and forearms that are a problem with doing a load of touch and go to start it off
It’s such a fun wod though. Probably my favourite
Thanks! And yeah it's a ballache. Grace is shooting up my list of favourite benchmarks as well. I really think I could do it in 4 minutes with 30 singles.. might have to make the trek to our other location to try it out.
Your footwork on power cleans looks a lot better from that angle. Looks like you're doing less starfishing on the catch.
Unfortunately, it is the angle. I was starfishing a lot
Overhead Press: Build to a heavy single
60, 65, 70
Bench Press, 82.5kg
Ring Rows
7+6 - 50kg
Lose weight, OHP goes down. PR is 72.5. I wish I got this rep on video. It was a 10 second grinder. Metcon was cool, I feel pumped now. I went a bit lighter to get more reps in. Light weightlifting tomorrow and then unpartitioned Murph for the first time on Monday! 55 minutes would be cool, but I'll take anything under an hour.
5 Strict Snatch Press Behind The Neck + 3 Tempo Overhead Squat: 20, 20, 30, 30
3 Position Snatch (High Hang, Hang, Floor): 30, 35, 5-7 sets at 40
It's nice to be weightlifting again. My overhead mobility has gone down the drain. Every rep of a snatch was a fight. I hope it just comes back as I snatch more. Rest day tomorrow, then Murph on Monday. I am dabbling with the idea of doing a very unsexy 50 sets of 2 or 100 singles for pull-ups.
Whatever keeps you moving for Murph - no shame in 2-4-6 or maybe 3-6-9 (what I am trying for half Murph, goal sub 20 minutes…my shoulder can’t handle the volume of full Murph now). Good luck!
my rowing buddy is doing Murph a day in May. also using weight vest. seems like an utterly ridiculous thing to to
Metcon - Murph
For Time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Air Squats
1 mile Run
Partition the Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, and Air Squats as needed, with a 10kg weight vest
1:00:23 - unpartitioned, no weight vest
2019 - 50:24 - 20 x 5/10/15
2021 - 48:03 - 20 x 5/10/15
2022 - 45:24 - 20 x 5/10/15
2023 - 48:30 - 10 x 10/20/30
2024 - 60:23 - 100/200/300
Not pleased, not disappointed. I gave it my all, paced it well, and my lower back bothered me during the middle of the air squats.
First run - 8:10. Fairly comfortable
100 pull-ups - 11:25. I think I did 35 sets of 2. And then 30 quick singles. I was thinking 10-12 minutes, so as expected.
200 push-ups - 16:00. Again, according to plan really. I did 54 sets of 2. Then 92 singles. Quick breaks. All under control. I never really slowed down or blew up.
300 air squats - 14:32. This is where I lost a lot of time. My lower back bothered me. I was doing sets of 3 at the end and I had to shake it off to continue. I would have quit if this was regular training, but I wanted to finish it. The pain was a lot less than other hinging/squatting workouts, so this won't affect me going forward.
Second run - 9:30. This was run-walk because of my back. I "sprinted" for 20 seconds, walked for 10 seconds. Repeat.
Mostly fine. I'm going to set an ambitious goal of 52 minutes for next year. My stomach problems have gone away, my energy levels are back. I feel like a year of training like this will do me wonders. I was constantly at 80% earlier because of my stomach. Headaches, low energy, dehydrated.
I will also likely never use a vest for Murph, because that seems like a stupid idea for my level of fitness. So this is as hard a version as I will do. Beating my 20x5/10/15 time and going sub 45 would be cool eventually.